After controlling the Soul Gem before, Thor devoured Red Skull's soul immediately.

This product is not a good thing originally.

Thinking of Thanos coming back here, he simply laid an ambush and asked Loki to use illusion to turn him into a Red Skull. As for the difference in soul, Soul Gem can handle it, and it is easy to deceive Thanos, a pure fighter.

Using the mysterious magic circle under the cliff, the possibility of success is still very high~.

It's a pity that Thanos couldn't be fooled. Although Thor temporarily changed his plan and forced his hands, he still let the other party escape - a catastrophe...

But this result is not bad, at least one of his claws was chopped off, and Stormbreaker's power restrains gems, even Time Gem can't easily recover.

Soul Gem slowly floated up and returned to Thor's hand.

"It's worthless!" Thor scolded: "I sent it to you, and let him run away..."

Just now, it almost succeeded, if the Soul Gem successfully devoured Thanos' soul, everything would be over.

It turned out that this product was unreliable, it was reversed by Time Gem at the critical moment, and the key point was to let Thanos jump back......

Soul Gem is speechless. It is also depressed to death now, the duck on its mouth actually flew and said...

Thor withdrew his thoughts, looked at Gamora, and said with a smile: "I saved your life, do you know?"

Gamora looked at him suspiciously.

"The real test of Soul Gem is to sacrifice the person you love the most. And the person Thanos loves the most is you."


Gamora's eyes widened and she denied it: "Impossible! This is definitely not love, that butcher, he never loved anyone!"

"That purple sweet potato essence loves you the most. If he wants to sacrifice, it can only be you."

Soul Gem's emotionless voice came.

After a brief moment of excitement, Gamora fell into silence and asked in a low voice: "So, he will choose to sacrifice me, right?"

Thor nodded: "Yes, he once escaped his destiny, and then the Titan star was destroyed. So this time, he will not escape again, even if he needs to sacrifice you. For his goal, he can pay any price. "

Even though he is an enemy, Thor never chews his tongue behind his back, he doesn't bother to do so.

Definitely face-to-face gunfire, to fight Thanos, is part of the tactics.

"Thanos is a very contradictory person. Strictly speaking, he is not even a pure bad guy. Everything he does is for the balance of the universe. Unfortunately, his line is fundamentally wrong. Good people do bad things, It is more terrible than a bad person doing bad things. Because no matter how many evil deeds he does, in his opinion, it is only for your own good.

In fact, the real bad guys don't have to be hostile, just like Gao Tianzun and Jin Bin, they are not good things, but Thor is still very happy to cooperate with them, because they all have their own desires. On the contrary, Thanos has no desires and desires, only the ideals in his heart.

If this ideal is correct, it’s okay to say, but Thanos just went astray, and it’s a fucking dog

Gamora didn't speak.

0...seeking flowers...

Thanos boarded the donut spaceship, rushed into the space wormhole without thinking about anything, and confirmed that Thor did not catch up, so he was relieved.

The majestic overlord of the universe will also be hunted down one day. Thinking about it, it's really ironic!

Clenching his fist, the light of Time Gem was activated, and the broken left arm and shoulder wound were spliced ​​together.

To some extent, Time Gem is equivalent to unlimited full health, no matter how many injuries you suffer, you can instantly full blood......


Thanos frowned suddenly.

He found painfully that there seemed to be a mysterious force in his wound that was resisting the Time Gem.

He didn't know that this was because Stormbreaker originally had the function of suppressing the power of gems, not to mention a Time Gem, even if six gems were gathered together, it would not be the opponent of Stormbreaker.

The ability to go back in time is restricted, and the injuries that could be recovered instantly can only be recovered slowly by relying on the powerful physique of the Titans.

Thanos bared his teeth in exasperation.

Turned on the screen, ready to set the destination, let’s go back to the base camp first…………

The screen lit up and was instantly swiped by countless communication messages, Thanos stared dumbfounded at the message from Ebony Maw...

Thanos Rage was so mad that he smashed the screen with a punch.

He never thought that after he left for a while, his home would be gone?

If Thor is here, I’m afraid I’m going to hit him with a sentence-stealing people... Ah bah, stealing people keeps stealing!


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