Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1360: Su Xin's card

Some of the four great bridges present were hostile to Su Xin, some were resentful to Su Xin, and some were purely driven by interests. Anyway, since they made preparations to kill Su Xin today, then They will not hesitate any more, they must do everything they can.

Like other people hesitated, the character of looking ahead and looking backwards was not worthy of being a top power leader.

At this time, Su Xin skimmed Vigadoro and said, "I told you at the beginning, don't come to provoke me, but now it seems that you don't seem to take my words seriously."

Pilgridolo crossed his hands and said, "Shaolin Temple is the gate of the Dzong my veins. Although my Brahma did not want to be hostile to Lord Su, this time I was invited by the abbot abbot. "

Su Xin looked at Picardolo and sneered: "A good fellow is the same as the Buddhism!

Mysterious, you may not know. When I attacked Shaolin Temple at the beginning, if Vigadoro could arrive in time, I'm afraid I can't destroy your Shaolin Temple.

And you look at those disciples in your Shaolin Temple again. Are they now from Brahma or your Shaolin Temple?

I want to destroy Shaolin Temple. That ’s right. I have never covered it, but the person around you has been using the darkest means to annex Shaolin Temple. If you say the word wolf ambition , This sacred master of Vigadolo is more suitable than me. "

The blackness on Xuanku's face suddenly became a bit heavy. In fact, Su Xuan's statement was a bit skeptical before, but now the disciples of Shaolin Temple are really good at Brahma. He has no evidence. Natural It's impossible to go wrong with such an ally such as Vigadoro.

And no matter what Su Xin said now, he can't change the mysterious decision. This time, he didn't come for any good reason, but just wanted to take revenge.

So for Su Xin ’s words, Xuan Kui had doubts about Vigadolo in his heart, and he did not want to think about it. Xuan Kui just sneered: “Su Xin, you have always been scheming, even at this time , You haven't forgotten the relationship between my Buddhism and the departed, really deserve to kill!

But today, even if you say smallpox, you must die! "

When the words fell, Xuan Su didn't want to give Su Xin a chance to speak. He stepped directly into the air. A black lotus rose from Xuan Su's feet, blooming with silky threads, cutting the void in an instant, and turning As a prisoner, Su Xin was enveloped in it, and the mysterious sorrow was sealed, and the black lotus contracted, as if Su Xin was hanged in it!

Su Xin's eyes suddenly froze, the red flames burning around him, and the red fire magical power was exerted to the extreme by Su Xin. The transfiguration of the sword energy continued to rotate around Su Xin's whole body, colliding with the black lotus, instantly The raging flames and the evil black gas continued to burst, Su Xin was dropped by the power of the black lotus step by step, and was almost crushed to the ground. This only offset the power of the black lotus, which made him uncomfortable in his eyes. There was a touch of dignity.

God knows exactly what chance this sorrow has gained in the fairyland. The opponent's progress is simply horrible. Before Su Xin tried his best in Zhenwu time and used the last two defeats of the hole card to hurt the sorrow. As a result, Mysterious suffering is in the pure power, but it is already going to finish him, and it can definitely be compared with Shi Daoxuan.

And now Su Xin can still determine one thing, that is, the demise of Shaolin Temple is indeed unclear to mysterious suffering. Do n’t look at him now, he seems sober, but the power that Helian Fang just burst out has been felt by Su Xin. A lot of evil meanings were hidden in the original Buddhist practice, which is not something that Buddhist practice can cultivate at all.

And Xuan Su itself will never practice magic, so it is obvious why Xuan Su now has such power in it.

Seeing that under the bitter blow, Su Xin had fallen into the downwind in strength, and everyone present could not help but show a smile.

It is not difficult to kill Su Xin, what is difficult is **** the other party under the circumstances of Su Xin's various arrangements.

However, it seems that this matter is not the same as what they imagined. Su Xin didn't arrange anything. He wanted to use his own strength to fight against all their sectarian forces. Is this trying to die?

Even if it ’s a single person, Su Xin may not be able to carry it. Now that the three of them are added, Su Xin simply has no chance to escape, even the main cause of mystery. The three of them are just watching. It's the same with the pressure.

But at this moment, Su Xin suddenly said coldly, "Are you going to keep watching? Do you really want me to take someone to the Dongyi Mountain?"

The crowd at the scene suddenly froze, who was Su Xin talking to?

But then they knew that a powerful demon swelled out in the distance, and a divine Golden-winged Dapeng fluttered. The movement of the wings was a distance of dozens of miles, almost instantly. When they came to the crowd, the other four demon kings came down from the back of Golden-winged Dapeng, and the Golden-winged Dapeng was also reshaped into a humanoid King Jinpeng, and looked at the hordes of people with sharp eyes.

Silverwing Wolf King snorted coldly: "What are you anxious for? You think my demons are not as credible as your people? Since we promised you to take the shot, we won't regret it."

Seeing five demon kings standing on the side of Su Xin, Vigadoro and others have been stunned. They never thought that Su Xin's prepared card turned out to be a demon!

At this time, not only the five major forces such as mysterious suffering, but also some other forces on the rivers and lakes also sent people to watch the battle from a distance. They guessed that Su Xin would have a hole card and would not just sit there waiting to die, but who can think of it? Su Xin would even collude with the demon clan? What is he trying to do? Is it self-defeating?

Jiang Yuanzhang was the most sensitive to the emergence of the demons. He directly stood up and yelled, "Su Xin! Do you know what you are doing? Ten thousand years ago, my ancestors of the tribe were stunned and devoted to this. The stubborn defeat has established the prosperous era of human race.

As a result, you are now ready to join forces with the demon clan. Have you been worthy of the human race and your ancestors?

Su Xin, although you did all the bad things before, you still have at least some bottom lines, but today you are joining forces with the demon tribe. This is simply annihilating the entire human race. Are you not afraid that you will stink for thousands of years in the future? "

Jiang Yuanzhang was angry with Su Xin there, but the expression on Su Xin's face was calm.

"Laughter for ten thousand years? Hehe, do you think I care about that thing? I ca n’t rely on the so-called Terran as Su Xin can reach today. As for the ancestors? Sorry, I do n’t even know who my ancestors are. , Why should I be worthy of them? "

Some people at the scene were a little confused, because Su Xin's ancestors should be very clear. He is the blood of Ning Yuantang's Su family. In the ancient times, the Su family was the general of Her Majesty the Emperor. Therefore, Jiang Yuanzhang will say that Su Xin's collusion with the demon tribe is sorry for his ancestors. Now why does Su Xin say that he does not know who his ancestors were?

Where do they know that Su Xin is not talking about the ancestor of his own body right now, what ancestors of the Su family have nothing to do with themselves besides bloodline?

Looking at Su Xin's attitude of not being able to enter the oil and salt, Jiang Yuanxi said coldly: "Su Xin, you have to think about it. Today you go to join the demon tribe. In the future, this human tribe will definitely not have you. Ground! "

Jiang Yuanzhang is a queen of human beings, and he also knows the most about some of the things that human races and demons fought against in ancient times.

A human traitor's damage to the human race is several times that of the demon tribe, and a powerful and high-weight human traitor is even more disastrous for the human race, just like the original human race heavenly strong East Sea Dragon King general.

Before the birth of the demon clan, Jiang Yuanzhang thought that it was more tempted, but now if Su Xin really invested in the demon clan, the consequences are unimaginable.

Su Xin chuckled: "Did you finish? Jiang Yuzhu, you do n’t have to tell me the reason, UU reads What are the consequences of uniting the demon family? I know that the stink will be considered light for many years, but What if I do n’t associate with the demon tribe? Today, your four great bridges will join forces to kill me!

No one wants to die, and I do n’t want Su Xin to die like this. You want me to die, so I can only use all means to protect myself. Is this wrong?

You are so serious about me and the demons. If I do n’t join the demons today, would you withdraw? "

Jiang Yuanzhang was suddenly speechless. In fact, he really had such an idea in his mind, because their identity of the Emperor Tianyu was special. Once the demon tribe was born, they must first target them.

If Huang Tianyu was able to gather the power of the entire human race like the first dynasty, Jiang Yuanzhang would not have been afraid, but the problem is that the current Huang Tianyu can't even unite the immortal domain, what can you do to fight against the monsters?

Vigadoro did not describe Jiang Yuanzhang as a guardian.

If this situation is changed to a radical one now, it will certainly let the demons and Su Xin join forces to create a situation where the human race and the demons will fight again, and then use the means to synthesize and reunite the Emperor Tianyu. Become a Terran Leader and gain great popularity.

In Jiang Yuanzhang's eyes, he only saw the crisis, but did not see the opportunity.

At this moment, Jiang Yuanzhang felt hesitant, and Xuanku on the side suddenly said that it was not good.

The appearance of the demon tribe made Jiang Yuanzhang appear to be shrinking. Once his Emperor Tianyu's strength was reduced, they could not fight any more.

Therefore, Xuan Su didn't give Jiang Yuanzhang a chance to hesitate. He was full of buddha light, mixed with a burst of evil black gas, and blasted directly to Su Xin with a punch.

"Su Xin! Death!"

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