Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1359: War will start

The five major forces launched a joint attack on Su Xin, almost all being the largest battle in the rivers and lakes in the millennium, and the power was so powerful that it was frightening.

In addition, these forces counted Su Xin's major counts before shooting, what indiscriminate killings, acted fiercely, have ambitions to dominate the rivers and lakes, etc. Anyway, what Su Xin described is like the peerless demon that lifted the rivers and lakes. .

For most of the Zhengdao School and the forces that have resentment against Su Xin, these people are actually right.

Historically, there have been a set of rules on the rivers and lakes. In the past, the right path suppressed the magic path. This set of rules was naturally formulated by these right paths.

However, with the power of Su Xin now, although he is not a magic Tao, he also has the qualifications to formulate a set of rules himself. What he challenges is not only the interests of several companies such as Shaolin Temple, but also the interests of the whole river.

Therefore, although these righteous sects did not dare to openly attack Su Xin, even dare not fall, but shouting a few slogans in the distance and cheering for cheering was not a problem.

The five major forces joined forces, almost all coming out of the nest, and those who were qualified to come to the Northwest Road to fight were all martial arts above the innate realm. Even so, they had a scale of more than 100,000.

Of course, this is only a low-level warrior, four top-level Shenqiao realms, and the remaining real realms of more than ten. This might be enough to make any power in the world tremble like a mysterious soul. If Su Xin can survive this time, it is absolutely impossible unless he has already reached the heaven.

The five forces came together to crush, and even the Northwest Road at this time was like a mountain full of rain, and it was full of a sense of depression.

Because of the unstoppable warfare of Su Xinbei, the prevalence of martial arts far surpassed the Central Plains, and because Su Xin advertised the seventy-two stunts of the Shaolin Temple here, so the whole Northwest Avenue attracted a lot of Buddhism masters .

After getting these exercises and martial arts, some of them chose to join the Northwest Road, but most of them were still willing to stay in the northwest road where the martial arts prevailed after they got the exercises.

Although it is said to be a mix of dragons and snakes here, compared with the atmosphere of the Zongmen family in the Central Plains, it is easier for the scattered martial arts practitioners in the Northwest Road to get ahead than in the Central Plains.

But now I heard that the five major forces joined forces to destroy Su Xin and attack the Northwest Road. The entire Northwest Road suddenly went empty, and almost 80% of the soldiers chose to leave the Northwest Road to avoid disaster.

After all, this is a rare battle in the millennium, and there are several Shenqiao Realms who have shot. They are staying at Northwest Road at this time. I am afraid that they will not be able to stop the aftermath of the Shenqiao Realm War.

Although these martial arts practitioners prefer the martial arts atmosphere of the whole Northwest, for them, it is most important to keep their lives small.

Su Xin looked at these things, and he didn't say much.

These martial arts warriors were originally grass-like figures, and Su Xin did not expect them to coexist and die with Northwestern Road. Anyway, as long as Su Xin survived this time, they would return sooner or later.

Outside the dragon city, the four strong men in the Shenqiao Realm walked in the air, and the Shenqiao stepped into the sky, and each of them could control the surrounding world.

The four Shenqiao shot all together, and it was almost instantaneous that they had stirred up the surrounding world, making the place of the hundred miles centered on the dragon city, the sky became extremely dim, with the thunder of thunder and the high winds sweeping like a piece The general scene at the end of the day, heavy coercion came towards the dragon city.

At this time, the formation of the dragon formation on the Dragon City was lit, and there were tens of thousands of formations that complemented each other, blocking this momentum.

This is the Wanluo array that was originally under the cloth of the runner king. It is the hard work of the great masters of countless generations in Tianjigu. It can even be said that it is the strongest guardian formation method among the rivers and lakes.

It ’s just that even the strongest formations are just dead formations. The breath released by the existence of the four Shenqiao realms can motivate the formations. It is conceivable that they are so strong.

But at this moment, Su Xin's figure stepped out of the city step by step, the whole body is also the same momentum, facing the four strong men in the Shenqiao Realm with one person's strength, Su Xin did not fall in the slightest, on the contrary There is also a momentum that can be countered, which makes Picadolo frown secretly.

He is suspicious by nature. Now, in this situation, Su Xin does not run or hide, and everyone does not even see what he has arranged in the Dragon City. Now that Su Xin is so confident, what can he rely on to stop him? The four gods bridge together?

When thinking of this, Vigadoro's heart emerged a power, does this Su Xin also have the heritage of the ancient heavenly strong man? Or did the old immortal immortals leave him behind?

Pigador himself had some unclear relationships with the Buddha, so he was also somewhat sensitive to things in this regard.

Although he is confident that he can cultivate to the peak even without those things left by the Buddha, he is definitely not as fast as he is now.

This Su Xin also was promoted to Shenqiao in less than a hundred years. It was almost a leap forward along the way. It was fast, and then reminiscing about his own experience, Vigadoro could not help but doubt whether Su Xin was with himself. They are all the same kind of people, they are all the backhands of the existence and choice of the ancient heavens.

If yes, who is behind him? The Buddha is certainly not, and Taoism should not be, after all, Su Xin is now about to slaughter Taoism.

Then it is most likely that the former Emperor of Ba Du and Da Tian Mo Zun were in the past.

After all, Su Xin is a native of the local government, and he has such a causal relationship with the Emperor of the Capital. Seeing Su Xin's behavior is also similar to that of the old demon god.

Just as Vigadoro was thinking there, Su Xin said lightly to Xuanku: "Xuanku abbot, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that you could live out of the shard of Xianyu, and just came out of you Then they fought this big battle to kill me. It seems you hate me so much? "

Xuan Su's eyes were stained with black at this time, but in the face of Su Xin's enemies, Xuan Su's face did not have any crazy hatred. On the contrary, he seemed calm at this time. It's very.

Hearing Su Xin ’s words, Xuan Kui only said lightly: "Su Xin, you destroy my Shaolin Temple Wanzai Foundation, how can I not hate? Kill you, just to ask for an explanation, to give me an account of the ancient ancestors of Shaolin Temple. Without going down with you, how can I face my fathers and ancestors face to face?

It's just hate, but I regret it even more. I regret why I didn't kill you desperately at first, and regret why I entered the fragment of the fairyland! "

There are many opportunities for mystery to enter the Shard of the Fairy this time.

He himself has already made great progress, reaching a level comparable to the existence of Shi Daoxuan, and he has also obtained part of the world's roots, which can make Shaolin Temple as a whole stronger.

It's a pity that Shaolin Temple is gone now. What's the use of holding this thing? It was nothing more than a bamboo basket.

Su Xin sneered: "My abbot, you don't need to say that you have much grievances at Shaolin Temple. The cause and effect cycle is unsatisfactory. If it wasn't for you that Shaolin Temple wanted to kill me, how could I destroy Shaolin Temple today?

Not to mention the entire rivers and lakes, even if the whole world is constantly being divided, the former dynasties of the first dynasty have completely dissipated. You Shaolin Temple has been standing on the rivers and lakes for thousands of years, this time has been long enough, and now it is time to let Location, isn't it? "

Mysterious closed his eyes, and there was an evil black breath all over his body. He whispered: "It is useless to say more, Su Xin, no matter who is right or wrong in this matter, I do n’t want to say more about things in the righteousness, Today I just want to take revenge on Shaolin Temple, you can't stop it, you can't escape! "

Su Xin shook his head and said, "Why should I run away? I have already destroyed the huge Shaolin Temple ~ ~ Is it still a bad one for you?

But now I just want to ask a few others, do you really want to be my enemy? Consequences, but you must think clearly! "

Because Vigado was still suspicious of Su Xin, he did not speak, but Jiang Yuanzhang sneered: "Su Xin, do you really think you can be invincible?

as a result of? After this time, your Northwestern Road will be destroyed once. What consequences will you tell me? "

In fact, in all fairness, Jiang Yuanzhang and Su Xin did not have such a big grudge. The two sides settled mainly because Su Xin had lost his face because of Feng Tianyu.

However, Jiang Yuanzhang was very vigilant against Su Xin since he learned about his life.

As the queen of the people, the lord of the heavens, the most important thing is the word "rules."

The division of Xianyu before meant that someone had broken the rules, but this was beyond Jiang Yuanzhang's tolerance.

At present, Su Xin appears to Jiang Yuanzhang as a rule-breaker. If there is no source of the mysterious world, Jiang Yuanzhang will not fight with Su Xin for a reason, but now he has The origin of this world, this kind of thing that is easy to handle and has great grasp, of course, he has no reason to refuse.

Zhao Jiuling also thought so, but he was more willing to revenge the last arrow of Daomen League.

At that time, Zhao Jiuling's ambitions were to unite the world's gates and form a gate-gate alliance. They were ready to lay down their prestige. However, Su Xin took the lead to destroy it. The so-called gate-gate alliance also became a laughing stock for a while. Daomen and Xuantianyu.

This causal Zhao Jiuling plans to return sooner or later, but he did not expect this day to be so fast. 8)

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