Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1285: Step on the bridge

To Zhang Boduan, Zhao Jiuling's strategy for the Daomen Union seemed to be the same as that of the Shaolin Temple recruiting ordinary disciples.

Both the Shaolin Temple and the Daoist Daomen have always followed the elite line, and they are actually somewhat disgusted with this kind of thing.

It's just that Zhao Jiuling is right in saying that even if those people are wasteful, they can give Daomen a strong reputation, and their Daomen do not have as many clear rules and disciplines as Buddhism. of.

Zhang Boduan was still a little worried: "What should happen to the Lotus Zen Garden? Is the domain owner better than the other party?"

Zhao Jiuling shook his head and said, "I am not sure. The roots of the Lotus Zen Temple are much deeper than you think, even earlier than the history of the Shaolin Temple.

But you do n’t have to worry about the Lotus Zen Temple. The other person ’s path is not the same as mine. The disputes on the rivers and lakes wo n’t control the Lotus Zen Temple.

In the past, there were thousands of disciples under the Buddha seat. His big disciple asked the Buddha if he could practice the Buddha to the extreme. Can he surpass the Buddha?

The Buddha said that he is the ultimate, as long as he has great perseverance, all people who practice Buddhism can become the next Buddha.

But the great disciple of the Buddha said that he didn't want to be another Buddha, so he only participated in his own meditation and realized his own Tao.

Since then, the great disciples of the Buddha have abandoned Buddhist meditation and separated from the Buddhist sect, instead of entering the Buddhist temple, they have created their own lotus meditation hall and practiced meditation.

I have to say that the great disciple of the old Buddha was a man of great wisdom. No one knows how the road to heaven should go now, but he knows that even if he wants to go, he cannot walk like the Buddha The way.

After participating in the Zen of heaven and earth for hundreds of years, the strength of the old monk is unfathomable, and the practice of meditation is also spiritual cultivation. He has never taken the initiative to learn martial arts, but he himself is the enlightenment of heaven and earth. Therefore, he could not move the fame and fortune, once the Zen heart was contaminated with dust, his body would be considered a waste.

So even if my Taoism is high-profile, even if we are not going to destroy the Buddhism, the other party will not shoot. "

Zhang Bo nodded appreciatively. In fact, when it comes to the inheritance of Taoism, their inheritance of Xuantianyu is even deeper than the Taoism.

After all, the Daomen of Fortune is only one of the three thousand gates of the past, but the inheritance of the Taoist gates of Xuantianyu are some elite disciples seated by the former ancestors of Taoism. They are all named by the Emperor I as celestial masters. There are many good ways.

There are no other questions. After Zhang Boduan agreed, Zhao Jiuling left first, preparing to form the Daomen Alliance. Zhang Boduan went back to prepare some work he should do.

It's just that all of this is done in secret. When the Daomen Alliance is formed, they will give the people a huge shock.

At this time in the dragon city, Su Xin's retreat has reached a critical moment.

Shenqiao stepping on the sky is a stage of completely controlling the rules of strength. Su Xin used Shi Daoxuan as a stepping stone to hone his martial arts to the extreme and has completely stepped on one foot.

In these days of retreat, Su Xin has honed himself as a knife. From the physical body to the Yuanshen, he has perfected his own perfection, cut open the gate of heaven, and set foot on the bridge of God!

In the closed room of Su Xin's retreat, the vitality of heaven and earth was surging wildly, but instead of pouring into Su Xin's body, they formed a fascinating vision in Su Xin's whole body.

There are sword qixiaoxiao, blood sea waves, Buddha light hanging on the nine days, and Wan Dao Sen Luo melting world.

All these visions were condensed around Su Xin's body, and surrounded him like a world.

Su Xin's own breath is getting stronger and stronger, and he has not changed the slightest in the room, but at this time within a hundred miles over the entire Dragon City, a breath like an immortal demon comes, half of the air is thunderstorms, and there is heavy rain Even hail fell.

The other half is clear sky, the hot sun is burning the earth, and its temperature makes it impossible to walk on the street. Some wooden buildings are even slightly smoked by this sun.

Moreover, these two visions alternated alternately in mid-air. The ground on this side had just been extremely hot, and the thunderclouds on the other side burst down, making the entire ground instantly generate a thick mist. , Set off the entire Dragon City like a fairyland.

At this point outside Su Xin's retreat, some leaders of Northwestern Road have gathered, watching Su Xin's promotion in appearance.

For people who are not martial arts such as Huang Bingcheng, he is simply worried about Su Xin, but for other warriors in the Yangshen Realm, watching Zhenwu's promotion to the God Bridge up close is a rare opportunity for them in the future. But very helpful.

Lu Potian also stood in the crowd and felt the power of Su Xin like an immortal. He couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed a terrible future, my master is not simple, and he unites all the martial arts together. The rules of power under his control are also amazing, even when Lao Tzu was in his heyday, he was not sure. "

Lu Potian's face was a little dignified. He hasn't been out of the river for more than 800 years. Now the rivers and lakes are much stronger than the rivers and lakes he used to be.

I heard that there are still four strong men in Shenqiao who left. As a result, so many amazing people have emerged from the rivers and lakes. If these four people are there, how far should these rivers and lakes be now?

It seems that his decision was right before. If he didn't find an ally in this arena on his own identity, maybe he would be forced to use the secret method of rebirth to rebuild once.

At this time, the strength that Su Xin has gathered has become stronger and stronger, but he has never stepped over the bottleneck. Even this vision between heaven and earth has lasted for more than ten days. You can see that Li Gang and others below Everyone was slightly anxious.

Seeing them like this, Lu Potian could not help but chuckle: "Don't worry, the longer the breakthrough time, the better, the longer the time, the stronger the rules of heaven and earth that Su Xin can control. Things cannot be asked by others. "

Lu Potian was also the existence of Shenqiao Realm in the past. He was also experienced. Hearing this, the people present were relieved.

After waiting for a few more days, the vision in the sky changed to some extent. The two forces merged into one, stirred the thunderstorms in the heavens and the earth, and condensed into a giant cyclone torn over the dragon city.

The warriors of this mighty northwestern road did not use the formation method to cover up. They wished that more people could see their mighty northwestern road.

In the retreat of Su Xin, a mysterious breath burst out suddenly. The visions around Su Xin gradually merged into one, and the original face was no longer visible.

Su Xin suddenly opened his glasses, and when he stretched out his hand, he immediately pulled the surrounding visions into his body. The momentum of his whole body climbed up and reached a zenith. At last, it seemed that something was booming. Fragmentation allows Su Xin to enter a new world!

Rising on the sky, Su Xin's figure appeared directly in the air, and the giant cyclone tornado was still roaring. These were the forces of heaven and earth, attracted by the power of Su Xin when he broke through.

Su Xin stretched out his hand a little, the cyclone tornado shattered, and the power of heaven and earth dissipated. In a split second, the vitality of heaven and earth in the entire dragon city became extremely strong, almost like a secret place that had not been opened for thousands of years.

In the eyes of all the warriors in the dragon city, joy was revealed. Everyone saluted in the direction of Su Xin, and said loudly: "Congratulations to the Lord on the bridge and to the rivers and lakes!"

Su Xin's figure fell from the mid-air, and Lu Potian came over and sighed, "Master, how do you guys tune / teach? Alas, at the time, if the band of waste under my hands had your general sense, I won't end up like that in the second half. "

Su Xin smiled and said indifferently: "It's very simple. It's just a kind of envy. They follow me and can get everything they didn't dare to imagine before.

And if they betrayed me, they could feel everything they dared not imagine before. "

Su Xin's words seemed to be silent, but Lu Potian understood it, and he shook his head.

It ’s easy to say, but how many people can actually do it perfectly? He couldn't do it anyway.

At this moment, a dark guard came over and gave Tong Wuyang a piece of information. After looking at it, Tong Wuyang's face changed suddenly. He walked solemnly towards Su Channel: "Sir, it looks like there is an outbreak on the rivers and lakes. A big event ~ ~ Su Xin asked: "What is it? "

Tong Wuyang said in a deep voice: "Zhu Jiuling, the owner of Xuantian Realm," Zhufu Daojun ", and Zhanghua Duan, who preached the Daomen Taomen, taught the" Jiuhua Daojun "Zhang Boduan to lead the Daomen Alliance. The attitude of Taishangdaomen is unknown.

Now the Daomen Alliance has falsely accused the entire rivers and lakes. Anyone who inherits the Daomen's pulse and powers and martial arts are eligible to enter the alliance. The talented people can even be taught by the masters of the Daomen and Xuantianyu.

And ten days later, these factions will hold a Daomen Alliance meeting in Tianyuan Wuliangshan, Qingzhou. At that time, all warriors who consider themselves to be a Damon can participate in it and join the Daomen Alliance.

In addition, there are also contests in the competition. Except for the martial arts soldiers and non-monitors martial arts soldiers, as long as they are Junjie of the current ranking and the previous ranking, they can also participate in the competition. The top ten can be unconditional. Join the gate, and there are countless precious cheats, weapons, treasures and other rewards. "

Tong Wuyang's voice dropped, and everyone present was silent. No one expected that Daomen played so much this time.

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