Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 249: Changing Souls For Souls

Asgard, Thor pondered for a long time, and finally made up his mind.

Although Nebula is not in Thanos' hands in this life, Thanos can also force Gamora to submit by torturing the Silver Guardians, especially Star-Lord.

He couldn't count on how long Gamora could delay, the initiative had to be regained.

He whispered, "Natalia, come with me."

"where to?"

"Vomir Star.

Under the ruins of the Golden Hall, Hela pulled out the corpse of an Asgard soldier.

With a wave of his hand, a dark green light covered him. Green flames were burning strangely in the soldier's eyes.

Both Frigga and the three Asgard warriors behind him frowned. This behavior is tantamount to desecrating the bodies of soldiers who died heroically.

But they had to.

Jean Gray put her hand on his head, trying to check his memory.

A few minutes later, he shook his head: "His memory has been defective, and the important part is lost. Or, he didn't see..."

Hela said indifferently: "Then change it. Asgard's palace treasury, even I can't force it into it, let alone quietly. If you don't find out the reason, it will be a time bomb. You may not be so lucky next time .

"Or, we have an inner ghost with a high status, and there are more than one."

Several people glanced at Loki. From their point of view, Loki is the biggest suspect, because of his background and previous convictions...  

Loki is expressionless.

Frigg shook her head and said, "It won't be Loki, I trust him."

Hela continued: "There is also a possibility that a very powerful magician opened a portal. The Golden Hall has a lot of restrictions, and there are not many magicians who can use space magic here."

As far as I know, there is one on Earth. "

Hela will never forget (ahde), the bald aunt was able to beat her in seconds, and she can open the door at will in Odin's seal......

"The Sorcerer Supreme of Kamar-Taj - Ancient One. But she is dead.

Frigg still shook her head.

Vomir Star, this is a dead planet.

Obviously, some atmospheres also have water that can support human survival, and are suitable for survival in all aspects, but there is no trace of any biological existence.

Oh, there should be one on top of the mountain, if he doesn't count as a creature...

As soon as Natalia came here, her face changed.

She had seen this place before, in—— Wanda's frightening dream.

"This place has a nice view, what do you think? If it weren't for something happening right now, it would be nice to come here for a vacation."

Thor was not used to the depressing atmosphere here, so he joked.

In normal times, Natalia would have slapped him with anger—this kind of place where people don’t shit or lay eggs, you tell me you’re on vacation? Is this an easy way to get rid of my old lady?

But now, she didn't blow her hair, but looked at Thor with full eyes.

"Well, you can do whatever you say."

Thor glanced at her somewhat, inexplicably.

When did Black widow become so gentle?

He couldn't help touching her forehead with his hand...

It stands to reason that this is another action that can make her go crazy.

However, Natalia still smiled slightly, grabbed Thor's hand, and covered her face.

Thor: "???"

Hell today.

Well, I really saw a ghost today, a monster with a face that looked like a skeleton, floating in the air and looking neither human nor ghost floated over.


"Thor Odinson, son of Odin..."

"Natalia Romanova, daughter of Ivan..."

"I am the guide that leads everyone to the Soul Gem."

I thought that the other party would react, at least it needed an explanation. But neither Thor nor Natalia was moved, as if they knew it a long time ago.

Thor is because she knows the plot, and Natalia is because she has experienced it.

A hoarse voice came from Red Skull: "What you are looking for is close at hand, accompanied by your fear. Soul Gem is revered among Infinite Gems, it has its own wisdom, everyone who wants to get Soul Gem, All need sacrifices."

"Sacrifice what?" Natalia tried to confirm. .

"A soul, and it must be the soul of the person you love the most. If you want to get the original stone, you must lose your love. This is an eternal deal. Only by changing souls can the user know its preciousness."

Natalia looked at Thor with tenderness on her face: "I've known this moment since you brought me here. I didn't expect that at the last moment, I could still understand your heart. It turns out that your true love is Me. In this case, I have no regrets."

Then she ran to the cliff and jumped off

Wouldn't it be nice to die as Thor's favorite, just like what happened in Visions?

Natalia thought so.

Then plunge into a golden halo.....

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