Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1349: Qingli's Secret

Qingli's Yuan Shen is now an incomplete Yuan Shen, but two in one. One part has been transformed into a human body and cultivated with a demon soul, while the other is attached to Xin Er's body, doing nothing all day. Xiner eats, drinks, and plays, and it is estimated that the entire Northwestern Road is the most joy she has ever had.

But now listening to Xiner's words, what seems to have happened to her, is it really a problem with cultivation? After all, the practice of cultivating people with monster spirits has never been tried since ancient times.

Su Xin thought for a while and said, "Go back and talk."

Su Xin followed Xin'er into the closed chamber, and he said to Xin'er: "Call Qingli first."

Xin Er nodded, and after a while, Qingli's Yuan Shen manifested from Xin Er's body, but now Su Xin looked a little bit wrong with her condition.

Although the original **** of Qingli was nine points, but because of the secret method of the Qingqiu tribe, Qingli's Yuanshen did not appear weak.

But now Qingli's Yuan Shen is very unstable, and even the appearance is a look of embarrassment.

Su Xin frowned: "How did you do this? How did you make yourself look like this?"

Qing Li shook her head in pain: "I don't know. You told me the news of the birth of the Demon Clan last time. I have impressions of those big demon kings, but it seems that I can't remember it, even One of them was particularly impressed. It seemed like I was only one step away, but I couldn't remember it anyway. "

As soon as Qingli said this, Su Xin immediately reflected that she was using too much force.

Originally Qingli's Yuan Shen was nine points, and part of her memory was also separated. Now she should remember those demon kings, but because the memories were separated, it seemed a bit vague.

Now she has to forcefully recall these things, of course, it will hurt the original god.

Su Xin pointed this out, and then snorted coldly: "You should know this kind of thing, do you know what you are doing now? It's just that you can't find it. One can't get it right. Your yuan God will be permanently harmed. "

Qing Li muttered: "Of course I know, but one of them is very important to me. I always wanted to think about him. It seems that I have become obsessive. I have no control at all. Can't myself. "

Su Xin frowned. If that was the case, it was really tricky, because Su Xin was not Qingli, and he couldn't help Qingli resolve his obsession.

Xin Er, who was also aside, looked at Su Xin without blinking. She thought that the strongest existence on the rivers and lakes was her elder brother besides her master. This elder brother should be able to solve this problem.

Without mentioning Xiner's blind self-confidence, Su Xin really remembered something after a while, and he suddenly said, "Go and wake up your other body."

Qing Li was a little confused, but she still called her body, which was being closed, as Su Xin said.

Now that Qingli's Yuan Shen is interoperable, the other body practicing retreat is also abnormal.

Su Xin threw a practice to her and said, "Cultivate this practice first, and see if there will be any gains."

What Su Xin tossed to Qingli was the Tian Yao Tu Shen He obtained from the system.

This demon slaughter God Su Xin had also practiced, but he found that this practice was not as powerful as he originally imagined. Of course, this was not a problem of practice but Su Xin's own problem.

The Heavenly Demon Slaughter was not prepared for the human race from the beginning. Su Xin practiced the demon law in his own body, which was too repulsive. In addition, because of the withdrawal of the demons in this world, the evil spirit was thin. Great, this day the demon slaughter God is in the hands of Su Xin, I am afraid that the power is not as powerful as the three-point return.

So in this way, Su Xin has no interest in further cultivation.

But now she sees Qingli Su Xin reacting. Qingli is an authentic demon. Although she no longer has a demon body, the demon soul is still there. If she were to transfer to the Tian Yao Tu Shen method, would it be unexpected? effect? You can even make up for her deficient Yuanshen.

Qingli picked up the practice and looked at it suspiciously, but the more she looked at her, the more surprised she finally couldn't help but said, "Where did this practice come from? Is it the seven great saints in ancient times? The next exercise?

It ’s not right. Although this technique was created specifically for the demons, it directly points to the origin of the demons. Even the techniques created by the seven great saints in ancient times have the rich flavor of their respective races. Not as pure as it is now. "

Su Xin said indifferently: "You don't need to know where the cultivation is, just look at the effect."

Qingli nodded and began to practice according to that method.

Su Xin left with Xiner first, but Qingli had just begun to perform the exercises there, and then she saw a strong raging spirit between heaven and earth, rushing towards Qingli's body, and the dark evil spirit was directly covering the clouds. The sun is so spectacular.

Su Xin, who originally wanted to leave in advance, was there. He didn't expect that the effect of the demon slaughtering God ’s Law on Qingli was so good. He should even say that this technique was prepared for Qingli.

And seeing the breath on Qingli's body, is she ready to be promoted to Zhenwu to reach the level of the demon king?

Lu Potian was also attracted by this powerful demon. Before he thought that the demon kings of the demon dared to attack the Northwest Road, but then he discovered that the demon came from the inside.

Lu Potian pointed in horror to the retreat and said, "Where is the little fox?"

Lu Potian has also come to Northwest Road for such a long time. He naturally understands Qingli's things, but he has never thought of this strong breath coming from Qingli.

Compared with Lu Potian, other warriors in Flying Dragon City seem calm, after all, they can't tell how strong this breath is. Moreover, the power of Su Xin to break through the bridge of the gods was much more than that. They've all seen it, and now it's just trivial.

Su Xin just nodded, and didn't explain much. I saw that the enchantment in the entire secret room was getting stronger and stronger. It took three days for this demon to finally accumulate to an extreme, and finally burst out and sublime!

I saw in the mid-air, a slender nine-tailed fox with a white body like snow was swimming, exuding a strong breath.

When the body of the nine-tailed fox became clearer and clearer, it finally poured directly into the dense room, and a powerful breath erupted, like Zhenwu, but it was not Zhenwu.

Qingli came out of the secret room, and the charm that flashed out at that moment was like the legendary fairy in the sky, which made people have the illusion that they dare not look straight.

Lu Potian shook his head and sighed, "What a powerful illusion! Lao Tzu is out!"

Su Xin was not affected, let alone that he is now a **** bridge. Even if he is still martial arts, his mental tenacity will not be affected by illusion.

Qingli's eyes murmured with an unbelievable look: "I have become the demon king?"

The demon king in the demon tribe is weaker than Zhenwu and stronger, and even at the level of the northern dragon king, he can even have a trick with the existence of Tongtianjing.

Although Qingli is still weak, she is indeed the demon king.

Su Xin raised his eyebrows and said, "Your father is also the Qingqiu Fox King. Is it difficult for you to become a demon king?"

Qingli smiled bitterly: "My clan has never been known for its talents. Although my father has achieved the demon king, most of the other Qingqiu fox clan's limits are in the realm of the demon. It depends on asceticism and your own chance. "

"How are you feeling now? Is there any improvement on Yuanshen?" Su Xin asked.

Upon hearing these words, Qingli seemed to think of something in general, and immediately silent.

On the one hand, Lu Potian left with interest, and something Su Xin told him, he would not be polite, but he should not listen, it is better not to listen.

After Lu Potian left, Qingli took a hint of complexity: "My primordial spirit has been completely restored, I have already remembered everything ~ ~ I died in your father Later, who robs you of Qingqiu's tribe, who sealed you so many Yuanshen? "Su Xin asked.

Qing Li paused for a moment, then said with a trace of hatred: "It is the Silver Wing King!"

"Silverwing Wolf King?"

Su Xin thought about it carefully. When the Demon Clan was born, of the five demon kings, the silver-winged wolf king jumped the most, and his mind was the deepest. He didn't expect that this uncle did such things Come, the traitor of the demon tribe? Not right, Dingtian can only be regarded as killing each other.

Qingli gritted his teeth and said, "The most important thing is that the Silverwing Wolf King and my Qingqiu family should be allies, and he and my father are worshiping brothers.

My Qingqiu tribe is not a powerful demon tribe, and the Silver Wolf King is even more mediocre. He is just an ordinary wolf demon. It takes effort to break through the big demon in this life, but he accidentally got the demon big saint, Xiao Yue. A drop of blood from the Moon-Swallowing Great Saint from the Sirius family, with the blood of the Howling Sirius family in his body, was promoted to the realm of the demon king, but the strength is only equivalent to the true martial of your people.

With his bloodline talent, it is already extreme to be able to break into this realm in this life. The secret treasure of my Qingqiu tribe is Qingqiu Kingdom, which is a secret space that can be carried with you. The flow of time is ten times slower than the outside world. The vitality is ten times stronger than the outside world.

Now that the Silver Wing Wolf King can be compared with the demon kings that are comparable to the **** of the bridge, such as the fissure tiger king, he must have used the secret treasure of the Qingqiu family of Qingqiu in the later stage, and this is how he reached this state! "

Speaking of which, Qingli's beautiful face was already full of embarrassment. At the time, her father let the Silverwing Wolf King take care of the Qingqiu family. I did not expect that the Silverwing Wolf King was really a wolf ambition, and turned around to do such things. Come.


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