Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1242: Harm others

Tiandi is right. For Xuan Kui, the benefit of Shaolin Temple is greater than everything, even greater than the brotherhood between him and Xuan Zang. Otherwise, he would not take over the abbot.

It is just that according to the situation of Shaolin Temple at that time, the reform of Xuan Zang has seriously caused the dissatisfaction of other Shaolin Temple warriors. If Xuanyu does not take over the abbot position, even the entire Shaolin Temple has the risk of splitting.

Now it's just a Su Xin. For Xuan Kui, of course it can be killed!

Xuan Ku and the other three are imposing and imposing. The three of them may have deep hatred and mutual calculations, but at this moment, their goal is the same, that is, to kill Su Xin first!

But at this moment, there were several powerful breaths coming around, and they were really the other true martial arts powerfuls who entered into it.

Among them are Tie Ao, Xue Zhenyue, Fangxian Daomen in charge of teaching Zhong Chuxuan, Ying Qiange of the famous sword village, and Lu Changqing, the lord of the heavenly demon lord.

The strong in the Four Great Bridges confront each other here. Naturally, they dare not blend in with them, so they also retreat to the outside world for the time being.

But at this moment, the star map hidden behind the main hall was also exposed, and was seen by Ying Qiange. He walked over with a little doubt and took a breath of cold air!

The value of this star map can be seen almost at a glance, and it is definitely a treasure.

Although Ying Qiange made only a little bit of movement here, it was discovered by others.

Everyone walked there with a hint of doubt, and they suddenly changed their faces after seeing the star map.

Where is the chance? This is the chance! And it's still a big chance!

These movements have even attracted Li Boyang and others. At this time, compared to killing Su Xin, of course, the opportunity in this White Emperor City is more important.

Li Boyang and others did not have Su Xin's killing tactics, and naturally they could not see the scene left by the former emperor.

It is just a matter of thinking about the former emperor. When they saw the missing part in the middle of the astral map, everyone could easily guess that the things inside should be taken away by the emperor.

It's just that although the emperor took away the most important and precious star, there are still so many stars here. As long as one can get one, this is a great opportunity for them!

Ying Qiange regretted it at this time. He also did not control his emotions and was exposed in an instant. He thought he was the first person to discover this astral map.

Of course, it's not too late now, because he is now the closest to the star field map, Ying Qiange went straight to the star field map, and his sword-shaped possession seemed to be extremely sharp.

It was only that his figure had just come into contact with the astral chart, and he was directly bombarded by the power of that astral chart.

Li Boyang and others looked at each other? Formation?

It's just that although the formation of this array is strong, it is not inseparable for the warriors in the bridge environment.

But the problem is that they have four people at the moment. Although there are many stars in the astral map, everyone wants more. When they start to compete, there must be a battle between them.

So at this moment, the four did not shoot each other, but instead began to break the array by their own means.

The rest of the warriors were also staring at the star map, and they were going to **** at the moment when these sacred bridge powerhouses broke the star map.

But Zhao Wunian and Gongsun Yun were slightly depressed.

Because the star map was originally discovered by them, if the plan is completed successfully, everything here is theirs.

The results are now good, the plan failed, and almost all the warriors who entered the White Emperor City have now been gathered here. They have lost their only advantage. It is still unknown whether they can grab the stars from the warriors in the Shenqiao Realm.

The four great bridges shot together, relying on their power, it took almost instantaneous to completely blast the array directly with violence.

I do n’t know what kind of power is used to run this formation for so long, but at the moment of breaking the array, the power of Xinghui suddenly burst out, and the majestic force seemed to directly break through this world. It's amazing.

Even Li Boyang and others did not forcibly shoot against the power of Xinghui, but waited for the power of Xinghui to dissipate and then entered those stars.

But at this time the other true martial arts could not bear it anymore.

To compete with the existence of Shenqiao Realm, only Meng Jingxian, Yan Luotianzi, and others could barely do it, so they never wanted to compete with those strong ones from the beginning, as long as they could grab in front of other warriors. .

Ying Qiange first discovered this area, so he was always at the forefront. Naturally, he didn't need to grab it, but at this time, everyone else swarmed up and went straight to the place where the star map was located.

Just then, Madame Bailian's heart suddenly moved. She spoke to Ordo, Shen Jiufeng, and Chen Xuanzong: "Mo Wuwei is dead. Without him to fight in front, I also want to kill Su Xin Difficult and difficult.

And now that this group of **** bridges had originally decided to kill Su Xin, now there is such an opportunity again, what will happen to Su Xin in the end, then everything is unknown. "

Shen Jiufeng frowned: "What on earth do you want to say? If you didn't hesitate when you just started, how could you not even touch Su Xin's side?"

He still remembered that Madame Bailian and others took him as cannon fodder.

Madame Bailian did not bother Shen Jiufeng's tone, she just said lightly: "I'm more clear about what kind of person Li Boyang is. All he has to say is to kill Su Xin, even if he doesn't kill here, he will kill after going out of.

But the problem is that you have all seen the strength of Su Xin. In addition to Meng Jingxian's amazing presence in the same level, who can win him? I even suspect that this Su Xin has even touched the threshold of Shenqiao Realm.

Although this is just a guess from me, do n’t forget where this is. In case Su Xin got the star to refine, will this power help him to be promoted to Shenqiao? Things.

In case Su Xin really got promoted to Shenqiao, then Li Boyang shouldn't even try to kill him, but what about you and me?

Just now you and I and Na Mowuwei teamed up against Su Xin, at this time I am afraid that he has been on the black list of that Su Xin.

This person's mind has not always been broad. At the beginning, the Tangmen and the Zombie faction wanted to shoot them down, and as a result, you all saw them.

The Tang Gate, which has been passed down for thousands of years, was destroyed, and the supreme dark weapon of the **** Shen Jianfei, created by exhausting the efforts of more than ten generations of Tang Men, fell into the hands of Su Xin.

The corpse extremists that Yi Jianmen failed to completely extinct in the past also completely cut off the inheritance in Su Xin's hands and were replaced by the blood gods under his command.

In the past, Su Xin was able to do these things. If Su Xin really promoted the bridge in the future, how would you know that Su Xin would not kill you? "

Chen Xuanzong frowned. "So what do you think now?"

Madam Bai Lian said in a deep voice: "First put the chance of competition into second place, suppress Su Xin with all your strength, and never let him get a star! Otherwise, the day Su Su is promoted to the bridge of God, that is my waiting for funeral. It's time. "

Chen Xuanzong and others were shocked when they heard the words. They never thought that Madame Bailian's evaluation of Su Xin was so high that she thought he could be promoted to Shenqiao.

At present, the only thing that can truly be called the pinnacle of the rivers and lakes is the existence of the Shenqiao Realm, and almost every one is shocked and brilliant.

They did not deny that Su Xin was really outstanding, but they did not think of Su Xin in the aspect of Shenqiao, because it would be too frightening after all.

Seeing the eyes of these people, Madam Bai Lian said quietly: "I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case. When Su Xin really breaks through the bridge of God, we may be dumbfounded.

And even if Su Xin does not break through the bridge, who in the presence is confident that he can stop the powerful forces under His Majesty?

Anyway, I am confident ~ ~ As long as Su Xin does not break through the bridge, I will continue to hide in the Bailian religion, as long as I do n’t take the initiative to take the initiative, Su Xin ca n’t find me.

But what about you? What do you take to stop this Su Xin? You ca n’t stop it! "

Madam Bailian's words are very rude, but to a certain extent, they are facts.

Therefore, there are only two choices in front of the crowd, or they can choose to put aside their opportunities and stop Su Xin.

Either let Su Xin let him win that chance, he may not be able to be promoted to the God Bridge, or he may even be killed by Li Boyang, but it is also possible to be promoted to the God Bridge and walk out of the White Emperor City, looking for them one by one!

Now things are imminent. Seeing that Su Xin has rushed to the forefront with his own strength, they are really late if they don't take any more interception!

So the four of them also took the initiative and stopped in front of Su Xin.

After seeing this scene, the remaining warriors immediately flew away and stayed away from Su Xin and others, so as not to be caught in the pond fish, even Zhao Wunian and Gongsun Yun.

Now that the opportunity is ahead, their previous joint plan has been abolished. In this case, they naturally do not need to continue to help Su Xin.

Moreover, now Zhao Wunian actually has some doubts about the purpose of Madam Bailian and others.

Actually, the strength of Su Xin should be in their eyes. Even if they are the power of the four of them, don't try to kill Su Xin. What are they doing now?

Su Xin also squinted and looked at the four of them: "Mo Wuwei is dead, do you still want to kill me?"

Our Lady Bailian said lightly, "We are not trying to kill you, we are just trying to stop you. Even if we do n’t get the chance this time in Baidi City, you don't want to get it."

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