Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1365: Turn over

PS: Thanks to the book leader _Ω_ for the reward, congratulations on becoming the 21st leader of the book at the starting point, and to celebrate the flowers ^ _ ^

In fact, Su Xin has already joined forces with the demon tribe. Even if Su Xin doesn't tell the matter, Jianghu people will yell at Su Xin, which is no different.

It's just that the Silverwing Wolf King is still worried about what's going on in it. You have to see Su Xin himself to say that this is considered insurance.

Su Xin stood on the ground for a while, and then said lightly: "Don't worry, several major forces are working together to attack my Northwest Road. This incident has a great impact. Even if I do n’t say it now, I will also be rumored outside. Teamed up with the demon tribe.

So it is better to wait for a while now, and after the outside news is completely spread, I am not late to speak out. "

Wenwen, a silver winged wolf king, frowned immediately, and he snorted coldly: "You people always like such laborious calculations to calculate them. I don't care about these things. Anyway, as long as you agree, you will immediately declare that you have It's enough to plunge into my demon camp. "

There was a flash of coldness in Su Xin's eyes, and he was not injured when he was suffering, but his consumption was a bit too intense. At this time, Su Xin swallowed some elixir, Almost half way through.

Now when I heard the Silver Wing King say this, Su Xin's face with a smile said: "Since the Wolf King is so anxious, I'll go and inform the people in the Northwest, and spread the news to the rivers and lakes."

Silverwing Wolf King nodded with satisfaction. Just when he wanted to say something, Su Xin was full of golden Buddha light, and the fighting gold body was cast to the extreme by him. There was a bang at the back of the Silver Wolf King.

How powerful is Su Xin? Even if all the monsters are famous for their strength, the silver wing wolf king endured Su Xin's blow, he vomited blood immediately, and his eyes showed an unbelievable color.

But at this time, Su Xin's hand, Daojian, suddenly burst into a glimmer of magic, the sword came out of the sheath, and the fairy and the magic two points.

The silver wing wolf king just exhibited his sharp sword wing in a hurry, but it had no effect at all. His wing was even torn by the fairy sword of Su Xin, and he was even more by this. One sword was cut off, and the wings on one side were completely damaged, and looked miserable.

For now, Su Xin's power is much stronger than this Silverwing Wolf King. Two levels of surprise attack by the existence of Suxin level, Silverwing Wolf King could not resist it, and was seriously injured on the spot!

After the extremely fast two moves, at this time, the talents such as the Tiger King and the Wind Tiger King reacted, and surrounded Su Xin directly, yelling at Su Xin: "Su Xin! What do you want to do? Dare to follow me Playing Yang Fengyin is against this system. Do you want to find death? "

It ’s not that they responded slowly before, but the people of these demons really did n’t expect that in this environment, this Su Xin would actually launch a sneak attack.

You should know that they have five demon kings here. They have just helped Su Xin to repel the other strong human races. Su Xin shouldn't take action against them.

Moreover, with the strength of Su Xin now, he could really hurt the Silver Wolves after he shot, but he really thought that the other four demon kings were all vegetarian?

This kid is looking for death!

Just when these four demon kings were about to prepare for a shot, Su Xin suddenly coldly said, "Did you guys, don't you plan to ask me why I should shoot against the Silver Wing Wolf King?

I'm not an idiot. After joining hands with your demon tribe, I will suddenly turn around when your five demon kings are there.

This time the shot is not intended to move, but someone will ask me to take a shot and I will move. That person is your demon! "

As soon as this remark was made, all the four demon kings present turned their eyes to each other, their eyes flashing with a strong suspicion.

Who actually made Su Xin attack the Silver Wolves at this time? This is not the style of these people.

Even among the demon clan, the popularity of the Silver Wolf King is not good, and even the existence of the King of the Wind Tiger still looks down on the Silver Wolf King, but in any case, they will not do this kind of idiot that kills the same family. .

Now there are only such a few people in the demon clan, and then go and kill the Silver Wolves because of fighting for power. Isn't it destroying the city walls by themselves?

The demon's brain is indeed not very bright, but this does not mean that they are stupid. This kind of thing is not like what they can do in these people.

When the King of the Wind Tiger and others thought that Su Xin was simply lying to them, a voice with a cold hate appeared from the dragon city, a woman with a beautiful appearance, but with a skyrocketing step by step Came in the air, seeing this figure, the silver wolf king revealed an incredible color in his eyes, and loudly said: "Qing Li!"

Silverwing Wolf King has done many bad things in his life. The most important one is that he betrayed his faith and ignored the entrustment of his righteous brother Qingqiu Fox King. Not only did he not take good care of the Qingqiu tribe, but also tried to win Qingqiu. Qingqiu Kingdom, a family of great people, lied to Qingli, and finally forced Qingli to differentiate into the gods, and directly destroyed the Qingqiu mystery, and took away Qingqiu.

In this matter, the Silverwing Wolf King did something very carefully, and faked all this into the look of the former dynasty.

In fact, it was the demons who prevailed at that time. When the dynasty I was extremely powerful, not only was the demons going to slaughter the Terrans, but the tribe was also sent to kill the demons.

Afterwards, he got the secret treasure of Qingqiu from Qingqiu's veins as he wished, and practiced to this state through Qingqiu.

Otherwise, for the level of the demon clan of the Silverwing Wolf King, the talent is enough to limit all of him, and he can not now sit on an equal footing with the former powerful demon clan warriors such as the cracking wind tiger king.

It's just that the Silverwing Wolf King couldn't think of why Qingli appeared here, and even he was promoted to the level of the demon king.

You must know that Qingli's Yuanshen Jiufen was scattered directly across the rivers and lakes. For the Silverwing Wolf King, this secret method of the Qingqiu family is indeed a bit tricky.

After the Yuanshen nine minutes, each Yuanshen is an immortal being, which can only be weakened continuously, but cannot be killed.

So when the Wing King of Silver Wings spent a lot of energy, he found three of them to completely seal them up, which is in Yunmengze. So, although this could not completely kill Qingli, at least he could guarantee Qing Li's Yuan Shen will not reappear in this world.

But he couldn't think of it. Why did Qingli, who lacked the three primal gods, appear here, as well as the cultivation of the demon king?

Qing Li looked at the Silver Wolves, and said in a cold voice with hate: "I didn't expect it, I haven't died yet, Silver Wolves, you sinister villain who has betrayed you! Have you ever deserved my father at first? Trust in you?

He had counted a lot of things at first, and the only thing that was wrong was you, a shameless guy with a bone in his back! "

At the moment of seeing Qingli, the four people, including the King of the Wind Tiger, were also stunned. Obviously, they also did not expect that there would be a demon king besides Yun Mengze.

Now look at the reactions of Silverwing Wolf King and Qingli. Obviously there are some unknown stories in it. Su Xin suddenly turned his back to Silverwing Wolf King and it seemed that they did n’t think it. Su Xin had to betray his words.

At this time, King Jinpeng suddenly said, "You are Qingli, the daughter of the former Qingqiu Fox King? Haven't your Qingqiu people been destroyed by the human race? Are you still alive?"

In the past, the Qingqiu Fox King had a good reputation in the demon clan, but that was because in the later period, in the early stage, the demon clan only valued his personal strength. The Qingqiu clan was not a superior demon clan because of its own power. Weak, so it has not been paid much attention by the demon tribe.

Until the late demons stepped back and forth in front of the human race, then they wanted to use the clever plot of the prince of the hills to save the predicament.

But it was too late at that time, the seven saints of the demon tribe were beheaded and killed, and the imperial dynasty of the First Dynasty could not resist it. At that time, even if it was the ingenuity of the Qingqiu King, it was impossible to turn the tide.

Therefore, the demon kings here didn't really understand the Qingqiu Fox King very much, and even had little contact with them. Only King Jinpeng was an exception.

The strength of the Tianpeng family from the King Jinpeng among the demons is one of the strongest, but the Tianpeng family is arrogant by nature, and there are more offended people. The handling of things is also a bit blunt. This is not heaven. The people of the Peng tribe are stupid, but it is the character of their tribe.

Therefore, in the later days, the Tianpeng foxes joined forces with the Qingqiu foxes, and asked the Qingqiu foxes to take charge of the Tianpeng foxes' affairs.

Moreover, the strength of the Qingqiu Fox clan itself is weak. Now it is natural to have the protection of the Tianpeng tribe, so the two sides have been alliances for tens of thousands of years and have a close relationship ~ ~ In the past, the Qingqiu Fox King came out of the mountain as a demon clan. The plan was also the result of the support of the Tianpeng family, but unfortunately in the end it was still unable to turn the tide.

In the later period, the Demon Clan was defeated, and the Tianpeng family was destroyed. Only King Jinpeng was left. The power was far worse than before. This is why the Silverwing Wolf King dared to harm the Qingqiu family.

If the power of the Tianpeng family is still there, then the Silverwing Wolf King would not dare to be so presumptuous.

It is precisely because of the relationship between the two sides that in the past, when Qingli was young, King Jinpeng also met Qingli several times before he could recognize her.

Qingli said to Da Jinpeng Wang: "I have seen Uncle Peng. In the past, my father had worshiped the King of the Silver Wings. Before his death, he asked him to take care of me.

But I did not expect that the Silverwing Wolf King and the Wolf Son's ambition turned out to be the mysterious treasure of the Qingqiu tribe, causing the complete destruction of the Qingqiu fox tribe. It forced me to use my Qingqiu's secret magic element God got nine points, and this escaped.

If Su Xin hadn't saved me, I'm afraid I can't stand here anymore, but I can only dissipate with Yuan Shen! "

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