Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1286: Damen's calculation

The things Daomen did this time were indeed what Su Xin expected, and he didn't expect things to go like this.

After Shaolin Temple and his party, Su Xin once opened the system space and took a look. He had already suffered as much as 60% of the damage to Shaolin Temple. As long as the Daomen was damaged by the same level, Su Xin could complete the intermediate task.

Su Xin thought about what the other party would use to guard against when he shot at the Daomen, but he did not expect that Daomen would be very big, and he didn't even think of himself in the slightest. What did Daomen want? ? Do they want to be supreme?

Su Xin had guessed wrong, Zhang Boduan did not have such great ambitions, but there were others who had ambitions.

Lu Potian aside also laughed and said, "Master, this door is not easy to mess with, what is the other party trying to do? Gather people's hearts, want to dominate the river?"

Although Lu Potian is not good at managing these things of Zongmen, he can see it at a glance. The Daomen of Fortune is definitely running this time.

What is most important on the rivers and lakes? Some people say it's the Gongfa, and some say it's natural talent. To put it plainly, the most important thing is people.

The truly amazing and talented people do not rely on exercises, they can still fly into the sky without relying on talents, so no matter to that sect, people are the most important.

Of course, the people here refer to those who are amazing, not the mediocre. There are millions of gangs like the Gang of Nian, but they are actually low-level warriors. Obediently make room for others.

But now Damon is obviously trying to wipe out all talented young warriors on the rivers and lakes.

It goes without saying that those martial arts martial arts practitioners, although there are many mediocre generations, there are still many buried talents, and the goal of Daomen is them.

And the main goal of Daomen is those who have the little tradition of Daomen.

Earlier, Daomen's remarks were sounding, and once these talented disciples in these small forces could come to make Daomen or Xuantianyu, they were taught by the masters of these Daomen themselves.

This sentence sounds fine, but characters like Su Xin and others know that it is wrong.

Those talented disciples can be taught by the masters of Daomen and Xuantianyu, and the Daomen Alliance has not said that they must be taught to join Daomen or Xuantianyu.

But the question is, once these warriors from small forces have been taught by the masters of these two factions, do they still have the heart to return to the original small gate?

After all, the gap between the two factions is not generally huge. I am used to eating mountain and sea food. How many people are willing to go back for those coarse tea and light rice?

Even if some warriors are more conscientious, they learned something from the two major factions and insisted on returning to their own Xiaozongmen, but his body was already marked with the two factions, both Daomen and Xuantianyu. Will not force people to stay, but how can all the grace of teaching exist, do you refuse when you need it?

It is conceivable that after these small forces have joined the gate of Daomen, the elite disciples they have cultivated are actually prepared for those big forces in the Daomen Union.

In fact, this trick is not new. It was also used in Shaolin Temple in the past. The bright one was Xuan Zang, who used a lot of methods to recruit ordinary disciples to expand the strength of Shaolin Temple.

Facts have proven that this move is not wrong. Because of this plan, Shaolin Temple has regained a lot of vitality in a short time. Now the Shaolin Temple descends from the Xuanzi generation. At least three-tier disciples were originally from ordinary families.

It is only because there are too many things such as the rules and regulations of the Shaolin Temple, as well as internal reasons of the Shaolin Temple, this strategy of the disciples of the common people will finally fail.

Now Daomen's trick is a lot more refined. He directly selects excellent disciples to enter Daomen, but the rest of the mediocre goods are still in his own gate. The so-called alliance is actually that they choose the best gardener's vegetable garden. There is another wave.

And this time, the gates not only reached the warriors in the veins of the gates, but even the warriors in the veins of the gates wanted to be wiped out. The gates that originally admired cleanliness had suddenly made such a big move this time, their ambitions Even idiots can feel it, this time the door is afraid that the plan is not small.

Lu Potian turned his eyes to Su Channel: "Master, what are you going to do this time?"

Su Xin shook his head and said, "This time it's not what I plan to do, but what the whole river and lake are going to do.

Daomen has played so much this time, and his ambitions are already known by passers-by.

Alas, the overlords of the rivers and lakes, Supreme Martial Arts, have they ever asked Da Zhou's opinions? Have you ever asked Momon for his opinion? Have I asked Su Xin's opinion? "

A flash of cold words in the eyes of Su Xin said: "This time, things are not only related to me alone. Daomen is a situation that has stirred up the whole rivers and lakes. Look, it will be very serious when the Daomen Union Conference begins. Hilarious, we can just follow it for a while, and then wait for the opportunity. "

Since the opening of the White Emperor City, Su Su has been agitating the situation on the rivers and lakes, so the Zongmen forces are cautious, with the appearance of a wind and rain coming from the building.

However, whoever thought that Su Xin's wind and rain had finally passed, Daomen was here to stir the wind and rain, and even the noise was greater than Su Xin.

After all, Su Xin ’s troubles were only for revenge, and even Su Xin shouted that Shaolin was going to destroy Shaohua ’s slogan. This is just Su Xin ’s private complaint with the two big factions, and they even could n’t wait. Su Xin went to the two factions and suffered a defeat.

But now it's different. The existence of the Daomen Alliance is a bit too strong, and always clean and indifferent. Daomen suddenly shows such a big ambition, but it makes many people vigilant.

Even the spread of this incident in Daomen covered the news of Su Xin's promotion to the Shenqiao. There was an extra Shenqiao on the rivers and lakes, but it failed to set off any storms.

At the same time, the young generation of warriors on the rivers and lakes were also boiling.

Most of the ranks on the list of each generation are occupied by those warriors from the ancestral gates and big families, but there are still some warriors from casual training.

Although not all warriors are willing to join a sect, and give up freedom to take responsibility, for most warriors, it is better to have a backer than none, especially in this backer is still the world ’s first Taoist It can be said that as long as it is a bit ambitious, all the warriors have already moved.

At this time in the Dragon City, Su Xin was also preparing to bring a group of elites of the Dark Guard and Blood God to the Daomen Union Conference.

With a system task, Shaolin Temple and the Suhua Daomen Su Xin must be destroyed. Now Shaolin Temple has been half-disabled by Su Xin, and the hole cards are almost taken out. It is only a matter of time to destroy Shaolin Temple.

But this time, the behavior of the Daomen was really beyond Su Xin's expectations. The other party didn't seem to put him in his eyes and played directly with a big one. Then don't blame Su Xin for coming to the door and hitting the scene.

Su Xin called Huang Bingcheng and asked, "Lao Huang, the best young man among the Dark God and the Blood Gods, find me a few."

Isn't Daomen trying to wipe out the young warriors on the rivers and lakes this time? I heard that there are also many exciting rewards. Su Xin just threw a few people in the past to stir them up. At the same time, he also wanted to see how strong the young generation of warriors are now.

Huang Bingcheng thought for a while and thought, "The strongest of the younger generation in the blood gods is the" black magic sword "Gong Wenyu. He doesn't like words, but he is calm in heart and has reached the pinnacle of the divine realm.

In fact, with the strength of Gong Wenyu, he can break through into the realm of divine fusion, but the disadvantages of transferring the blood to the Dafa are too great, so he has been suppressing his cultivation and trying to fully lay down his foundation. Promoted to Rongshen.

And the best among the younger generations of the Dark Guard is Master Su, your family, from the "Shadow Sword" Su Zichen of the Ning Yuantang Su family.

His cultivation is worse than that of Gong Wenyu, and he has not reached the pinnacle of the divine realm, but he has been practicing with Li Bad for a while ~ ~ It is a named disciple of Li Bad. , Strange and unpredictable, already has some style of Li bad. "

Gong Wenyu Su Xin was impressed. The other party was also a young generation Junjie who was in the top ten and was recruited by Su Xin. Now it seems that he is doing well.

And Su Zichen Su Xin also had some impressions. When Su Xin had just arrived at the Ningyuantang Su family, he saw that Su Zichen was insulted by the blood of the sacrificial line as a side blood, and even the exercises he wanted to practice were not qualified to learn.

After Su Xin counted all of the Ningyuantang Su family ’s family members to death, those blood lines were also drawn into the dark guard by Su Xin and let them show on their own. Now it seems that Su Zichen is really good, before Weakness means no chance. Once given him a chance, his potential shown is dozens of times stronger than those of the Su family ’s lineage.

After a while, both were taken to Su Xin.

At this time, both Gong Wenyu and Su Zichen are already the most outstanding young warriors among the Blood Gods and Dark Guards, and their momentum is far from being comparable to what they used to be.

Seeing Su Xin, the two were together.

"See Lord!"

"See the owner!"

The word "homeowner" was called out by Su Zichen. For him, Su Xinxian's identity was the head of their Su family, followed by the governor of Northwestern Road.

Su Xin nodded and said to the duo: "You should have heard about the Daomen Alliance. The task I gave you is very simple. Go to the Daomen Alliance test and come back with the Daomen reward. It is to let Daomen The man lost his wife and died.

But don't underestimate the young Junjie on this generation of rivers and lakes, so you must follow me these days, and I will give you some advice on martial arts. "

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