Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1287: Meet the enemy

PS: This chapter is for the book friend Aka Roupin to reward and add 10,000 starting coins.

For Gong Wenyu and Su Zichen, Su Xin's task can be said to be a pleasant surprise.

They do n’t even care about the difficulty of the task, and they have the teachings of Su Xin, a **** of the bridge. This is a great opportunity. For them, this is a treat that they ca n’t meet.

Ten days later, on Qingwu Road Tianyuan Wuliang Mountain, countless disciples guarded the mountain road and greeted guests who came up the mountain.

At this time, a huge site has been cleared from Tianyuan Wuliang Mountain, with a huge performance martial arts field in the center, and seats on the periphery for special forces.

At the highest peak, Zhao Jiuling stood with his hands in his hands. Next to him were two Zhenwu from Xuantian Realm, Zhang Boduan who created the Daomen, Lu Xuanfeng from the Longhu Dao, and Xuan Chuxuan from the Fangxian Daomen.

It's a pity that Daomen didn't come this time, but Zhao Jiuling didn't care anymore, and he was quite proud of himself now.

Gathering one Shenqiao and five Zhenwu at one time, no matter how immortal or lower bound, how many people can do it?

Zhao Jiuling said that the vision of the people in the lower realm is too small. In fact, the vision of the people in the fairy realm is not all large, but for all warriors from the fairy sphere, their inherent sense of urgency exists for all warriors. .

Now that they have found the way to the Nether, there is no need to worry about the collapse of Xianyu. Their descendants are all dead. This can be regarded as a wish that can let them breathe a sigh of relief.

Under this mentality, the warriors of these fairy lands are either like Shangguanyu of Hantianyu, and Xiao Fu is ready. As long as his Shangguan family can be passed down, he will be satisfied, or he will be born like Zhao Jiuling now. Ambitions come.

The former ancestors of the Lotus Zen Academy can say that they want to participate in their own meditation, and do n’t want to be the magnificent vow of the next Buddha. He naturally has ambition in Zhao Jiuling. The only one that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Daozu!

Looking at the countless gates of rivers and lakes below, Zhao Jiuling suddenly felt ambitious, and laughed, "Let's all go down to welcome you, and the guests should all be here."

At this point there are already a lot of Zongmen up the mountain, but Zhao Jiuling and others did not meet.

In their current status, they must have been personally greeted by the presence of Zongmen in the presence of Zhenwu Realm.

At this time, among the several domains in the lower bound, the people in Fengtian domain and Ferris domain have already come, but the cold heaven domain where Shangguanyu is disappearing directly. Now the rivers and lakes are only the Shangguan family, but there is no cold heaven domain.

After these people came, the disciples of the two lower Buddhist gates went up the mountain together.

The two columns are because they are disciples of the Buddhist monks, but they are very clear-cut and even have a hostile attitude.

Needless to say, the two columns are Shaolin Temple and Tantric King Kong Temple.

The two factions almost fought when they met at the foot of the mountain. The King Kong Temple satired that the Shaolin Temple was broken by Su Xin, and even nearly destroyed the door, losing face and losing face.

In addition, although Shaolin Temple is now greatly injured, its strength is still stronger than that of King Kong Temple, and of course it will not humiliate King Kong Temple.

Therefore, as soon as the two sides meet, they have to take action without speculation. If it is not for Shi Daoxuan to speak and block, it is estimated that the two sides may really take action.

Zhao Jiuling arched to Shi Dao Xuan: "Welcome everyone to join our Daomen Alliance meeting, please come to the seat."

None of the people present were from Shaolin Temple, such as Xuan Ming, or from King Kong Temple, such as Suo Nanche. Only one person, Zhao Jiuling, could not really see through.

So even if Taoism and Buddhism do not stand against each other, one is because of the strength of Shi Daoxuan, and the other is because he is not a Daomen, and there are not so many grievances with Shaolin Temple, so the attitude towards Shaolin Temple is pretty good.

Now that Zhang Boduan saw Shaolin Temple like this, he could not help but smiled and said, "Xuanming, I heard about you Shaolin Temple this time. Alas, the loss is not small."

Xuan Ming glanced at him coldly and said, "Su Xin shouted the slogan of Shaolin, who was destroying good fortune. If you really have confidence in the good fortune door, go to Northwest Road to solve that Su letter. , More useful than your nonsense here! "

Zhang Boduan scorned: "Re-enforcing the reincarnation? No one in the past can retreat, and now it is the same naturally!"

At the beginning, Zhang Boduan was a bit hesitant about Xuan Tianyu's current plan, but now he sees that Xuan Tianyu has made so many movements, and he has also shown such a powerful power. Zhang Boduan is completely relieved. .

But at this moment, a voice came faintly.

"Zhang Zhangjiao's confidence is very big. So you didn't take me seriously, did you underestimate my Su Xin, or did you overestimate your fortune?

With this voice, an extremely powerful coercion came from Tianyuan Wuliang Mountain. At this time, the people at the peak couldn't help looking down, and saw that Su Xin had led the Dark Guard and Northwest Road. The warrior came straight up the mountain.

Su Xin did not choose to fly in the air, but chose to walk step by step on the mountain steps. With each step, the momentum on his body was strong, and the strength of the surrounding heaven and earth was made a sound. The tremor, the power of the surrounding heaven and earth seemed to be dragged by his momentum, and the frequency of beating was exactly the same as that of Su Xin's footsteps.

The clouds gather in the mid-air, and countless dark clouds are scattered in the mid-air like a tornado. Each drop of Su Xin's feet seems to be in the hearts of everyone, giving a very uncomfortable feeling.

And this feeling is very amazing. The more powerful it is, the more it can feel the strong pressure, such as Zhang Boduan at this time. Under the pressure of Su Xin, he even has a breathless feeling. !!

Just now he was still ridiculing that Shaolin Temple had suffered a big loss in the hands of Su Xin, but he did not expect that he felt the horror of Su Xin so soon.

The other party has been promoted to Shenqiao, and even in Zhang Boduan's heart at this time, the pressure brought by Su Xin even faintly caught up with his brother Li Boyang!

At this moment, Zhao Jiuling stepped out, waved the robe, the sun and the moon, and can be gripped!

Instantly, the powerful momentum created by Su Xin was immediately taken into the sleeve by Zhao Jiuling, and Dao Yun disappeared instantly.

Su Xin's eyes narrowed, he was so arrogant that he just wanted to test out how powerful the domain master of Xuantianyu was.

Now he has come out tentatively, and the other party is indeed worthy of the existence of Shenqiao Realm, and the time for promotion of Shenqiao Realm should not be short, and he has been cultivated as a deep and mellow person, not inferior to Li Boyang and other martial arts realms .

Zhao Jiuling smiled and said to Su Xingong, "Sir, Mr. Su, it's so hot when we come to our Daomen Alliance. Isn't this good?"

Su Xin also laughed and said in two voices: "It is so jealous to meet the so-called enemies. If I don't make a bit of fierce movement, I am afraid that some people think that Su Xin is forgetful, and I will forget those old hatreds."

Having said that, Su Xin turned his attention to Zhang Bo and said, "I haven't forgotten that your brother shot me in the White City.

Li Boyang, the number one in the world, is very beautiful and even more prestigious.

If he were to be here, I would like to ask him for advice now.

It is said that Li Boyang is the first in the world, and he doesn't want this position yet. Since he doesn't want it, I Su Xin doesn't mind smiling! "

Zhang Boduan's complexion suddenly turned black, Li Boyang was absent, and they did not even have the confidence to speak to Su Xin when they created the Facade.

As a sacred bridge, Su Xin now stands at the top of the entire rivers and lakes, and only when Li Boyang and others return, they can have an equal dialogue with Su Xin.

Zhang Boduan suppressed the anger in his heart: "This so-called first in the world, my brother has never put an eye on you. If you want to take it, no one will stop you, but now, there is a lotus meditation. Master Xuan is here, do you think that Su Xin, one of his subordinates, is the best in the world? "

Zhang Boduan provocatively agitated, UU reading www.uukanshu. The commendatory Tao Dao Xuan just crossed his hands and chanted a Buddhist chant: "Amitabha, how easy it is to be the first in the world. This old monk can't afford it, it's just some jokes of the people of the rivers and lakes. You must not take it seriously. "

Shi Daoxuan's words are not modesty, but facts. With so many strong people in the world, how can he afford to bear the first four words of this world?

Moreover, falsity and falsity are the most disturbing. He just wants to participate in his Zen, and has never been interested in such things.

At this time, Xuan Ming and others at Shaolin Temple also looked at Su Xin, showing his hatred for gritting teeth.

The last time Su Xin attacked Shaolin Temple, they were greatly injured. At that time, Xuan Ming didn't feel anything, but when he counted afterwards, Xuan Ming almost vomited blood.

On the surface, the high-end combat effectiveness of Shaolin Temple has not actually lost much, although several sun gods have died.

But the problem is that those who lost the most were the innate martial arts under the gods. Although these young disciples of Shaolin Temple are not weak, but the group of people under Su Xin throws out a variety of hidden weapon traps and transforms the gods. The realm can barely resist, but the warriors of the innate realm are easily killed in this chaotic attack.

Don't look at the strength of these innate martial artists, but they are all good seedlings selected by the Shaolin Temple, both talented and mental.

Such a disciple spends a lot of energy in cultivating one. Of course, after they grow up, they can also carry the banner of Shaolin Temple.

The result is good now, these young disciples were actually killed by Qi Xin's men, which is not only that it has greatly damaged the vitality of the Shaolin Temple, it is simply breaking the foundation of the Shaolin Temple!

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