Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 74: The Madman

I have to say, Jane Foster is very smart. She quickly guessed that it was impossible for Thor to come here by such a coincidence, and she might have followed her early in the morning.

"Definitely not, I just sensed Mjolnir's joyful mood when he met his new owner, so I came here to take a look." Thor definitely wouldn't admit it, he swiped his finger, and a golden circle appeared in front of him, the scene inside It is the busy New York. "Here, look, I can go back and forth between New York and New Mexico in the blink of an eye."

Miss Jane didn't doubt it, because her attention had already been attracted by another matter.

"Oh! My God, this is space science! Space teleportation, it really exists! So there really is a legendary magician!" Jane exclaimed excitedly.

Should it be said that he is worthy of being a top student? The point of view is different.

Now that I'm pretending to be aggressive, I don't mind pretending to be a bigger one. It feels good to be admired by beautiful women.

"Not only does space teleportation exist, even time travel is not impossible. I am the Captain Black back then, you know? Many people think that I disappeared for half a century after World War II. In fact, I did not disappear. It should be said originally It’s me in the 21st century who traveled back.”

Thor's words deepened the frenzy in Miss Jane's eyes, as if she was looking at—a perfect mouse?

"I know, I know!" Daisy shouted excitedly, "Jane admires Captain Black the most, and she even told me that this is her ex-boyfriend!"

Thor froze for a moment, but thought of this level.

In the movie, Jane Foster claims to have a doctor's ex-boyfriend named Donald Blake, and the doctor in the comics is transformed by Thor who was demoted to the earth.

Unexpectedly, in this world, going around is still me.

"No, no, no! I didn't! It wasn't me!" Jane became nervous in an instant, and she was incoherent...

Uh... not only Daisy this time, but Thor also felt it, so nervous to deny it, the explanation is to cover up!


"Okay, I temporarily accept the new Thor setting you gave me, but can I ask why? You know, I prefer astronomy, and I'm just curious about magic, energy, etc..." After calming down, Jane Foster asked Thor in doubt.

"Because this world needs you. Over the past few years, more and more superpowers have appeared, and they were born to deal with the crisis in the future. The earth is not as ordinary as it seems on the surface. In a sense, it is even part of the universe. Center, bear the brunt of the crisis. As the inheritor of Thor's power, you can choose to give up here, or you can use this power to help others."

Although the current earth is unknown, even Midgard has to be added in the universe before anyone has heard of it. But the earth is not ordinary. It can give birth to the top powerhouse in the universe, the Ancient One. It was protected by the goddess Black Panther hundreds of thousands of years ago. Almost all the strongest avengers were born on the earth, including Thanos. The road of tyranny also ended on the earth.

A strong man in another parallel world said that if he had not been sealed many years ago, today's earth would be the center of the universe.

"I understand," Miss Jane said seriously, "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Am I right?"

"Right or wrong." Thor added: "This sentence is used as a restraint for the strong to their own behavior, not a moral kidnapping by the weak for the strong."

Thor patted her on the shoulder and said earnestly: "In the future, many people will try to kidnap us morally. You must be prepared."


Jane Foster finally followed Thor with a hammer and returned to the manor. Although she raised the hammer, she was not originally proficient in various Fighting techniques like Captain America or Natalia. She also needed Thor's guidance to teach her how to use this power.

"This is space teleportation? Wow, there is no discomfort at all. It stands to reason that a sudden change in space makes it easy for mammals to feel dizzy and vomit."

As soon as she stepped out of the portal, Jane Foster exclaimed, and quickly turned on the madman mode after a few words...

Thor was speechless, no wonder the two would break up in the original book, a straight man of steel and a straight woman of steel, separation and reunion is the norm!


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