Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 256 Dilemma

"Hey! Let me just say, there's no prison in the world that can hold me!"

Star Lord cheered.

Holy place No. 2 was demolished by a guy who reads as "Shocking Team" and wrote "Erha". Everyone was busy repairing and fleeing. Who cares about a group of funny comparisons?

So Star-Lord and his party found their spaceship dragged to the Warehouse as if they were walking at their own home, and escaped from Thanos' palm through the hole knocked out by the shock team.

"No, Quill, you escaped only because a super super powerful lady attracted firepower!"

"Damn it, I know, I don't need you to remind me!"

"Zero Three Three" Xingjue became angry from embarrassment.

"However, this lady's fighting style is very familiar..."

Rocket Raccoon fell into deep thought: "The routine of flying over without dodging or evading, hitting the spaceship in the face... Ugh, it reminds me of Thor!"

Back then on Xandar, Thor used this trick to blow up Ronan's spaceship, and swallowed a mouthful of fragments as a price

"But this woman looks tougher."

Drax concluded.

This is definitely from, and Thor also learned from Carol...  …

"Wait, did we forget something important?"

The mantis woman suddenly asked with some doubts.

She usually doesn't talk much. Although joining the big circle of Guardians of Galaxy made her very happy, and her partners treated her very well, it was still difficult for her to get along with Star Lord and them.

Not because of alienation, but because——

I'm often out of tune with you guys for not being perverted enough!

"I'm Groot. (Gamora is gone)" Groot said weakly.

Well, Gamora bought most of Groot's games. The previous one who was smashed because he lost the game, and who didn't have a game console, remembered the person who bought a game console.

"Oh! Damn!" Star-Lord slapped his thigh and yelled, "We actually left Gamora beside Thanos! No, we have to save her!"

Everyone knows that Holy Place No. 2 is dying when they go back at this time, even if they are severely injured, it is enough to crush them to death.

But at this moment, none of the Guardians of Galaxy members objected.

The unanimous vote passed, the spaceship turned, and a group of people galloped towards Holy Place No. 2.

"Quiel, where are you flying to, you idiot? Quickly open the spaceship and let me go to the hospital!"

In a simple spherical flight device, Gamora's shout came.


"What happened? How did Thanos let you go?"

Inside the spaceship, Star-Lord asked Gamora suspiciously.

Gamora shook her head: "It's not that he let me go, Thanos took me away, and went to Vomir Star to find the Soul Gem. There, Thor attacked him, and Thanos, who was seriously injured, no longer cared about me."

"Is Thanos dead?" Drax asked his most concerned question.

"No, I was just seriously injured." Gamora's eyes showed a hint of crazy pleasure.

Xingjue rested his chin in one hand thoughtfully.

"By the way, Quill, can you contact your father?"

"Eh..." Xingjue was stunned for a moment when his thoughts were interrupted, and he said with a bit of pain: "My father has been dead for a long time..."

"I mean Yondu 0......

"....……What's wrong?"

"Contact the Marauders, use this opportunity to siege Thanos' army and end this once and for all."

Holy place No. 2 was hit by Captain Marvel.

Fortunately, this is space, so there is no crash, anyway, it is not completely over.

However, a large amount of equipment was still destroyed, repairs were nowhere in sight, and many ammunition depots exploded, making all this worse.

Except for Thanos himself, most people on Thanos' spacecraft cannot survive in a vacuum, and the airtightness of space equipment is often very strict.

However, a very huge hole in the entire horizontal pipe directly caused a large number of soldiers to be exposed to the vacuum.

It is conservatively estimated that the losses of soldiers on Holy Place 2 are at least three layers, and the losses of various weapons 4.1 and fighter planes are even more numerous.

It's no wonder that Thanos, who has always been moody and angry, would blow his hair.

It can be said that the shock team's collision has brought more losses to Thanos than Sirte has brought to Asgard.

After all, apart from the guards of the Golden Hall, the people of Asgard have not lost much, and the main house is in ruins. With the powerful infrastructure Ability of the Asgard people, this loss is nothing

For Thanos, it was one of the heaviest blows ever.

Especially in this weak period when Thanos himself has been severely injured and urgently needs to rely on the power of his subordinates.

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