Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1188: Fangxiandaomen

Under the control of Bai Wumo, the Chu family and the Wang family have fought fiercely.

For Bai Wumo, this level of illusion is very low level, and he can see what the warriors of the royal family see.

In addition, Bai Wumo is still deliberately manipulating the war situation. The people on the two sides should be slightly stronger from the Chu family, but he also deployed a heavy illusion in front of the Chu family's eyes, which caused many flaws when they shot. The upper hand of the king's family took the upper hand and killed wantonly.

Of course, the number of people arranged by the Zhou and Wang families between the two islands will not be so small. The people on the remaining reef islands saw that the two sides actually hit each other, and they immediately rushed over to support them.

It's just that those who are responsible for guarding here are only some of the acquired and congenital warriors. Those acquired warriors can only row over, and it will take a while for those congenial warriors to spend their energy to cross the water.

By the time they arrived, the people on Chu's side had been slaughtered, and the Wang's side was not much better. Basically, they could not stand. The living ones were also seriously injured and lost. Coming up.

The Chu family glared angrily at the Wang families: "What do you mean by your royal family? Are you really going to fight with my Chu family?"

Only then did they see it clearly. It was the provocation of the royal family first. Of course, what they said was naturally inaudible to everyone present, but they were sure that the provocative person was the first to speak provocatively. Wang family.

Do you need to say more? The Wang family made it clear that they wanted to fight against their Chu family!

In fact, everyone in the Wang family also wondered why the people in their family would be the first to take the shot. Is it something ugly that the Chu family said?

But it shouldn't be. The scolding battle between the two sides has been going on for decades. It can be said that the two of them have been scolding from the young to the big one. Even if the other party has said something unpleasant, it is impossible for them to take the initiative. .

It's just that things are going on here, it's really the people in their royal family who took the shot first, and that's impossible to deny.

But even so, their royal family wouldn't admit it casually, and the people at the royal family said coldly, "Even if it is a war, what will happen to my royal family?"

Although the leader of the Chu family is not a warrior in the vein of Chu Jingtian, but in the vein of his elder brother Chu Chutian, he is not the kind of person who will seduce the whole family.

Now these people of the royal family have been riding **** on his head. If he hasn't responded at all, he is really not worthy of being called a warrior.

So the warrior directly erected a crimson lance in his hand and drank loudly, "Your royal family is deceiving too much! The disciples of the Chu family follow me!"

The words fell, and the people of the Chu family and the people of the Wang family fought thoroughly, blood stained a sea of ​​water, but Bai Wumo had already unknowingly ran away.

At the same time, hundreds of miles away from the sea, there is a huge cloud-covered island.

The island is surrounded by mountains and water, and the scenery is extremely beautiful. I often see warriors dressed in costumes riding a fairy crane between the peaks of the island, like a fairyland on earth.

This is one of the Four Avenue Gates, second only to the Fangxiandao Gate of Taiyimen.

Each of the four avenue gates has its own characteristics. Daomen Daomen is regarded as the most authentic inheritor of Daomen.

The Dragon Tiger Road Gate is a practice of Xuan Gong that inherits the pulse of the Road Gate, following a fierce and overbearing path.

Taiyimen is more extreme, trying to integrate martial arts with martial arts, and promote to that supreme state.

As for the Fangxiandaomen, you can tell by name that they like to cultivate immortals.

The so-called martial arts seems to Fangxian Road Gate is only a shortcut to the cultivation of immortals. Only by solidifying the body can we embark on the journey of immortals. They firmly believe that there is a realm above Tongtian Realm, which is the legendary fairy.

Of course, to some people, Fangxian Daomen is a little paranoid. The existence of Zhenwu Realm has been able to fly in the air, break mountains and rivers, crack the ground, and even sink an island with one palm. This kind of power is similar to the true gods. What's the difference, what other immortal path do you follow?

However, Fangxian Daomen always believed that it was not the real immortal realm, and that it would be considered a real immortal if it would not die.

Therefore, Fangxian Daomen has been working towards this goal for so many years. Even when they heard that there are immortal footprints in overseas places, they deliberately moved the entire ancestral gate overseas more than 3,000 years ago, which almost caused it. A battle in a place overseas.

Of course, Fangxian Daomen has always insisted on searching for the so-called fairy's footprints, and it is not without any gain.

Above the martial arts, the Xiandao Gate combines the strengths of the Daomen and the Taiyimen. The martial arts line has no trace, but the Tao is self-sustaining.

And Fangxiandaomen's accomplishments on alchemy are also very strong.

The elixir refined by Fangxian Daomen is different from that of Wanggu. Yakgou is specialized in the production of various wound medicines and a small amount of elixir for cultivation, but Fangxian Daomen specializes in the use of various exotic treasures. Refining some so-called elixir.

Of course, although the Fangxiandaomen failed to refine the elixir, they also refined some strange elixir, some of which may not be usable, but some have various magic effects, which is equivalent to Supreme God. .

Some of these elixirs can be copied, but some are purely made by accident and cannot be copied at all. Generally speaking, Fangxiandaomen has not lost money.

In addition, they also studied the Mohist to make all kinds of weird machines and instruments to pursue their so-called immortals. Although most of the things are wasted materials, some of them are really useful.

At this time in the hall of Fangxiandaomen, there was nothing else in the hall, only a huge instrument was placed.

This instrument resembles a huge sand table, but above it is a whole sea area. Its area is exactly the sea area around Fangxian Island, and there are clouds and mists, just like a fairyland.

This thing was created by Fangxian Island to find the sea-eye map for so-called 'fairy trails', which can monitor the movements over the sea.

However, they later realized that this thing was taken for granted. This thing requires long-term maintenance by the soldiers, and the scope is very limited. It is impossible to monitor the entire inland sea, and even the entire sky can only cover the entire Fangxian Island. The sea area around hundreds of miles.

Therefore, the people in Fangxian Island simply put this sea-eye map at the center of Fangxian Island to monitor the movements in the water around Fangxian Island. This can also save a group of people. After all, there is no such sea-eye chart. At that time, the Fangxian Daomen also dispatched warriors to inspect the waters around Fangxian Island every day.

At this time, the spectacle of Huanjing in the eye of the guarding sea-eye chart was lightly tapped, because at the edge of the sea-eye chart, he suddenly noticed a cloud of black clouds condensing. Although it was only a moment, he believed that he was not wrong .

Clouds and mists linger in the sea eye diagram, but if a high level of power appears in a certain area, the clouds and fog in that area will condense and the color will become darker.

Black represents the power of the true martial realm. Is there a strong martial art realm in the waters around Fangxian Island?

The disciple quickly reported the news to the owner of the Xunxian Peak among the Twelve Peaks of Fangxiandaomen.

In addition to teaching, Fangxian Daomen is divided into twelve main peaks, which also represent the twelve branches of Fangxian Daomen, living on these peaks of Fangxian Island.

The first peak among them is Xunxian Peak, whose peak lord Jiuxiao Sanren Lin Qingxuan is a strong man in the state of Yang Shen, and also temporarily holds the position of teaching when they are in charge of retreat.

After the warrior reported the news, Lin Qingxuan frowned. The warriors overseas should all know the rules of Fangxiandaomen, and are there people who dare to shoot in their area?

"Are you sure you read that right?" Lin Qingxuan's gaze came with a hint of doubt.

The warrior at Fangxiandaomen quickly said: "The disciples really did not read it wrong. Although the trace of breath appeared only a little, it was still discovered by the sea eye."

Lin Qingxuan groaned for a moment and said, "Okay, I know this thing. You go back and keep watching the sea-eye chart ~ ~ After sending this disciple away, Lin Qingxuan went directly to the center of Fangxian Road In a floating palace.

This is Fangxiandaomen's only floating palace blessed with matrix formations, just like Su Xin once saw in the palace of that man.

This so-called floating palace is almost blessed by the matrix method, and has no other use than aesthetics.

Fangxiandao Lane is located in the center of Fangxiandao. Of course, it is not only to support the facade, but to tell the disciples that Fangxiandao's inspirational pursuit of Xiandao will not change. Today, only one palace floats. But in the future, there may be countless palaces rising from Fangxian Island to become the real fairy house.

The door was opened, and at this moment there was only an old priest in a gray robe meditating there.

The old priest seemed a bit shaky, his hair and beard almost covered his face because he often didn't take care of it, and even the robes on his body were covered with a layer of gray, as if sitting here for hundreds of years.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The teacher of Fangxian Daomen, Zhong Changxuan, the eldest son, has been traveling around the world to seek the immortal trace for hundreds of years, and has never moved. .

"Brother, some disciples have discovered on the sea-eye map that there is a strong realm of true martial arts revealing a hint of breath in the sea where our fairy road gate is located."

The words fell, and the golden **** in the whole hall was in great prosperity. A golden ghost appeared in the hall. This is the central **** of Zhong Chuanxuan. Although he hasn't moved for 100 years, his own **** is constantly practicing. Attempting to transcend the flesh and achieve the immortal spirit.

Therefore, he hasn't ignored the world over the years. Although his body hasn't moved, some big things of Fangxian Daomen should be decided by him.

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