Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1280: bet

For the current Su Xin, most of the true martial arts are not in his eyes, not to mention the true martial arts, even the Shenqiao Su Xin has not played against him.

But in front of this Lotus Zen Academy, Dao Xuan is the only person who made Su Xin feel the extreme pressure. Now Lu Potian let Su Xin leave, which is also the safest decision. After all, this old monk has already spoken This time, he must keep the Shaolin Temple, which has not been discussed.

It was just that Su Xin was reluctant to retreat.

After planning for such a long time, there were systemic reasons for his resentment with Shaolin Temple in the past, but it turned out to be a success, but now he gave up, but Su Xin was a little reconciled.

After a moment of silence, Su Xin suddenly looked up and said, "Master Shi Dao Xuan, you are a monk, and I ca n’t defeat you on martial arts. In a word, let me back down. Even if I was convinced by Su Xin, the people under me would not be convinced.

Otherwise, how about the two of us making a bet? Give me half a quarter of an hour. If I can break through your defense within half a quarter of an hour, don't get involved in it.

If I ca n’t break your defense, then I just turn around and leave. What do you think? "

Shi Daoxuan didn't hesitate, he nodded directly and said, "Yes."

Lu Potian also looked at Su Xin in amazement. What was Su Xin doing? Want to get yourself some face before leaving?

Anyway, in his opinion, even if Su Xin was in his heyday, it would be difficult and difficult to break through the defense of this old monk, let alone his state of serious injury.

But before Lu Potian thought about it, Su Xin had moved there.

The majestic sword swelled into the sky, the magnificent sword light spread, one sword came from the west, and the sky was flying!

This is the supreme sword skill that Su Xin can master now. As soon as he comes up, Su Xin directly uses it. It is conceivable that Su Xin attaches great importance to this interpretation of Taoism.

In the face of this horrifying sword, Shi Daoxuan's complexion did not change at all. He just chanted a Buddhist horn. In the endless light of Buddha, any sword energy was melting, like a mud ox entering the sea and disappearing. not see.

The martial arts of the Lotus Zen Academy can be described as magical. The power of this Buddha light is extremely soft, and it can even give the other party a sense of peace and harmony when it shines on ordinary people.

However, if this Buddha light comes into contact with any force, it will melt it, not the kind of real energy burst that cancels each other out, but completely transform the other's strength into the most vital energy between heaven and earth and let it dissipate by itself.

In this way, your attack is invalid, and I have n’t hurt you. Such a method is unheard of. Previously, Shi Dao Xuan said that this time he came only to stop the ge. Now, it ’s true. Very good at stopping Ge.

It ’s just that Su Xin ’s sword is not so easy to dissolve. Although the sword energy has been melted by the Buddha ’s light, Su Xin ’s solo Tao sword is contaminated by Su Xin ’s murderous power, directly toward Shi Dao Xuan Dang. Go to the chest!

Although he knew that he could not defeat the other party, Su Xin's cultivation was originally a martial art that killed people. His shots would hurt people, and he was full of intentions to kill. There was no sign of retention at all.

Shi Dao Xuan folded his hands together, directly clamped Su Xin ’s ego sword in his hands, and chanted a Buddhist chant: "Master, your suffocation is too heavy. Although martial arts did not step into the magic path, but Has entered the evil path. "

Su Xin said indifferently: "Budo is just martial arts. There is no so-called righteousness and evil at first. Martial arts were originally created to kill people. What use is it to pull so much now?"

A ray of black death suddenly burst out from Su Xin's body.

There was a grayish-white flame on top of this dead air, like a dark fire in hell.

That is the power of Tian Luo Fire Road. Combining it with the power of death not only has the overbearing power of death, but also has the unique evil force unique to Tian Luo Fire Road.

The long sword flipped, and the power of death exploded, as if preparing to completely cut Shi Daoxuan's hands completely.

At this time, Shi Tao Xuan did let go, but at the same time as he let go, a golden lotus suddenly appeared on the sword tip.

Shi Daoxuan lightly, the golden lotus flew along with Su Xin's sword, and wherever he went, the endless vitality was all absorbed by that golden lotus, and it was terrifying.

At this time, Shi Daoxuan's figure came along the golden lotus, and one finger popped up. Su Xin's sophomore sword suddenly felt a strong strike, and a tremor sounded, and the second finger came. The sword spirit wailed, Tao Yun dissipated, and a trace of Buddha light bloomed, but the sword spirit of our Tao sword was actually sealed in its sword!

Seeing this scene, Su Xin, who was at war with Shi Daoxuan, remained unchanged, but others were horrified.

Only Daoxian has been refined by Su Xin into a destiny soldier. It can be said that there is a layer of connection between the weapon and people. As a result, Shi Daoxuan even cut off the seal with a blunt force, as if gently It means that you just waste one arm. Apart from the horror of this strength, they really can't think of any adjectives.

Only my Tao sword was banned, but Su Xin seemed to be unaffected by the slightest impact. He directly retracted the sword and retreated. The twelve Xuanyin swords appeared around him, condensing Xuanyin sword armor.

At the moment when Su Xin's Xuanyin Sword Armor had just condensed, the third finger of Shi Dao Xuan had already been clicked, and an underplayed finger could not see the slightest force condensing, and it burst out until he was in front of him. Xuanyin sword armor on Su Xin burst suddenly!

At this moment, Su Xin's body retreated, but at the same time he retreated, he condensed the twelve Xuanyin sword qi into a long-to-yin to evil sword, and stabbed directly towards Shi Dao's chest.

The wave of Dao Xuan's broad monk robe was just a simple move, but it seemed to cover the sky and hide the Xuanyin sword in it, and it instantly melted.

Shi Daoxuan's figure froze for a moment before frowning: "It's a fierce sword, full of evil, full of strong evil thoughts, and I don't know which extremist murderer created it, Master Su, old monk You are advised to use this sword technique less well, otherwise evil thoughts will enter the body and harm others. "

Su Xin heard a sneer at Shi Daoxuan's words. The Xuanyin Twelve Swords were not created by humans, but were condensed by evil thoughts between heaven and earth.

Moreover, if he could be affected by martial arts, wouldn't all his martial arts have been cultivated in the dog's stomach for so many years?

And this is not the ultimate of the Xuanyin Twelve Swords. Now Su Xin got only the sword intention, not the swordsmanship. The swordsmanship of the Xuanyin Twelve Swords is now the Xuanyin Sword that is used as a defense. Jialai, if you can draw the full version of the Xuanyin Twelve Swords, then it is the true swordsmanship.

After retreating for a while, Su Xin did not retreat with difficulty. He seemed to be ignorant of what had happened, and was obviously suppressed by Shi Dao Xuan, but he rushed up crazy and began to fight closely with Shi Dao Xuan.

In addition to his swordsmanship, Su Xin's reputation is his melee killing method.

The combination of fighting gold and thirty-six Lu Qi, this combination makes Su Xin even stronger than the warriors in Shaolin Temple.

In addition, there are different magical methods such as Wan Dao Sen Luo, Sacred Heart Jue, etc., so that Su Xin is not invincible in the world in melee, at least there are few rivals.

Now it is the same with Shi Dao Xuan. Su Xin came to the extreme to fight the golden body, and even broke out the Emperor Lin Jiu Xiao Fa phase, madly bombarding Dao Xuan.

However, Shi Daoxuan's face remained unchanged. He chanted a Buddhist chant, and his body was full of gold. Regardless of how Su Xin attacked, he kept a faint layer of Buddha light shining all over his body. Offsetting Jiucheng, it easily resolved Su Xin's offensive.

Su Xin's eyes narrowed, and Tian Xinjie was stretched to the extreme by him. Su Xin's heart was beating wildly.

But even if Su Xin ’s heart beats even harder, he has even reached the point where he looks pale, and then looking at Shi Dao Xuan there, he should n’t look well. Obviously, this old monk ’s cultivation on the flesh has exceeded It was more than his imagination, even better than him.

"Do not destroy the golden body!" Su Xin spit out these four words lightly.

The immortal golden body is another development of the fighting golden body. Compared with the powerful fighting golden body, the immortal golden body is focused on defense.

Shi Dao Xuan smiled and said, "Where is there any real immortality in this world? It's just appearance. You can say that it is indestructible, and it can be other nature."

Su Xin gave a cold hum and did not continue to fight with him, but instead exerted his power of Yuanshen to the extreme, turning it into a sword of Yuanshen and cutting it towards Shi Dao Xuan. Similarly, he pointed to the sword with boundlessness. The blood-sharp sword spirit shrouded Shi Dao Xuan in a moment, and exploded.

Half a quarter of an hour sounded very fast, but in fact it was very slow. Su Xin and Shi Daoxuan have fought thousands of moves, but everyone can see that UU reading books www.uukanshu. Com Su Xin is not Shi Taoxuan's opponent at all, this is all-round crushing.

Whether it's a kendo or melee killing method, or a mysterious meta-mystery, all of Su Xin's methods can't be explained.

Even if it wasn't for Shi Daoxuan's most of the time he was passively receiving defenses, Su Xin would have been seriously injured or even beheaded by him.

From this point of view, this Dao Xuan is indeed worthy of the name of a monk. He said that he came to stop Ge, and he would definitely not hurt Su Xin's life.

On the other hand, here is Su Xin, he feels quite a bit stubborn, and has used all his martial arts, as if he had to let Shi Dao Xuan suffer some losses, so that he could recover a little face.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help shaking their heads. Although Su Xin had always been fierce, he was still very aggressive, but this time Su Xin gave them a feeling of small family.

The only people present were Lv Potian who was puzzled from the beginning. Later, he seemed to see something, and a faint smile appeared on his face. He was not a loser.

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