Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1345: Shaolin

Ps: Thanks to the leader, Poonlo, for the reward of 300,000 starting coins. Three leaders were rewarded in one breath. Thank you in July, thank you very much ^ _ ^

Seeing Su Zichen lead the way for the Dark Guard to kill them, the disciples of Shaolin Temple suddenly exploded.

Even if someone yelled, "Su Zichen! Anyway, you are also the most outstanding disciple of the younger generation of Shaolin Temple. I didn't expect you to be so boneless, and went to be a dog for Su Xin's men!"

"In the beginning, you were chased by the undercover soldiers of Su Xin like a bereavement dog. Wolverine fled to my Shaolin Temple. If it were not for me at Shaolin Temple, you would have been killed by the undercover soldiers of Su Xin. Show them the way, they just don't know shame! "

Facing a lot of people's scolding and scolding, Su Zichen just sneered and spit out two words: "idiot!"

Yuan Kong from Shaolin Temple stepped forward and sighed: "Don't scold, he didn't betray Shaolin Temple because he was not a Shaolin Temple person from the beginning!"

As soon as this remark was made, all the people present were shocked. This Yuanyuan, who had been with them for a whole year and had a reputation among the young disciples, had never been a Shaolin Temple person?

Su Zichen looked at Yuan Kong, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said, "Still Yuan Kong sees people accurately. At first, I almost planted it in your hands. Unfortunately, Xuanming was blind and would rather believe What I said undercover did not believe what you said.

But rest assured, there is an adult in my family, Xuanming and they can not live long, now I will send you to see him, and when you get below, you will regret it! "

The voice fell, Qi Long waved directly: "Kill me!"

The dark guards behind him directly rushed out. In their eyes, these disciples of Shaolin Temple are not people, but a lot of credit!

At this time in front of the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple, the battle between Su Xin and Xuan Ming and others reached the most intense point.

Xuanming's body has now become transparent, which is the ultimate manifestation of the burning of the physical gods.

Even though he has exerted his power to the maximum extent, Su Xin is still not injured. Some of the previous offensives just let Su Xin consume a little bit of power.

This is not enough for Xuanming now. Looking at the endlessly shining bead, Xuanming chanted a Buddhist chant, and his body finally began to dissipate slowly, all of which were integrated into the bead!


When Xuanzhen on the other side saw this scene, she could not help shouting, "Brother!"

Since Xuan Zang was forced to leave Shaolin Temple, Xuan Zhen has rarely called Brother Xuan Ming. At this moment, the word Brother is really shouting.

At this time, after paying attention to all the power of Xuanming, the sacred bead suddenly broke out, breaking through all obstacles, breaking up time and space, but with a simple power and power, he smashed directly into Su Xin. drop!

Su Xin's eyes revealed a thorny dazzling mansion. A flame was burning around him. The red flame was thick and thick like blood!

In the face of Xuan Ming's blow that burned all his own power, and even urged the last power in the bead, Su Xin even faintly felt a power of heaven in it!

Although this sacred bead is now abolished, after all, it is a thing left by the former Tongtianjingjing strongman. With such full efforts, it has really restored the power of the former Tongtianjingjing strong. Although there is only a trace, but That power surprised Su Xin, so in the face of this attack, Su Xin also decisively chose to burn essence.

It is just that at the level of Su Xin, even if the essence is burned, it is not possible to start burning directly and simply like an ordinary warrior, so the technical content may be too low.

Now Su Xin's burning essence is to blend his own blood into the red fire magic power, using the blood as fuel, to fully ignite the red fire magic power, pushing his own power to the maximum.

The so-called Taoist sword in Su Xin's hands was raised, and the sword was dotted with blood flames at this time. As Su Xin's sword was cut out, the heavens and earth, the fairy and the ghost. Three Kinds of Kendo are merged into one.

This is the strongest sword skill that Su Xin can master so far, and it is also the embodiment of the peak of his kendo.

And on the outer edge of the divided Three Realms, the thick blood flames are burning, and this sword is set off even more evil. The entire sky has been divided by the sword, except for Su Xinna ’s blood flames that have covered the sky. Only these three swords volleyed, and the Three Realms of Collision collided with that sacred bead, and suddenly sent a shocking wave!

At this moment, any power between heaven and earth seems to be stagnant. Everyone can clearly see that under this powerful wave, the flame of blood is extinguished. Although Su Xin ’s sword-like Three Realms are magnificent, they are still facing The collisions shattered as if they were extinct.

Even Su Xin's body retreated step by step under this powerful impact, but stepping in mid-air seemed to step on the ground. Every step back, he had a violent burst of energy and continued to retreat. Nineteen steps, Su Xin finally stopped, and there was a crack on the solitaire sword in his hand! Although the crack is subtle, it also means that even under the collision of this powerful force, even our Tao sword has been wounded!

Su Xin stood in the air, and a ray of blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth, but Su Xin didn't care.

He did not die, and Shaolin Temple was about to die. He blocked the attack, and Shaolin Temple was about to die.

On the other side, Xuanzhen's eyes could not help but reveal the color of despair. Their last card in Shaolin Temple and the Buddha's beads were the same for Su Xin.

Lu Potian sneered: "The monk of Shaolin Temple, didn't think of it? You also have Shaolin Temple today. I had closed Laozi for so many years. Today, this tone is finally out!"

The words fell, and Lu Potian, who had been suppressing Xuanzhen, suddenly spit out blood.

But this blood contains a strong sword, which is like a dragon and a snake. It cuts through the void in an instant, and it has a cold and strange feeling in the domineering, and it is cut on the mysterious body instantly , Leaving a huge sword mark on his chest, directly bombing it, but failed to completely kill Xuanzhen.

This sword has severely damaged Xuanzhen. Although his flesh that is comparable to gold and iron does not shed any blood, the flesh has been cut open, revealing the sensible white bones and crushed internal organs!

Lu Potian wondered: "Oh! What a strong body!"

Fang Cai ’s sword was Lü Potian ’s killer. Everyone knows that he used a knife. Whether it was hundreds of years ago or now, Lü Potian used a knife. Whoever thought that his hole card was weird. Sword intention.

In fact, this style of swordsmanship was obtained by Lu Potian once in an adventure.

When it was still Lu Po Tianyang, he accidentally found a place where the ancient demon king was sealed. The ancient demon king is a dragon species, but it is an impure dragon species that is transformed by snakes. Its cultivation It was exactly this dragon and snake sword meaning. Lu Potian was relatively short-sighted at that time, only knowing that the blood of the demon tribe was a good thing, so he drained his blood and condensed the dragon and snake sword meaning from his blood. However, he did not know that the value of a living demon tribe was even greater.

But even so, Lu Potian estimates that this demon king's peak period is comparable to the existence of a human **** bridge, so the dragon and snake sword is very powerful. Lu Potian has hidden the dragon and snake sword since he got it. In the body, taking his body as a scabbard, he has been nourishing with his own blood, and it is life-threatening when he leaves the scabbard. Xuanzhen is also the first person alive after hard-wired his sword.

Of course, Xuanzhen is half dead now.

But at this moment, a Buddha's horn came from the sky, and the figure of Vigadoro fell from the sky step by step. Seeing the scene here, Vigadoro's face showed a trace of sadness: "I still Are you late? "

Watching the assassin and the Shaolin Temple warriors who were still fighting, Vygatoro righteously said, "Sir, so many people have already died here, do you still want to reincarnation?"

Looking at Vigadoro, Su Xin's face showed a sarcastical smile: "If you come early, I can make some less sins, Vigadoro's sage ~ ~ You It's really time to come. "

Vigadoro ignored Su Xin's taunting tone, he just sighed: "There are enough dead today, Master Su, let it go."

Su Xin squinted at Vigadoro. The monk's acting skills were really good. At least Su Xin could only see from his eyes regret and sorrow, as if this time he really had to come late.

Of course, even if he acted like Su Xin, he would never believe it. He always believed in what he saw. Since then, the dark guard has not transmitted the information of Henan Province to Su Xin. This Brahma monk But he never felt good. Shaolin Temple only cares about guarding him, but they don't know that in cooperation with Brahma, this is basically trying to make a hide with the tiger.

Su Xin just stared at Vigadoro in this way, and only half a moment later he said lightly: "The tadpoles compete for the fisherman's profit, this time I made your Brahma realm cheap, I recognized it, of course, I also saved a lot of thing.

I just hope that you do n’t mess with me in Brahma, otherwise, you may not have too many people in your vein. "

The voice fell, Su Xin waved directly, and left Lu Detian with some depression. Lu Potian over there was still regretful. If he started early, I am afraid that he can kill Xuanzhen before the monk comes. Already.

However, Su Xin shook his head and looked at the appearance of Picadolo. I am afraid he has already come, and is waiting for this scene.

Su Xin had collided with that Buddha's bead before. It consumed too much, and suffered some minor injuries. It would be meaningless to fight again.

And those disciples of the Shaolin Temple, Su Xin, did not control them. Although they could not kill them, if Su Xin expected them well, they would not be Shaolin Temple people after a while!

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