Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1281: Not suffer

For half a quarter of an hour, Su Xin and Shi Dao Xuan struggled with thousands of tricks, but he did not even take advantage of it. Wx

Everyone in the Shaolin Temple breathed a sigh of relief. Now they can rest assured that Su Xin could not threaten them.

However, just before time was running out, Su Xin's original momentum that had been sluggish to the extreme was rising rapidly. He had two momentums rising from the sky, seemingly magical, and even reached the level that caused changes in the sky. , Yin and Yang, unpredictable.

Su Xin suddenly extended a finger in the air, but no one felt that Su Xin had pointed out a finger, this should be a sword!

Su Xin also pointed like a sword, but the two black and white sword qi became foggy and united into one. As Su Xin's sword fingers fell, he used a magical sword technique.

Buddhism Xuankou chanted symbols, countless golden lotuses bloomed in front of them, but these golden lotuses were cut by that sword energy, and the power that melted everything for the first time lost its effect in front of Su Xin.


Shi Dao Xuan gave a light sigh, and thoughtfulness appeared in his eyes.

What Su Xin is doing now is not swordsmanship, but Kendo. Any moves are meaningless. Only the final Kendo is the root and ultimate of all of them.

And this kind of kendo gives people a sense of infamy, as if scattered, and has not developed to the extreme.

When everyone saw Su Xin's shot, he suddenly felt like he was scratching his heart. I wished that Su Xin would now condense the scattered sword airways into one and cut out a shocking sword.

However, Su Xin did not happen as they wished. At such a critical moment, Su Xin suddenly retracted his sword and retreated, but punched again.

This punch is also weird, with no trace in the punch. It is clearly a punch that can break the sky, but the power does not know why. The same restraint and uncomfortable feeling in the heart.

In addition, Su Xin's body is constantly changing, with fists and claws, and various melee killing techniques are constantly changing, and Su Xin itself has also begun to undergo strange changes.

In his left eye there was a glimmer of eternal light shining brightly.

And in his right eye, there is endless darkness of death, which is bottomless, like an abyss, which makes people shudder.

Even in the eyes of some warriors, Su Xin was no longer a human at this time, as if a horrible demon was born in his body!

Everyone was waiting for the shocking blow from the terrible demon god, but after Su Xin had collided with Shi Daoxuan, all the visions on his body disappeared, and his body immediately receded.

Su Xin laughed and shouted at Xuan Gong's hand, "It is indeed a monk of the Lotus Zen Academy. It really has the highest strength in the world.

I lost this battle. Shaolin Temple will forgive them once, but when you come to Japan, Master Shi Dao Xuan can stop Ge once, but not necessarily stop Ge a second time. "

After speaking these words, Su Xin waved his hand directly, and the dark guards and the blood gods quickly assembled and turned around and left.

Lu Potian looked at Su Xin with a strange look, but also turned and left directly.

The crowd present at this time was a little confused, what did Su Xin mean? Is this the end of the situation? No matter how they look, they feel a little wrong.

At this time, Shi Dao Xuan smiled bitterly at Xuan Ming and Xuan Zhen: "Two people, you have provoked a terrible opponent. This Lord Su is really not a loser."

When Xuan Ming and Xuan Zhen were puzzled, Xuan Ming wondered: "Is there anything wrong? What tricks did Su Xin make?"

Shi Taoxuan smiled bitterly: "No tricks, but this Su Xinfang is using me to hone his martial arts.

Seeing him looks like he has already touched the threshold of the Shenqiao Realm. He can only take this step when he is at the door, but this time the old monk has made his stepping stones. "

Shi Daoxuan only smiled bitterly, but did not have any angry feelings.

Su Xin is a blatant conspiracy. You can only say that you are awkward without seeing it.

It's just that Xuan Ming and Xuan Zhen's faces are a little unsightly at this time.

A true martial arts Su Xin is already so horrible. If he is promoted to Shenqiao now, is it okay?

The other people present were also amazed in their hearts. It turned out that Su Xin's plan was so deep.

Before, they thought that Su Xin was fooling around, but did not expect that he had such a heavy calculation.

If Su Xin really broke through the bridge, he is probably the youngest bridge in history.

They did not come to Shaolin Temple this time. Not only did they see the various cards of Shaolin Temple, they also saw the horrible strength of Su Xinna and the powerful heritage of the Lotus Zen Temple.

These things together are enough to shake the pattern of the rivers and lakes. The people of these forces also immediately left Shaolin and went back to report the news.

Xuan Ming didn't care about them, he just said to Dao Xuan Yi with anxiety: "Thank you for your help this time."

Shi Dao Xuan seemed to see what Xuan Ming was worried about, and he smiled and said, "You can rest assured that I will continue to stay on the rivers and lakes during this time. I can keep you in Shaolin Temple. When I leave, I guess your abbot. Will come back. "

Hearing the promise of Shi Daoxuan, Xuan Ming was relieved. He couldn't help but ask, "Senior, I don't know what the reason for the birth of the Lotus Zen Temple this time?"

Shi Daoxuan sighed: "One of the reasons is because I am old, and it is time to find a disciple to inherit the mantle of the Lotus Zen Temple. After I find him, I will return to the Lotus Zen Temple to continue her retreat.

As for another reason, the troubled times of the rivers and lakes have come, and you should be able to feel it.

In times of trouble, there must be countless arrogant heroes rushing to appear. You can look at the warriors of this generation. How many amazing characters are there? Except for the prosperous world of martial arts, only the chaos that accompanied the countless blood spills on it will appear.

But looking at this scene on the rivers and lakes, it is not a prosperous time. "

Xuan Ming didn't say a word. Although he didn't want to admit it, there were indeed many amazing characters in the rivers and lakes of this generation, just like Su Xin and Meng Jingxian existed.

Originally, they should have one at Shaolin Temple, that is, Xuanzang. According to normal development, Xuanzang should actually be the foundation of their Shaolin Temple to protect themselves in the troubled times of the rivers and lakes. However, they were forced away by them. Their Shaolin Temple fell like this, it can be said that they had dug their own graves.

Xuanming didn't think too much about it either. The Shaolin Temple just suffered a big disaster. There are still many things to deal with.

Therefore, Xuan Ming directly said to Shi Dao Xuan Gong: "Senior, this is not the place to speak. Please also enter the Shaolin Temple for a description."

Shi Dao Xuan nodded and said, "I won't stay in Shaolin Temple for a long time, and I will step into the rivers and lakes to find suitable disciples in a few days."

Xuan Ming's eyes suddenly flashed: "Senior, I have a lot of young disciples in Shaolin Temple, which one do you like, although you can choose at will."

Xuan Ming said that of course he had his own consideration.

The Lotus Zen Temple is not malicious to them at Shaolin Temple. The two parties can cooperate, and naturally they can pull this relationship closer.

If the disciples of the Shaolin Temple are to be descendants of the Lotus Zen Temple, then after the next generation of the Lotus Zen Temple grows up, he will not be a Shaolin Temple, but he will also have some incense with Shaolin Temple.

Seeing Xuan Ming's mind, Shi Daoxuan couldn't help but smile: "The disciples of Shaolin Temple are outstanding, but unfortunately they are not suitable for me.

The disciples of Shaolin Temple have already gone to build the Buddha in Shaolin Temple, but my lotus meditation temple has its own Zen, which is not to be mistaken.

My disciples in the Lotus Zen Academy of previous generations did not require the other party's qualifications to be good, nor did they require the age of the other party.

It is as if the poor monk was actually a small local magistrate in the old days when he did not join the Lotus Zen Academy, and he has already reached the age of no doubt. "

Xuan Ming was secretly pointed out by Dao Xuan to explain his small calculations ~ ~ He couldn't help but feel a little bit ashamed, and immediately took Shi Dao Xuan into Shaolin Temple, and first gave it to Xuan Zhen to take care of.

Prior to this, Su Xin released a lot of sinners in the black prison. These people left a group, and a group of people were fighting with people in Shaolin Temple, and wanted revenge.

As a result, Shi Dao Xuan came here suddenly, but he gave them to the pit.

This group of people lost the only chance to escape, and under the coercion of the true martial arts, they did not even dare to move. Now that the overall situation is set, they are even afraid to resist, and they are directly given by the warriors of Shaolin Temple. He was re-closed to the black jail, and if he dared to have a change, he would even be killed by the warriors of the Shaolin Temple directly.

Only then did they kill a lot of warriors in the Shaolin Temple, and some of them hadn't done it with blood on their hands.

If it wasn't for Xuanming's failure to order, they would have even wished to kill all these sinners.

Of course, this time the group of people in Shaolin Temple was not troubled by Su Xin this time. Some of the sinners detained in the black prison ran out, so they couldn't ignore it, so they had to send someone to catch them again.

Moreover, these warriors of the Shaolin Temple also lost a lot of people due to Su Xin's aggressive attack, which caused them to be greatly injured in Shaolin Temple, even more severe than the injuries suffered during the Daoist Buddha War.

At that time, Shaolin Temple, under the leadership of Xuan Zang, recruited lay disciples, and from these lay disciples, many warriors with talents and mentality that met the requirements of Shaolin Temple were selected. This allowed Shaolin Temple to fully recover in just over ten years. With vitality, it is even more powerful than before.

But the problem is that Xuan Zang is being driven away by the Shaolin Temple because of this incident. Wouldn't they go to do this kind of thing on their own?

So now the Shaolin Temple can think about it, how should it be able to recover sooner. rw

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