Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1350: Unfinished task

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Compared with enemies, betrayal is often the most hateful, so Qingli was so impressed with the Silver Wing King that he still remembers the Silver Wing King when his own gods are missing. .

Suddenly Qingli looked up and said, "Su Xin, help me kill the Silver Wing King!

He has the secret treasure of the Qingqiu family on it, but he doesn't know the true roots of Qingqiu.

In fact, the so-called Qingqiu Kingdom was made from a strange stone stained with the origin of heaven and earth when the heaven and earth were born in the past. It is said that the Qingqiu Kingdom was still the legendary demon emperor. My ancestor of the Qingqiu family was The concubine of the demon emperor, so was gifted to the Qingqiu kingdom by the demon emperor, and has been passed down through the ages.

Therefore, the practice of deferring time with Qingqiu Kingdom is actually only an auxiliary type of usage. The real usage is to swallow the power of its origins, which can take you one step further from the heavens!

The usage of the power of devouring the origin is only known to my royal family of Qingqiu. In fact, if it were not for my royal family of Qingqiu, these days there has not been even a demon saint, not even the top ten demon kings. This Qingqiu country can't stay now.

As long as you can help me kill the Silverwing Wolf King, and after you capture Qingqiu Kingdom, I will teach you how to devour Qingqiu Kingdom and let you devour its power.

Although the power of this source cannot make you into the sky, but it will make you the strongest existence under the sky, enough to be proud of the whole world! "

Su Xin was shocked when he heard Qing Li's words.

Now Su Xin only knew why Qingli had to spend Lu Potian to pay for it. It turned out that Qingli had so much explosive news in his hands that it was enough to make people the strongest treasure in the heavenly realm. This kind of thing will cause many people to be jealous. Yes, she believed in Su Xin, but she did not believe in Lu Potian.

The facts about this demon clan are indeed not given for nothing. After all, the demon clan has ruled this world for so many years. Even now, the demon clan has been thoroughly swept into history, but some of the things they circulate are indeed worthy of. It is precious.

Su Xin Shen said: "You don't have to worry about this. Even without you, there will be a war between the demon and the human race. Otherwise, they will stay in the hidden world well, so why jump out and do it? thing?

But now that you say so, I will use the Silver Wolves as the main target when I work with the demon.

By the way, your memory is now restored. Do you remember the roots and character of the five demon kings who are born now? "

Qingli thought about it and said, "I haven't touched anyone other than the Silverwing Wolf King, but I have heard my father's evaluation of them.

Among these five demon kings, the Silver Wolf King will not say anything, and the others are not so hostile to humans, and they do not have much thought of fighting with humans. They are really prepared to endure with humans, and they did not Will sign an agreement with the Terrans, but go and fight with the Emperor.

Among these demon kings, the King of the Wind Tiger was a warlord of the demon tribe in the past. It was a magnificent man. At first, it was the main war faction with the tribe, only because some of the demon things inside the demon tribe were a little discouraged. No longer plan to continue fighting with Terrans.

The King Jinpeng is a bit arrogant and has a bad temper. He is a descendant of the former Tianpeng. During the period when the demons ruled the world, there were several demon saints, and even one demon saint reached the peak. Try to impact the realm of the demon emperor.

The King of Three Eyes has the lowest background, but he has a tough personality and does not like to say much, but he is very thoughtful. When the demons had an advantage, he turned to the red dragon of the demons to fight for him. When he rose, he immediately retreated quickly and bravely. When the Red Dragon King was beheaded and killed by his emperor, and his majesty was slaughtered, the King of Three Eyes was the demon king who saved his life.

The Gibbon King has a strong talent. It is said that there is also the blood of the demon holy in his body, but his natural escape, fun, and do not love cultivation, this has led to his strength has been unable to go up. "

Qing Li paused and said, "If I am not mistaken, there is actually one of the strongest demon kings in the demon clan who has not been born. The one is the North Dragon King. At that time, he decided to sign an agreement with the emperor. The demon tribe is hidden, no longer stepping out of the rivers and lakes.

According to legend, the blood of the North Dragon Dragon is not very strong, but he has gone all the way to the top ten among the 72 demon kings. Although these ten demon kings are still the demon king, they are all Be able to follow the existence of Tongtianjing.

Especially Northland Dragon King, my father once said that Northland Dragon King once obtained a drop of blood from the former Red Dragon God and the Black Turtle God, which caused the dragon's energy to be extremely strong, and Shouyuan was far superior to other monsters. Family, so as long as there is no accident, the North Dragon King should be alive. "

Su Xin frowned and said, "The existence of being able to fight with Tongtian Realm? Then if this North Dragon King is born, no one can be beaten on the rivers and lakes, even if Shi Daoxuan comes."

Although the strength of the Buddhist monk Xuan Na is strong, it is only compared to the existence of Shenqiao Realm, and it has never reached the level close to the heaven.

If the North Dragon King stepped out of the arena now, no one could stop him.

Qing Li shook her head and said, "No, I'm sure the Dragon King of Beidi will not step out of the Demon Clan.

My father has a good relationship with the Beidi Dragon King. He said that the Beidi Dragon King is one of the few sane people in the demons.

He is better aware of the situation than anyone else, so in the absence of 100% certainty, the Dragon King of the North will never shoot. "

Su Xin nodded bluntly: "Since this is the case, it's easy to say a lot. I will deal with the problems of the demon tribe afterwards. This time the birth of the demon tribe is obviously the silver wolf king played a key role in it. Function, since the other party jumps like this, I have the opportunity to count them and kill the gang of demons, and the rest will be returned to the old nest. "

Su Xin didn't pay much attention to the attitude of the demons, and even Qingli said that the North Dragon King of the demons had not been born, which can already explain the atmosphere among the demons.

Even if they don't think they can regain the world from the human race, does Su Xin pay attention to them?

But now the demon clan has five **** bridges, and they are all gathered together. If there is no absolute certainty, Su Xin will not shoot.

After the collapse of Shaolin Temple, Su Xin did not relax his vigilance in the slightest. He had scattered a lot of warriors in the Dark Guard, but most of them were secret agents, which were used to investigate the movement of the entire Henan Province.

Shaolin Temple has been destroyed, so there is no need to worry. What Su Xin really worried about was Picadolo.

The last time that the Shaolin Temple was destroyed, Vigadoro arrived late deliberately, revealing his ambition to annex Shaolin Temple, which also proved that he was definitely not a holy master and was also a wolf ambition.

So he really feared Vigadoro Susin. Now Suxin is also afraid that Vigadoro will make any other moth, so he should always guard him when necessary.

After all the explanations were given, Su Xin continued to retreat.

After entering the closed chamber, Su Xin entered the system space and was ready to see how the mission to destroy Shaolin Temple was completed.

Only when Su Xin saw the progress of the task, Su Xin frowned.

According to the mission record, the progress bar of the Shaolin Temple was quickly cleared on the day he killed Shaoshanshan. Those people should have been killed by him, but only one tenth was left.

In the next few days, the remaining one-tenth of the progress bar was also quickly cleared, which made Su Xin speculate that it should be that Vigadoro had already taken the Shaolin Temple.

The system is only for Su Xin to destroy Shaolin Temple, not to kill all people. Destroying and killing are two meanings.

Once the disciples of Shaolin Temple were annexed by Brahma, they would naturally not be Shaolin Temple people, so in this way, Vigadoro would solve some of Su Xin's follow-up tasks.

It's just that until now, the progress bar still has 1% left, and it has not been completely emptied. This situation makes Su Xin very confused. Isn't it that Picadolo did not make a claim?

However, in Su Xin, I want to come to ~ With the vicious means of Vygadoro, the other party will definitely annex Shaolin Temple with the fastest speed. There is no such thing as a person.

After thinking for a while, a name came to Su Xin's mind, mysterious!

If the system is not dead by default, even if there is only Shaolin Temple alone, Shaolin Temple is still not completely destroyed. This is also a manifestation of the value of a strong person in the Shenqiao Realm, and one person can represent a gate.

Su Xin frowned, and if that was the case, he might be in trouble.

Before entering the fragment of the world in that fairyland, Su Xin did his best to fight against Xuandu and finally succeeded in hitting Xuandu.

At the same time, the Tibetan King, the Emperor, and Li Boyang were all in good condition and intact. Once there was a contention between them, even if there was no danger from the outside world, mystery would surely be the first of them.

However, it seems that things have unexpectedly surpassed Su Xin's expectations. Mystery has not died. After he returns, the two sides will have to fight.

However, at present, the other party is in Xianyu, the road has been blocked, and Su Xin is useless no matter how much he thinks, he might as well continue his hard work and strengthen his strength.

Now Su Xin ’s strength has reached a bottleneck, and cultivation has grown slowly, so if he wants to improve his strength, Su Xin can only use time to accumulate his own martial arts foundation. This kind of penance is Su Xin ’s The last thing I want to do, but now there is no other way.

What Su Xin didn't know at this time was that, among the shards of Xianyu, a monk with blood and blood was standing among a pile of corpses, looking at a matrix formation in front of his eyes, and a bright burst broke out in his eyes. Come on. For mobile users, please browse m. Reading for a better reading experience.

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