Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 73: Godly Might Thor

"Oh, Jane, what did you do?" Daisy exclaimed.

"I, I don't know, I just raised the hammer lightly!"

"You—put it down first..."

"Okay—" Jane Foster panicked, she hurriedly put down the hammer, but found that the hammer was tightly attached to her hand, and she couldn't let go.

"Don't let it go, calm down, from now on, it belongs to you!"

The sudden sound startled several people, and when they looked back, it was a young man in black with sunglasses, wearing casual clothes, and holding a bottle of water in his hand.

" are Thor?" Jane asked uncertainly. A little embarrassed, still holding a hammer that belonged to others in his hand.

It feels like stealing something and meeting the right owner!

Thor didn't answer, and said to himself: "Only those who are qualified can lift Mjolnir and master the power of Thor. This hammer has been with me for thousands of years, but it has never been as happy as it is today. Because, you are its real master!"

This is different from Natalia. When Natalia raised the hammer, she was only recognized for her own qualities, allowing her to borrow Mjolnir's power, including Captain America.

And now, Thor can clearly feel that the power of thunder is slowly transforming Jane Foster's physique, making her the real Thor.

In fact, Jane Foster also felt the difference in her body, and the panic just now made her unaware of it. Now, after calming down, I feel that the exhaustion in my body has been swept away, and I have never felt so relaxed before. This hammer seems to have become a part of the body.

Daisy on the side was stunned, she yelled: "Wow, he said he wasn't your boyfriend, and gave you such a precious gift when we first met!"

Uh, a look of embarrassment appeared on Miss Jian's face, she blushed and said, "Well, let's say it first, I won't sleep with you..."

She knows that many playboys are very generous to girls, because they want to get both money and man. And Thor's reputation in this regard is better than that of the old scumbag Stark...

"Pfft—" Thor spit out in one gulp, never expecting such a vulgar word from this pretty-looking little girl.

Isn't it good to be a quiet and beautiful girl?

It's no wonder that he is obviously an excellent astronomer, but he is still so bad after so many years. It stands to reason that someone will sponsor him, right?

It is estimated that those who want to invest will be bullied by Ms. Jian's words. If they are honest and gentlemen, 80% of the sponsorship will be pornographic. After all, no one wants to be mistaken for bad intentions...

Definitely there are dudes with ulterior motives, but Miss Jane is the one who slapped Thor Loki!

Daisy and Dr. Erik were also speechless...

Jane also realized that she was rude, and she hurriedly said: "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that..."

Thor waved his hand helplessly: "It's okay, I don't mind. Besides, you guessed right, I really have this idea."

Uh, Miss Jian was stunned, I can't answer this...

It's also thanks to her good impression of Thor, or else she might have made a big mouth...

She could only change the subject bluntly: "Well, Mr. Thor, why are you here? Are you waiting for me here on purpose?"


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