Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1187: Plan to launch

Su Xin naturally called Bai Wumo not to listen to him complimenting himself, but that he was ready to shoot, just when the old ancestor of the Chu family was celebrating his birthday.

Su Xin said to Bai Wumo: "Bai Zongzhu, you can't control the human heart, but some warriors under the gods' realm use some illusions to make them unable to distinguish between true and false. You should be fine?"

Bai Wumo nodded and said: "Of course there is no problem. Shooting at some low-level disciples will not attract the attention of the true martial realm in this area."

Su Xin nodded and told Bai Wumo the plan directly, so that he would be ready to shoot.

Soon after returning to the Chu family, Chu Jingtian knocked on the door outside.

Su Xin said lightly, "Come in."

Chu Jingtian stepped in respectfully, and then moved with an incomprehensibility: "Senior Meng, why did you agree with those two people? If they did come, wouldn't we be passive on our side?"

Su Xin said indifferently: "Look ahead in the long run. After all, I am a devotee of the Chu family. I always speak in the overall interests of your Chu family. Although I am very optimistic about you, I can't just dismiss the company for personal reasons.

Upon hearing Su Xin's remarks, Chu Jingtian's eyes suddenly showed admiration, and she really deserved to be Meng's predecessor.

After all, he is also a member of the Chu family. Although this time Meng Meng did not stand by his side to speak, he admired Meng Meng's behavior.

At this time, Su Xin pretended to inadvertently: "I heard that the grudges between your Chu family and the Wang family and the Zhou family have been there for thousands of years, but one thing is strange to me. Why did the Wang family and the Zhou family not be united when they split? Is there any secret in this? "

Chu Jingtian hesitated a bit: "In fact, this matter is a secret of our three families, but Senior Meng is now my own Chu family, so you can tell these things to Senior Meng.

The history of the three homes on the Broken Dragon Island is very long, and it can even be traced back to the former emperor period.

My ancestor of the Chu family was the gunman Lang general of the nine soldiers in the past, and the family of the Zhou family was the captain of my ancestors.

In the past, my ancestors of the Chu family were rewarded with a token for their annihilation of the Dongyi barbarians. The ancestors of the Zhou family and the Wang family were also rewarded with such a token.

Later, the dynasty of the First Dynasty collapsed. My Chu family led the Zhou and Wang family's ancestors to go abroad to avoid calamities, and after going through Kushiro, this was the foundation that they have now. "

What Chu Jingtian said was good, but Su Xin sneered in his heart.

At present, the warriors in the Central Plains hold a disdainful attitude towards overseas warriors. The fundamental reason is that these overseas warriors are actually deserters of the past.

At the time, although the dynasty of the First Dynasty collapsed and the Central Plains was completely caught in the war, although the world was chaotic, it was the trend of a combination of heroes. No matter whether it was a hero or a hero, any one who can rise in that kind of world of war is no doubt Is the world's best.

The group of people who took refuge overseas did not need to make any trouble. At that time, overseas had not been developed at all, and they had no enemies. Therefore, this group of people came to overseas in addition to the kind of non-human resources that can be countered. The storm basically lost nothing.

So in general, this group of people was still persuaded at first, afraid, and afraid to fight in the Central Plains, and then fled overseas.

Chu Jingtian didn't know Su Xin's thoughts, he continued: "After my three families settled overseas, the three ancestors didn't know where to learn what the tokens that our three families were rewarding seemed to contain Secrets, so they all like to collect tokens together to study the secrets, but in the end they broke up, and also laid a chance for the division of our three families.

Although the reason why our three families split in the end is not because of this token, but at least part of the reason is that the Wang family and the Zhou family also wanted the token in the other's hands, so they also wanted to annex each other. You know, they certainly don't have a chance to join forces. "

After a pause, Chu Jingtian told Su Channel: "Senior Meng, this is the secret of my broken three islands. I also hope that you will not spread the word, otherwise your husband will be guilty and guilty of guilt. This overseas place is cruel It ’s very, if this matter is known to those who are in the true martial realm, they may come to ask my Chu family for this token. "

Su Xin nodded bluntly: "That's the case, my friend is assured that my husband still has some bottom line. Since it has become the enshrinement of the Chu family, it will be for the benefit of the Chu family.

Moreover, if there is no accident, I am afraid that the ancestor will be a lifetime worship at your Chu family. The news will naturally rot in the stomach of the old man. "

Chu Jingtian nodded, he also thought that the senior Meng in front of him was very reliable, so he told him all the news. Similarly, he privately told senior Meng that such important news was also about to fight with the senior Meng The mind of the relationship.

Three days after the birthday of the ancestors of the Chu family, many inland sea warriors came to Dahe.

Although the Chu family's current strength is weak, after all, it is also a large force with two Yang Shenjing warriors sitting in the town.

The rest of the inland sea warriors must give the Chu family a face.

And the Chu family recently recruited a warrior in the Yangshen Realm. They also deliberately put Su Xin on the subject. They were introduced by one person just to let others see. Their ancestors of the Chu family now Although they are old, they are also attracting a peak state of Yangshen Realm. Their strength is not only weak, but stronger.

Su Xin didn't reject such behavior from the Chu family. Although he said that putting himself in front of so many inland sea warriors would expose him, Su Xin was not worried at all.

His planning time is very short. If things go well, it only takes a few days for him to seize the martial arts order and calmly leave overseas.

So even if someone saw that he was a bit wrong, it would take some time to verify it, and when they got the exact information, proving that Su Xin was not from a chaotic Xinghai, then Su Xin might have returned to the Central Plains at that time.

After the night, the Chu family's birthday party started as usual, Chu Zhouxing asked Chu Lintian around him: "Are the Zhou and Wang families here?"

Chu Lintian shook his head bitterly: "Not here."

Originally, he felt that he could persuade the people of the Zhou and Wang families to come here. However, after learning about the attitude of the Chu family, the attitude of the two families was more powerful, and he almost sent him out.

As soon as this attitude emerged, it became clear that it was not easy to join the two.

Chu Zhouxing snorted coldly. The original idea of ​​combining the two in his heart or continuing to fight with the two was half.

As a result, now seeing the attitudes of these two, Chu Zhouxing's thoughts are gradually leaning towards Chu Jingtian.

Chu Zhouxing snorted coldly: "Since you don't come, forget it, go in and continue celebrating the ancestors."

At this time, on some small islands or large reefs between Longshou Island and Longshen Island, there were some disciples of the Chu and Wang families guarding.

Because the two islands are very close, these small reef islands in the middle are the buffer zone between them, and their disciples are responsible for guarding them.

In the past, the two guarded here were elites, because in normal times, the two often had friction with each other, and even started direct wars. Fights of all sizes were almost every day.

But now the friction between the two sides has basically disappeared, and even the time when they let off each other's guns is less. The top sky is just frowning at each other and looking at each other a few times, so it is only the ordinary disciples in the families of the two sides who are deployed here to guard It's still the kind that isn't taken seriously.

At this time on a huge reef capable of accommodating more than ten people, several disciples of the Chu family looked at the brightly lit Longshou Island, and they all felt a little bit uncomfortable in their hearts.

The other Chu family members were drinking and having fun there, but they could only stay here for a night's sea breeze and wait until the morning to change their posts, which made them unhappy.

A few of them muttered in dissatisfaction, and immediately attracted the ridicule of several martial arts opponents from the Wang family.

"Well, your Chu family ’s undead old birthday, but you ’re blowing the sea breeze, is n’t it uncomfortable? Haha, why do n’t you go back and suggest that your ancestors have their birthday once a year, maybe they will One year it's your turn to sit and drink in Longshou Island and be happy, hahaha! "

A warrior from the Chu family even stood up and scolded, "You little bunny of the Wang family, please try again?"

The two warriors used to scold each other normally. Both the Chu family and the Wang family also knew that they could not really do it.

But at this moment, no one noticed that a figure had appeared beside Wang's family.

This figure was Bai Wumo. His hands were printed, and a thin magical spirit fell. At this time, in the eyes of everyone in the Wang family, those members of the Chu family even pulled out their weapons and rushed towards them.

The faces of the Wang family suddenly changed. UU reading The people of the Chu family cannot take gun medicine today? I was ready to get started.

A disciple of the Wang family asked, "What shall we do now?"

The leading Wang Jiawu gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone has already pulled a knife and killed them. What can we do? Stand here and let them kill?"

With that said, the leader Wang Jiawu took out his weapon and rushed up.

The other royal families did not hesitate to see this scene, so they shot together.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone in the Chu family, the talents of the Wang family were like madmen, and they even took out weapons and shot at themselves.

You need to know that they were the first to provoke, but in the end, they also put on a look of bitter hatred and wanted to shoot. What does it mean?

Of course, the people of the Chu family did not think too much. The **** of the Wang family dare to take action, and of course their Chu family will not flinch.

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