Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 248: The Key Soul Gem

Thanos, who launched the ruthless attack, lived up to his name, his steel armor was torn open like paper, and he pulled Stark out with one hand.

This scene declared that the power of mortals was finally defeated by the gods.

The Iron Man at this meeting has been seriously injured, with several broken bones all over his body, unable to move.

Thanos lifted him up and whispered in his ear: "I admire you, Mr. Stark. After my plan succeeds, half of humanity will survive, I hope they will remember you

"You are a true fighter and I will give you a decent death."


Strange, who was unconscious at the side, woke up at some point, he whispered: "Let him go, I will give you the rough stone.

Thanos gave him a thoughtful look and nodded.

A gemstone exuding a green brilliance slowly floated into Thanos' hands.

"Why give it to him?"

Thanos and the Black Order left, Stark was too weak to stand up, he still turned his head to Strange, gritted his teeth: "Do you know, he will destroy 3.5 billion people!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark."

Strange said lightly: "He has already obtained the Mind Gem, and he can use it to control me at any time, so as to obtain the Time Gem."

"And, he can only get three gems at most. Of the six Infinite Gems, three are in Thor's hands, which he can't get anyway"".

"But Thanos just said that Asgard is also in trouble now."

Strange shook his head: "No, their troubles are probably over by now."

In the distance, a supersonic fighter roared and rushed to land, and a vigorous figure jumped down.

"Oh! Mr. Stark, what happened? Why is it so badly hurt?"

T'Challa, the Black Panther who had reclaimed his throne, was the first to arrive, and lifted him up with a concerned face.

"Your injuries are serious, and you may be paralyzed. Come back to Wakanda with me, and we will heal you."

He greeted Strange and helped Stark onto the plane.

Strange watched the fighter plane leave.

A golden circle of light slowly appeared beside him, Fatty Wang came out with a complicated face, and asked in bewilderment, "Why did you hand over the Eye of Agamotto?"

"You lied to him. As the holder of the Time Gem, even the Mind Gem has no control over it.

Strange was silent for a while, then whispered: "Because, in the ending we want, Stark is an indispensable part."

All was settled when Thor dealt with Sirte's threats and contacted Stark.

Vision was killed and Stark was seriously injured.

What's more, Thanos has collected both gems!

The status of the six rough stones is the same, no one is higher than the other.

It stands to reason that mastering power, reality, and big gems is the place to lose.

But the problem is that Thor knows very well that the only thing he really uses is a power gem.

Reality Gem is also a liquid in the state of ether. Asgard doesn't study it enough.

The Teleportation Ability of the Space gem is very useful to others, but I have mastered both Sling Ring and Bifrost, which is useless...

And Thanos knows Infinite Gems far better than anyone else, and he can play with every gem.

Thor thought for a moment and made a call.

The phone displays a busy tone.

Then I made several phone calls, but none of them got through. Thor's face was a little dignified.

Here's how to get in touch with the Guardians of Galaxy folks.

Thanos is already on the move. As the strongest existence among gemstone owners, the three gemstones on his body must be the most difficult to obtain in the eyes of Thanos, and Thanos will definitely try to obtain other rough gemstones first...

No one knows better than him what it means for Yinhu to lose contact at this time.


In a room at Holy Place No. 2, a group of scientific researchers are manipulating a set of cutting instruments to cut a piece of green metal.

Thanos watched Tiger blankly from the side.

This is Vision's skull. I don't know where this strange alloy came from. No matter what, (Qian Qianzhao) can't break it open.

The Mind Gem that I have already obtained, but because of this thing, I still can't get it off.

An abrupt voice came: "Why let him go?"

Thanos didn't look back: "He has given me the gem."

"Don't forget your agreement with my master!"

"I promised to destroy Kamar-Taj, and I will do it naturally, and I will never break my promise. Don't treat me as your master who can't afford to lose." Thanos stopped his movements, turned back and said in a deep voice: "How do I, I have the final say."

He also had some disdain in his heart, if he promised something, he would definitely abide by it, instead of beating around the bush to take advantage of loopholes.

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