Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1284: Ambition

ps: This chapter is for book friends to attack the set of 10,000 starting coins to reward and make up.

When Zhao Jiuling saw Zhang Bo here, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Zhang Zhangjiao, when I first met you a few times, but you refused to see me. This time, you will come to see me, I am afraid I already feel Is the crisis facing the Daomen?

Zhang Boduan snorted: "What crisis will happen to my Daomen? It's just that my brother is not here and needs to be dormant for a while."

Zhao Jiuling shook his head and said, "Zhang Zhangjiao, be honest and open, it's boring to say that. Now you can see clearly the crisis facing you in the Daomen.

Your brother, Li Boyang, the number one in the world, I haven't played against him, but since he can win the world's first name on the rivers and lakes, this can fully prove his strength.

It's just a pity that Li Boyang's strength is too strong, so strong that he can suppress the entire Daomen with one person's strength, resulting in the slackness of your disciples of Daomen.

The martial arts went smoothly and smoothly, but Shaolin Temple has been pressed by your fortune gates for so many years, but the result is that there are several amazing and talented characters. What about your fortune gates? Warriors of your generation can go to Shaolin Temple, but your next generation, I can say, is far worse than Shaolin Temple. "

Zhang Boduan's face was gloomy, and he did not refute anything, because what Zhao Jiuling said was all facts.

In fact, Li Boyang had already felt the crisis of their Daomen, but he never said anything.

This kind of thing cannot be resolved overnight, but he has disappeared before Li Boyang finds a solution.

Zhang Boduan snorted: "What do you mean by Xuan Tianyu now? I do n’t exclude the Taoist people from the Immortal Realm, but the premise is that the people of the Immortal Realm do n’t threaten the interests of my Taoism.”

Looking at Zhang Boduan, Zhao Jiuling suddenly shook his head and said, "Zhang Zhangjiao, although my words are a little unheard, but they are all heartfelt words. In my opinion, the Tao of Fortune is the head of the Tao. Prestige, but it's a little too thoughtless and aggressive, and a waste of your good fortune in Taoism. "

Zhang Boduan said in a deep voice: "The door of the Dao Gate is pure and inactive. Although I ca n’t do this, I can at least ensure that the Tao is not lost. . "

Zhao Jiuling shook his head and said, "There are rivers and lakes in some people's land. How can the escape gate be located in rivers and lakes?

Wu Dao is Wu Dao, and the battle between rivers and lakes is a battle between rivers and lakes. This is not a contradiction. IMHO, this is what Shaolin Temple does very well.

There are monks who specialize in Dharma in the stupa. These people don't have to fight blood for Zongmen. It is enough to focus on the Dharma, and so many monk halls in Shaolin Temple are enough to maintain the status of Shaolin Temple. "

Before waiting for Zhang Boduan to refute anything, Zhao Jiuling continued: "And this is not just the fault of your Daomen family. For a long time in the lower bounds, I have observed all the sects on the rivers and lakes. Regardless of right and wrong, these sects may have ambitions. However, the structure is too small. It only cares about the gains and losses of the family, and does not consider the overall situation and overall situation of the entire rivers and lakes. "

Zhao Jiuling looked at Zhang Boduan and said in a deep voice: "The reason for this is very simple, that is, some people in the rivers and lakes have been too comfortable!

Zhang Zhangjiao, you do n’t have to refute. For most of the Zongmen on the rivers and lakes, as long as they can pass down the Zongmen and prevent the Zongmen from declining and severing under their own hands, this is considered a success.

But it's different in Xianyu!

The warrior of my immortal domain knew from the day when martial arts was taught that the world in which he lives might collapse. If you become the master of a domain in the future, you must do everything to make it become Stronger, strong enough to survive the extinction! "

Zhao Jiuling took a deep look at Zhang Boduan and said, "It can be said that all the warriors of Xianyu are carrying great pressure on them, not the pressure of your so-called Zongmen, but the pressure of extinction!"

After hearing these words, Zhang Boduan had wanted to say something immediately and then hesitated back.

Before he heard about the strength of Xianyu, he always thought that most of the reasons for the birth of so many real martial arts should be attributed to the strong vitality of Xianyu.

It just seems that things are far from simple.

Zhang Boduan coughed and said, "So much said, what exactly do you want?"

Zhao Jiuling said in a deep voice: "Join together! Xuantianyu joins hands with you to create Daomen and even all the branches of Daomen on the entire rivers and lakes to create a strong Daomen alliance!

In the past, Daomen was the national religion of the first dynasty, and now Daomen is also the largest sect on the rivers and lakes!

Martial Supreme has never been told by words, but by strength. Now it is a rare opportunity for our Tao door. As long as this is done, all the crises of your Dao door will be resolved.

What is Su Xin? Rivers and lakes are reckless, although they are fierce and good at calculation, but their structure is too small to be atmospheric.

What else is Shaolin Temple? A group of paranoid and short-sighted people. Both the Zen and Tantric factions are endless now, and their own buttocks are not wiped clean. How can they beat my door?

Therefore, Zhang Zhangjiao has a long-term vision. Don't always stare at Su Xin or Shaolin Temple. Instead of destroying your enemies, make yourself stronger! Strong enough that the enemy can only look up! "

Zhao Jiuling stood with his hands in his hands. The original elegant appearance was completely different from the atmosphere and hegemony he showed at this time, but he was combined with the surrounding heaven and earth.

Zhang Boduan had to admit that Zhao Jiuling's vision was much larger than him, and even larger than many people on the rivers and lakes, but he still couldn't help asking: "What about the people in Xianyu?"

Zhao Jiuling shook his head and smirked: "Zhang Zhangjiao, it seems that you still don't understand it. Don't divide the immortal realm. Everyone is actually a river and lake person from the same vein.

My Xuantianyu is the inheritance of Daomen. They are the disciples of the former Taoist ancestors. On the relationship, I only talk about the Taoist tradition, but I have never divided the immortal realm or the lower realm.

Do you really think that the twelve realms of Xianyu are all one? Imagine that Nianxianyu didn't have so many forces. The emperor closed his life and death. It is true that life and death are unknown. Although the Jiang family is a queen of the people, they cannot control the overall situation.

My Xuantianyu people were the first to fight against the royal people, and they became independent.

Including these years, my Xuantian domain has competed with other domains for resources and disciples, and has fought with each other countlessly. It is no small conflict and resentment.

If you look at Shangguanyu in Hantianyu, you know that the first thing in his lower bound is to integrate Hantianyu into Shangguan's family. Do you think he once thought of Xianyu as his own? In his heart, the blood of the Shangguan family is the true one.

And my Xuantian domain is the same. Everyone is in the same vein. We are ourselves, not the so-called fairyland! "

Zhang Boduan was silent for a long time. Now, although he is the Daoist of Daomen, Li Boyang is not here, and everything is up to him, but Zhang Boduan is afraid to make such a decision easily.

After a short while, Zhang Boduan said, "I agreed to the matter of the alliance, but only some details of which have to be determined, such as who should be the leader of this alliance?"

Zhao Jiuling said indifferently, "Of course it's my responsibility."

A bit of coldness flashed in Zhang Boduan's eyes: "Does the domain master mean that I am going to line up the Dao Gate below Xuantian Realm?"

Zhao Jiuling shook his head and said, "Of course I don't mean this. If Li Boyang is here now, then I will discuss with Li Boyang. Whoever wins is the leader.

But now that Li Boyang is not there, there is only one of my gods in the vein of Daomen. At this time, I do n’t take a shot. Who can suppress the Daomen Alliance?

Just Zhang Zhang teaches you can rest assured that poverty is not a blind eye. Since the matter of the alliance was first raised by me, I will naturally guarantee that the decision is fair.

If I am biased towards Xuantianyu in the course of my actions, then the alliance will lose its heart. UU reading will not attack itself, so why should I waste so much energy? "

Although Zhang Boduan was a little unwilling, he had to agree to this situation now.

Without Shenqiao, it is impossible for him to become the ally of the Daomen. It is impossible for him to hold this position.

"Since it is decided to form an alliance, who will be in this alliance?" Zhang Boduan asked.

Zhao Jiuling said: "The Daomen Alliance is based on the veins of my Xuantianyu Daomen and your Daomen. The remaining three Dadaomen can be contacted. I believe that the Longhu Daomen and Fangxian Daomen will give the Daomen Damen a face. .

As for the Taiyi Gate, the way he has repaired is too extreme. I estimate that they promised a bit of effort, but we still have to send someone to ask, if the Taiyi Gate is a good thing to join, it is not good for us not to join.

These top Damen forces are the core of the alliance. As long as the remaining Damen forces have the Damen foundation and even the casual martial arts who have learned Daomong techniques, as long as they want to join, we will not refuse to come, all of them are included in the pocket! "

Zhang Boduan frowned: "I'll send someone to inform the other three Dadaomen, but like the small forces and some practitioners, even if they are practicing Daomen's exercises, in fact, they are no longer my Daomen. Already.

These people only practice martial arts and do not practice Taoism. They are confused, and they are all included in the alliance. In addition to being able to strengthen their prestige, what else can they do? I'm afraid it's more about losing face. "

Zhao Jiuling shook his head and said: "No, even if these people are still confused, there are still some talented warriors. Once such people are found, they can be directly included in the gate.

As for the others, as you said, it would suffice to give me the prestige of the Daomen Alliance, and you don't need to be extravagant. "

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