Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1243: The power of great terror

Madam Bailian and others had this determination. Su Xin was really surprised, including the other warriors present, and they did not expect that Madam Bailian and others would have so much jeopardized Su Xin. Opportunities must also stop Su Xin from taking it.

As true martial arts, they have lived for so long. They have done a lot of harm to themselves, but they have done harm to themselves, except for those who are really boring and have a bad taste.

Su Xin looked at the Four Virgins and others and said lightly, "I know what you are afraid of, except that I am afraid of going out to avenge you after I have gained this opportunity.

I can let go of these grievances before the opportunity, as long as you let go, I can promise not to hit you after going out. "

Madam Bailian sneered: "Although your name is Su Xin, obviously what you say is not as credible as your name."

Su Xin shook his head and said, "That's really a pity. In fact, Su Xin has always been very honest in my life.

For example, if you dare stop me now, then I will kill you. I can get these chances, but you can't get them. "

The four people, including Madam Bai Lian, all smiled and secretly arrogantly.

In previous battles, they acknowledged that Su Xin's strength was very strong, but before that they fought with the intention of killing Su Xin. Most of their own strength was placed on the offense.

But now they are the main defense, in order to hold Su Xin, the four people joined forces, Su Xin wants to kill them, but it is difficult.

But then Su Xin's face showed a weird smile: "Don't believe it?"

I haven't waited for the reaction of Madam Bailian and others, but suddenly there were endless blood waves and hells rising up around them, and instantly turned into a Yan Luo Tianzi Fa driving the White Bone Throne to rise into the air, a punch fell, directly facing the closest Our Lady of White Lotus Comes!

"Yan Luo Tianzi!"

Madam Bailian screamed, and numerous white lotuses bloomed around her, as if condensed into a bliss world, but was instantly broken by the fist of Yan Luo Tianzi!

The Jizo King has already arrived. How could Yan Luo Tianzi not be there?

It was just that Yan Luo Tianzi was a bit far away from here, so he arrived later than the Jizo king.

Just at this time, Madam Bailian and others came around without knowing her life and death. Su Xin directly let Yan Luo Tianzi hide in the dark and help him make a surprise attack.

Although the strength of Madam Bai Lian is strong, she has also heard the horror of Yan Luo Tianzi.

It wasn't until she actually faced Yan Luo Tianzi this time that she knew that this was true. This power was purely powerful, making her feel hopeless and even unable to resist it!

And at this time, Madam Bai Lian is not only facing Yan Luo Tianzi.

At the moment when Yan Luo Tianzi shot, Su Xin also shot.

Tian Xin Jie suddenly called out, and the figure of Our Lady Bai Lian who was about to flee was immediately a meal.

The endless Xuanyin swordsmanship behind Su Xin erupted and strangled towards the Virgin of White Lotus. At the same time, in the Xuanyin swordsmanship, Su Xin incorporated dozens of golden Yuanshen swords into it, just to hang Bailian Virgin God!

Yan Luo Tianzi printed a hand, a drop of blood emerged, and countless bloodshots evolved in it, and finally turned into a cage to hide the sky, and directly blocked this side of the world!

The face of Madam Bailian showed a terrifying sorrow. The siege of Su Xin and Yan Luotianzi had made her feel the fear of death. The pressure on her was even more than that of Madame Bailian's battle against Zhenwu in the past week Be strong!

Faced with such a horrible threat, the body of Madam Bai Lian exploded with a bang and turned into countless Bai Lian flying.

Su Xin ’s Yuanshen ’s little sword strangled countless white lotuses. Su Xin could even hear the groaning voice of Our Lady of White Lotus, but those white lotuses were still divided, and some even passed through Yan Luotianzi The blockade of the bloodline fell to the outside world.

Su Xin frowned slightly. The escape secret of Our Lady of White Lotus was really intractable, but she couldn't leave her like this.

Last time, if it wasn't for Bai Wumo's shot, and Madam Bai Lian wanted to escape, Su Xin could not find the other party.

But apparently Madam Bailian's loss was a little big this time.

This mystery of escape is extremely burdensome for Madame Bailian. Last time, she was able to use this secret method boldly because of the sperm left by the former Bailian religion strongman, but now she also uses those sperm. It ’s almost the same time, but this time the Virgin of the White Lotus was seriously injured, and she could not cultivate for at least a few years.

Our Lady of White Lotus was seriously injured, but the remaining three are still alive.

When Chen Xuanzong and Erduo looked bad, both sides broke out and fled at their fastest speed.

Although Shen Jiufeng's speed is not slow, he is not good at speed. At least he can't compare with Chen Xuanzong and Erduo, so he is directly exposed to the eyes of Su Xin and Yan Luotianzi.

What he wanted to say was that Su Xin's Xuanyin Sword meant to hang the Madonna of the White Lotus was already beheaded at him at this moment!

Shen Jiufeng was also angry at this time, just wanted to scold his mother.

After going out this time, he will definitely have to perfect a speed-based method, otherwise he will be left behind as a meat shield every time, which he cannot accept.

It's just that Su Xin and Yan Luo Tianzi let Shen Jiufeng understand that he was afraid of thinking too much this time and going out alive? He has no chance!

The cold dragon moon knife in the hands of Shen Jiufeng cut out the meaning of the sword that day, trying to stop the Xuanyin sword.

But before his knife fell, a giant bone-infused hand stained with countless blood had been found out, holding his knife in his hand and crushing it directly!

The bony giant hand took a photo, and countless blood seas rose, and the thick blood corroded everything. Shen Jiufeng felt as if he had fallen into the boundless hell, no matter how he could not break free.

This is the suppression of complete strength. Shen Jiufeng can only watch his eyes fly with the palm of his hand, and the sound of bone fragmentation sounds instantly, which is completely crushing gesture!

Big bone fingerprints!

Shen Jiufeng roared, blood spewed out, but before he had any action, the twelve swords breathed into the body one after another, and the sword-likeness of Yin to Xie strangled the meridians in Shen Jiufeng's body, making his face instantly dark , Can no longer feel the slightest anger.

Su Xin stepped up, and gently touched Shen Jiufeng's forehead with a finger, and the endless power of death suddenly burst out. Suddenly, Shen Jiufeng's body fell to the ground and completely cut off vitality!

The faces of Erduo and Chen Xuanzong suddenly became clear. The strength of a Su Xin was horrible, but if a Yan Luo Tianzi was added, it would become a great horror!

In just a few strokes, Our Lady of White Lotus was already seriously injured and had to use her escape secret to escape.

Shen Jiufeng was even more miserable and was directly bombarded by Su Xin and Yan Luotianzi. They were crushed from beginning to end, and there was no room to fight back.

This is great terror!

At this time, Chen Xuanzong and Ordo didn't hesitate to turn around and fled. If they don't leave at this time, I'm afraid they can't leave!

Of course, at this time, Su Xin and Yan Luo Tianzi did not go after it, because the starry sky, the sky-high sky has already weakened and disappeared, and everyone is ready to enter it and get the chance.

But at this moment, the mutation suddenly rose.

After the power of Xinghui disappeared, the star map did not stop, but a huge portal appeared in the star map.

The portal was completely constructed by the power of the formation, but there were countless dense runes on it, which seemed strange.

The portal was wide open, and the stars were all sucked into it, but the power transmitted from the other side of the portal suddenly changed the people present.

The powerful men in Zhenwu Realm can completely control the world, and even begin to realize their own Tao.

But no matter what the realm of the true martial arts comprehends, they are comprehended in their own world, with a strong mark of their own world.

And the power coming from this portal now does not belong to their current world at all, and it is not the same as the fragment of this world ~ ~ It is a different world with a complete law of power!

If you make a breakthrough in such a world, does it mean that you have surpassed the rules of another world and reached an incredible state?

Zhao Wunian's face was shocked, because this is the gateway to another world. They found it from Dajin's classics in the past. At that time, they thought it was nonsense, including this time they entered Baidi. Zhao Wunian didn't take it seriously in the city, but who thought it turned out to be true!

At this time, the power of the star map has skyrocketed to the extreme, let alone true martial arts, even the bridge of God cannot be approached.

The portal constantly **** the power of the stars in the astral map, and at the same time, the portal also slowly opens. The more stars that are sucked into it, the larger the portal opens. It seems that these stars are the power to open the portal. general.

Everyone was staring at the portal, waiting for it to open, but at this moment, the Emperor's expression moved, as if secretly speaking to someone, and the next moment, the Emperor roared around Kowloon, suddenly facing the Tibetan King. Kill.

No one expected that the Emperor of Heaven would actually do something to the King of the Tibetan Plateau at such a critical moment, but he could not kill the King of the Tibetan Plateau.

It's just that everyone soon knew what he wanted to do, because the moment the Emperor shot against the King of Jizo, the infinite autumn sword appeared in the hands of Li Boyang, and the creatures evolved into the world. Come.

The mysterious pain over there was also chanting a Buddhist chant, and the whole body was full of golden mansions, the Buddha's rhyme was born, and the Xeon's palm fell towards Su Xin, and Luo Han dropped his magic!

The three of them made a decision in an instant, before killing Su Xin before entering the portal of this world!

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