Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1346: Annexation

The emergence of Vigadoro made Su Xin temporarily retreat, but at this time Su Xin retreats and does not retreat. In fact, Vigadoro's mind Su Xin knows that he is not here to protect the Shaolin Temple. Yes, but want to annex Shaolin Temple!

Of course, the method used by Vigadoro may be mild, but the result is the same.

If you change to Su to do such a thing, there are only two options, surrender or die, which is faster and more rigorous, and Vigadoro, see him before in the fairy realm and in Shaolin Temple. The performance will know that this person is also a very horrible existence. The most frightening thing is that he wears a mask named 'Sacred Master', which is a lifetime.

So from a practical point of view, Picadolo and Su Xin are actually a kind of person, but one is face and the other is lizi.

After leaving Shaolin Temple, Qi Long and others also returned.

Su Xin asked: "Everyone has been intercepted?"

Qi Long looked a little ugly, and he said to Su Xin: "I still ask the adults to forgive me. It is because their subordinates are not doing well. This has led some young disciples in Shaolin Temple to escape, about a dozen people."

Su Zichen on the side said: "In fact, this is not to blame Master Qi. Among the group of disciples of Shaolin Temple is the most outstanding disciple of the young generation of Shaolin Temple, Yuan Kong, who has amazing strength. I did not see him in Shaolin Temple, but At this time, the strength he showed was directly approaching the realm of fusion. We were also inattentive, which allowed him to escape with some of the disciples of Shaolin Temple. "

Su Xin waved his hands and said, "It's okay to escape a dozen people."

For Su Xin, with his current strength and status, it is not a big deal to escape some of the remnants of Shaolin Temple.

And the requirement of the system task is only to destroy Shaolin Temple, not to kill the Shaolin Temple. As long as the name of the Shaolin Temple is cut off and completely destroyed, it is sufficient. If there is one left to kill, then in case there is one The disciples of Shaolin Temple were completely discouraged and self-destructed and self-destructed martial arts to become an ordinary person. Su Xin was not a fairy. Where did he go? Then the task will fail 100%.

Although the system sometimes releases missions that are demanding, it will not release you some mortal missions.

As for the remaining warriors on the Shaolin Temple Hill, Su Xin no longer needs to worry about it. It is estimated that they will not be Shaolin Temple people if it does not take long.

At this time on Shaoshan Mountain, a number of ordinary disciples of Shaolin Temple looked at Vygadoro, and some of them shouted in a crying voice: "Yu Lord, the same vein of the Buddhism, please also revenge for Shaolin Temple!" "

Vigadoro sighed, "Shaolin Temple is the gate of my Buddhist ancestors, which is the head of the Buddhist sect, but now it looks like this, and this thing must not be stopped.

But you also saw the strength of Su Xin, and even if I shot it, I was not sure to leave it. There was a Lu Potian near him who was close to the bridge. I was in a hurry. People are still behind.

Everyone, you must remember that although so many people in Shaolin Temple have died, but you are still alive, you are the future hope of Shaolin Temple. Living people are always more important than dead people!

Therefore, after revenge, the most important thing right now is to restore the vitality of Shaolin Temple. "

Having said that, Vigadoro looked at the severely wounded coma and miserable Xuanzhen. He lifted up Xuanzhen and said to the people: "Now the abbot of Xuanming is dead, and Xuanzhen ’s first one is also seriously injured. Now Shaolin Temple But who else is in charge? "

The disciples at Shaolin Temple face each other face to face, Shaolin Temple has only two true martial arts, but there are still some Yang Shen Realms, both Xuanzi Generation and Kongzi Generation, but there is not enough prestige. Whoever dares to stand up and say that he can manage affairs ?

At this time, a warrior with a conscious character suddenly said: "Since my Shaolin Temple and Brahma have been allied, and now that I am in Shaolin Temple, it is difficult to guarantee that Su Xin will not return again and want to completely destroy my Shaolin Temple. The teacher stayed in Shaolin Temple for the time being, and helped me through the difficulties for the time being. "

Suddenly, this disciple of the Jiuzi generation came up with such a word, which was not instigated by Picadolo. In fact, he did not bury any nails in the Shaolin Temple, which was a subtle manifestation of his previous experience in the Shaolin Temple.

At that time, Vigatoro was a corporal sage in Shaolin Temple, and he had no shelf for any disciple, which was quite popular among the disciples of Shaolin Temple.

It was just that there was Xuanming and Xuanzhen at that time, so in the eyes of other disciples of Shaolin Temple, Vigadoro was just an amiable and kind-minded ally.

But in this situation, Xuan Ming is dead, Xuan Zhen is seriously injured and coma. Instead of letting those with no prestige Xuanzi generation of warriors or those of the old emptiness generation of warriors take charge of Shaolin Temple, it is better to let Vigadoro come. In charge of it.

And this is not the way a person thinks. At first, as long as it was a warrior who had contacted Vigadoro, he would think so, so even if this disciple did not say it, others would say it.

It was just that those martial arts soldiers who froze in the presence frowned, feeling a little dissatisfied.

When they want to come, the monks of the Xuanzi generation can carry the banner of the dead, the disabled, and the prestige of the others is not enough, then they can only make them older and more prestigious. Came to take charge, but they did not expect that the remaining disciples would rather choose such an outsider than Picadolo.

But even if they knew this, they didn't dare to say anything. After all, Piccadolo could not afford to offend, and just as Piccadolo said, they all knew the character of Su Xin. For this matter, Su Xin could They directed a big show and deceived them for a whole year. After that, maybe Su Xin wanted to use any conspiracy or tricks to completely sever the foundation of their Shaolin Temple.

If there is a Shaolin Temple in which Vigadoro sits, it can at least temporarily stop Su Xin, so the warriors of the empty generation have no objection.

Seeing that more and more people agreed to Picasso's temporary management of the Shaolin Temple, Picadoro just shook his head and said, "Since everyone said so, I will take charge of Shaolin Temple for the time being.

Let ’s go and see if other warriors are alive, and if necessary, immediately send them to Yaowang Hospital for treatment, to try to save everyone ’s life, and I ’m going to see Xuanzhen ’s first injury, he was too bad, If they are not treated in time, they may even die. "

Everyone nodded and immediately started to do their own work, picking up the pieces of the Shaolin Temple.

At this time, Vigadoro took Xuanzhen to a dense room in Shaolin Temple. Although Xuanzhen was seriously injured at this time, he was not considered a coma. He just closed his physical body to prevent injuries. It continued to deteriorate, but there was still perception, after all, his primordial spirit was not damaged.

It was just that Xuan Ming did not give out his guess on Picardor before his death, and Xuan Zhen was not very good at such intriguing things, so he has not been vigilant to Picardor until now, and thought The other person is an ally to himself.

After Vigadolo helped Xuanzhen to the bed, he directly printed his hands, and all the strange Sanskrit texts that radiated the Buddha light flew towards Xuanzhen's mind.

Feeling his own danger, the power of the mysterious Yuanshen exploded, and he opened the Sanskrit, and he barely struggled to get up and shouted, "Vigadoro! What do you want?"

Vigadolo said indifferently, "Don't you know what I want to do? All I want is the Shaolin Temple.

Wouldn't it be great if the huge Shaolin Temple became undefeated in your hands, instead of letting it completely decay or even destroy it? Let my ally lead him to glory.

So you can die in peace. No, I have no intention of killing you. You can go to sleep with peace of mind, and sleep till you die! "

The words fell, and there were countless golden Sanskrit words in the entire room, and violently poured into the mysterious mind.

If during his heyday, this level of offensive Xuanzhen might be able to be blocked, but now Xuanzhen has been seriously injured, let alone blocked, he is simply vulnerable. UU Reading Books

Under the impact of the golden Sanskrit, Xuanzhen's body twitched twice, his breath still, but there was no sound anymore.

Vigadolo looked at Xuanzhen expressionlessly, as if looking at a tool.

Like he said before, he never thought about killing Xuanzhen, and even Xuanzhen ’s life was left by him. Otherwise, if he comes out a little later, Xuanzhen will be chopped by Lu Potian. kill.

After all, Shaolin Temple is still Shaolin Temple, which belongs to Shaolin Temple itself.

Now because there is an undead Xuanzhen, Shaolin Temple will tolerate him as an outsider to take charge of Shaolin Temple. Anyway, those disciples of Shaolin Temple see that you are only a helper, but after Xuanzhen wakes up It will definitely let him go.

Dealing with this matter is also very simple. Although he did not kill Xuanzhen, he completely destroyed the other party ’s memory. In short, he has been completely cleared by Picardor into a white board. No, so he won't wake up all his life, so that Vigadoro will be in charge of Shaolin Temple forever.

Vigadoro took out an elixir and gave it to Xuanzhen, fearing that he would die now, after all, he was seriously injured.

Now Xuanzhen is just a tool for Vigadoro. For him, Xuanzhen is a guise where he can control Shaolin Temple brightly and fairly.

A day later, after Su Xin took people back to Northwest Road, Shi Daoxuan came to Shaolin Temple.

This time Shi Daoxuan left relatively far. He even went to Dongjin to look for his disciples. After he received the news, he came to Shaolin Temple.

Seeing the miserable appearance of Shaolin Temple, Shi Daoxuan sighed and recited the Buddhist scriptures.

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