Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1364: Mixed Sky 4

PS: Thanks to the Alliance Sword → Yan Yu for a reward of 10,000 starting coins

In fact, since being promoted to Zhenwu Realm, Su Xin has rarely exchanged consumables from the system for two reasons. One is that the consumables in the system now help Su Xin not as huge as imagined.

In the past, Su Xin was given a practice, and it usually took a long time to reach the peak, but now, even if Su Xin has obtained a skill of this level, he can use his skill at the fastest speed. Cultivation is more than 50%, so the help from consumables to Su Xin is getting less and less. It is better to save the value of villains and draw directly to higher level exercises to practice by yourself.

The second point is that Su Xin's own martial arts is getting rid of the influence of the system and going its own way.

No matter how strong the martial arts in the system are, it is only for others. Su Xin can learn, but he has to go out of his own way. Su Xin has always done this after the real military realm. Now Su Xin has all kinds of powerful exercises. They all have the original shadow, but most of them also have their own understanding.

It's just that the mighty power that erupted under this mysterious struggle was too strong. Su Xin had no choice but to use the system method to redeem a consumable that can be used to achieve 100% strength.

The consumables selected by Su Xin were mixed up, and were originally created by Xiao Sanxiao, one of the twelve shocked in the situation, and were tied with Wan Dao Sen Luo for amazing achievements, but the attributes of both sides are slightly Differently, if Wan Dao Senluo is a combination of various martial arts in the Sen Luo Badao, then the sky is the ultimate strength.

Ingesting the power of the sun and the earth, the power is endless. With the sun and the moon as the medium, the four forces of fire, thunder and wind between the heavens and the earth are combined, and the blow that is called the ultimate strength comes out.

At the time of the mysterious magic drop, Su Xin had quickly exchanged out consumables from the system. Su Xin's hands were printed in an instant, and an endless flame burst out, burning the void and burning the sky. Eat the ground!

This is the power of fire.

Immediately after, Su Xin blasted out another punch, and when the punch fell, the wind and thunder blew instantly, but the punch was already blown out, and the speed even broke through the extreme of space!

This is the power of thunder.

The fist turned into a palm in an instant, and the strong wind fell with the palm power, and finally changed into a madness that could tear the space and screamed towards the bottom.

This is the power of the wind, nine days of black wind, tearing the sky!

In the end, Su Xin's eyes flashed a mist of mist, and countless raindrops fell from the flames in the air. Each drop of rainwater contained an amazing sword atmosphere, and it looked sharp across the sky.

This is the power of rain.

The four strangely different powers that mingle with each other are strangely merged together. This type of martial arts is powerful and powerful. The four powers are combined. Although Su Xin needs power at the beginning, as long as Su Xin can use it This type of martial arts can use the sun and the moon as a medium to cycle back and forth to absorb the power of the heavens and the earth to strengthen itself. It can be said to be endless and explode with great power.

The moment the mysterious mark of mysterious fall fell, the sky fire burst, the thunder blew, the wind howled, and the rainstorm roared.

All of this seems to be extinct. Against the backdrop there are countless Buddha lights shining. The five demon kings and Vigadoro who were fighting at the scene could not help but pause and looked in the direction of Su Xin and Xuan Su.

Today, these two are the protagonists. If the mystery is won, there is nothing to say. The demon kings of the demon tribe will certainly retreat, and will not continue to fight for the existence of Su Xin who dare to threaten their existence. .

Their demons are more honest about credit, but credit doesn't mean they are all idiots. Su Xin is dead and they have to die with the human race.

And if Su Xin was alive, it was Piccador who had retreated.

Now, apart from mystery, they haven't worked with Su Xin to give you a reason to die. Of course, the most important thing is that they can't fight.

Right now, Su Xin is collaborating with the demon clan, and they are just as eager to show their strength. They cannot be forcibly shot.

The shock caused by the powerful collision made the entire Northwestern Road clear, and even the bursting force was shocked by Vigadolo and others.

Xuan Su first got the chance within the shards of the White Emperor City, and then used this method of life-fighting. It is normal to have such power.

But the point of the problem is that Su Xin was able to explode such a mighty power, which made them look slightly different.

The dust dispersed, and Su Xin stood pale, his power was overdue.

In fact, although practicing this magic skill of mixing the heavens and terrible spirits will corrode the soul, there is nothing too drastic about the actual use.

Even these four kinds of forces that are mixed in the sky are endless, and the consumption of Su Xin is the least.

It is just that even if the consumption is minimal, manipulating such a huge power in the current state of Su Xin still makes him overwhelmed.

However, all of Su Xin can bear it. He has blocked the fistful blow in front of him!

At this time, Su Xin's eyes had completely lost the bitter figure, and what remained in front of everyone was just a relic!

Jiang Yuanzhang and others have bitter mouths. In fact, although they did not think that Su Xin was bound to die this time, it is clear that the existence of the four Shenqiao realms was strangled, but Su Xin was found a chance. He In the end, it was alive and well, but the suffering was dead.

The matter has reached this stage, and it will not make any sense to fight on. Vigadolo directly took the bitter relic, sighed, and was ready to withdraw.

The same is true of Jiang Yuanzhang and Zhao Jiuling.

Seeing these people want to leave, Su Xin's eyes suddenly showed a hint of coldness: "Are you planning to leave like this? It seems that my Su Xin's face on the rivers and lakes is not big enough, so you will If you want to kill, just kill? "

Jiang Yuanzhang frowned and said, "What else do you want? The king defeated the thief. This time, we were defeated. It is true that the four great bridges of God did not kill you. You Su Xin will be famous in the future, but only It's infamy, and it's not so easy for you to cooperate with Yaozu.

But if you want to use the power of the demon clan to kill us this time, then I advise you not to make these ideas, even if there are these demon kings now, you can't kill me, and you can't break through my royal heaven! "

Jiang Yuanzhang's words were not bragging, but he really had the confidence.

Now they can't kill Su Xin, but it doesn't mean that Su Xin can break through their emperor heaven.

As the queen of the old man, how could Jiang Yuanzhang not have a little back-hand? If Emperor Tianyu can easily break through, will other immortal realms still have the name of Emperor Tianyu in the immortal realm?

And if Su Xin wants to use the power of the demon to attack the Emperor's Heaven Realm, Jiang Yuanzhang is also not afraid, because at that time Vigadoro and Zhao Jiuling and others will not just ignore it.

The relationship between the demon and the human race is a life-and-death feud. Su Xin dares to join forces with the demon in order to risk the world. Although he is not afraid of stink for ten thousand years, other forces are afraid to move like Su Xin. .

So if the monsters dare to attack the forces on the rivers and lakes, no matter whether there is any resentment between the other forces, they will help each other for the sake of a face and a righteousness.

If at this time you all stand idly by and sit and watch Huang Tianyu be destroyed by the demon clan, then this force will be cast aside by the entire clan, and will stink for thousands of years.

Su Xin looked at Jiang Yuanzhang coldly: "Jiang Yuanzhang, it seems you are very confident? Well, let's just walk and see."

Jiang Yuanzhang sneered sneer and turned away.

Who can't speak hard? It's really a personal thing when you really do it.

However, Jiang Yuanzhang, as a person from Xianyu, had little dealing with Su Xin.

Only those who know Su Xin will know that for Su Xin, they always do more than they say.

Others also left directly at this time, including those who watched in the distance.

It is really incredible that Su Xin could survive the siege of the four great sacred bridges, but in fact, everyone was really prepared for this.

After all, Su Xin has faced countless crises since he set foot on the rivers and lakes. Isn't it thrilling every time? Seems to be in desperation, but in the end it was all overturned by him.

This kind of thing has been encountered a lot. Even some of Su Xin's enemies have doubts and uncertainties about whether Su Xin can turn around. Therefore, when the mysteriously invited Bailian religion and other forces to besiege Su Xin together, they will They all refused inconsistently. At first glance, they really made the right choice.

Therefore, in the hearts of many people in the rivers and lakes, it is not surprising that UU can read the book Su Xin was able to make a comeback. What really surprised them was Su Xin united with the demon tribe, who actually did this kind of self-defeating.

As long as this matter spreads, they can all imagine that Su Xin will be drowned in the drool of the whole rivers and lakes, and will stink for thousands of years.

Because whether it is Xianyu or the current rivers and lakes, these warriors have been instilled with a concept from an early age. The ancestors of the former human race, Kushiro, laid down this world and liberated the human race from the enslavement of the demon. Without the existence of the sky, at any time, the two sides must oppose each other, killing each other.

Now that Su Xin has joined forces with the demon clan, even if he is forced after being forced into desperation, it cannot be forgiven.

Anyway, Su Xin's reputation on the rivers and lakes is just like those big traitors in the past, he was shouted and everyone spurned.

However, Su Xin did not care about these things, anyway, he has been scolded a lot in recent years.

At this time, the Silverwing Wolf King suddenly said: "Su Xin, we have already blocked you for those human warriors. You should also honor your promise?"

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