Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1374: Ways to strengthen

The road of martial arts has the same goal, but for Su Xin, he has already reached a peak. Perhaps the bottleneck is more appropriate.

The more you reach the realm of Su Xin, the harder it is to break through. Most people still choose retreat and retreat, and use slow accumulation to break through the limits of the realm.

Of course, there are people who choose different routes. For example, the old mother who was alive was so bold that he sneaked into the Shaolin Temple and the Tao of Taoism and seized these two secret transmission methods for his own use, so that he can integrate the strengths of the three Taoist Buddhas and magicians and let him reach The pinnacle of Shenqiao Realm.

Of course, this trick is not very suitable for Su Xin, because what he lacks most is the exercises, and what he lacks is accumulation.

However, Su Xin did not want to use long-term cultivation to accumulate, one is because it takes too long, and the other is likely to be too late.

Datianzun once said that only when the earth and earth change drastically will there be an opportunity for promotion to heaven.

Originally, Su Xin didn't know when this great change in the earth and earth was, but after Su Xin beheaded Silverwing Wolf King, Qingli once communicated with Da Jinpeng and some others about the demon race. Su Xin also got from Qingli's mouth Learned about the human calamity.

In Su Xin's view, this world is now dominated by the human race, the so-called human calamity, isn't that a world change?

It's just that no one can be sure when this time is, even if the Luo Shui'ao King who has put on a human race was not sure.

This time may be a few days later, or it may be decades or even hundreds of years later.

Anyway, the time is tight. For Su Xin, he must use the fastest time to reach the peak of Shenqiao Realm and touch the level of Tongtian Jing. If not, he may be caught in the competition for the opportunity of Tong Tian Jing in the future. Eliminated.

It is important to know that not only are these sacred bridge warriors on the rivers and lakes participating in the scramble, but also the heavenly demons who are resurrected in ancient times.

God knows how many of these people are really dead, and how many are really alive, even Datianzun himself is not sure.

So now there are not many ways for Su Xin to be promoted, relying on external forces can be said to be a good choice.

It is also this time that Su Xin has obtained the sweetness through the refining of the world's origins. If he comes back a few times, maybe Su Xin will be able to step into the peak of Shenqiao.

Of course, this kind of existence can be encountered but not sought. What Su Xin got was the ancestral inheritance of the former Qingqiu Fox clan, and the mystery is also the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years in the Fragment of Xianyu. It was found in a wild area where no one had entered.

However, Su Xin faintly remembered that there are some good things in Daomen and Huangtianyu. After being idle for so long, he should be active.

Thinking of this, Su Xin's eyes showed a touch of coldness. Since the group of people were going to kill him for the price of suffering, they must also be prepared to be retaliated by him.

Of course, Su Xin would not stay even without this.

After destroying the Daomen, Su Xin's side is considered to have completed the main task in his hand. If the lottery can get the existence of Long Yuan Feng Blood and the like, then Su Xin's cultivation will definitely increase again.

Huang Tianyu was destined to be Su Xin's enemy upon appearance. The other party's ambitions were ignored for the moment. Numerous secret treasures handed down from the former emperors in Huang Tianyu were countless. They will also be Su Xin's when they compete for the heavenly opportunity. Enemy, if they can be resolved now, then Su Xin will be a lot easier in the future.

After leaving the retreat, Su Xin approached Tong Wuyang and asked, "Are there any treasures in the Daomen and Huang Tianyu that can enhance the power of vitality? Or is it a treasure with the same attributes as the power of vitality."

Tong Wuyang has been in charge of the Dark Guard for such a long time, and he is still very reliable. Especially in the past six years, the six doors have weakened, making the Dark Guard's intelligence department shine on the rivers and lakes.

Tong Wuyang thought about it and took out a thick book from the mustard bag and looked it up.

There is too much information involved in the dark guard. Even if some important information is stored in the brain of Tong Wuyang, other information will be recorded by him, but it cannot be fully memorized.

If Su Xin wanted to ask the disciples of the Daomen, then as long as they are elite disciples and the warrior Tong Wuyang who is above the realm of the gods, he can tell them, but now Su Xin is asking whether the Daomen and the Emperor Tianyu have such a level Secret treasure, Tong Wuyang was not prepared.

After a long while, Tong Wuyang said: "There really is such a thing. On the back mountain of Daomen, there is a treasure jar left by Daozu in the past. Although it was passed down by Daozu, it is not so precious. Its function is only to save some liquid. Heaven and earth treasure.

It is just that a generation of Taoist Taoist teachers once got the same elixir called Wanzai Qingqing. After condensing, there is only one drop, which can enhance the Shouyuan of the true warrior. He put this drop of Wanzai Qingqing in the treasure bottle. It was preserved, but the treasure jar broke due to a sneak attack by the enemy, and that drop of Wanzai Qingqing was also incorporated into the treasure jar. Therefore, the treasure jar contains extremely strong vitality, but it can no longer be refined. Into.

However, the heads of the Daomen of the past generations were unwilling to waste such a precious treasure. Therefore, they conserved this treasure bottle with a powerful force of creation day and night, and even liquefied the power of the goodness in the treasure bottle. The protection of the air-carrying power, as long as the power of creation is born, it will not dissipate like other qi, but will always be stored in that treasure bottle.

After thousands of years of cultivation, more than half of the good fortune accumulated in this treasure bottle has been used, and its value is countless times more expensive than the previous drop of 10,000 years.

However, over the years, no one who has created the Taoism has directly swallowed the bottle of the strength of the liquefaction, and practiced this kind of killing chickens and eggs.

Keeping this aquarium, the magical power that is emitted in it is extremely amazing, and it can even passively absorb the vitality between heaven and earth. With this aquarium in it, it will become a fairyland within a mile. , So that the martial arts of the Daomen Tao practice faster.

At present, this treasure bottle is still enshrined in the back mountain of Daomen. It is called Tao Yunbao, and only ten hours are used by the martial arts each day. Enter the power of creation to conserve that aquarium. "

Su Xin nodded his head slightly. Like the acquired treasure of the day after tomorrow, except for the Taoism, which has a history of more than 1,000 years, other forces ca n’t even figure it out. This is entirely based on the accumulation of time and history. Become a treasure.

"Where is Huang Tianyu's Jiang family?"

Tong Wuyang smiled wryly and shook his head: "Huang Tianyu is a queen of people and has many people. He never recruits disciples from the outside world, even some handymen.

Therefore, from the lower bound of Huangtianyu to the present, we have always been able to obtain a small number of messages, and most of them have been obtained from other fairy domain forces. I heard that the precious **** family, such as enhanced vitality, also had it.

It should be more than 3,000 years ago that the strength of that generation of Emperor Tianyu was the weakest. There were only two Zhenwu, and one Shenqiao was still the old one.

This kind of strength is enough in other fairy realms, but it is not enough in Huang Tianyu, especially that the old Shenqiao is still near Shouyuan, and there is no Jiang family in Shenqiao There is absolutely no guarantee of the rule of Huang Tianyu.

Therefore, at that time, the Jiang family used the secret treasure to prolong the life of the Jiang Jiashen Bridge, which was dragged on until another Zhenwu stepped into the God Bridge, which allowed the Jiang family to continue to maintain the rule of the Emperor's Heaven.

It's just that whether the thing is one-time or not, and whether it still exists, but no one knows it. "

Su Xin nodded, no matter whether or not, Huang Xinyu and Daomen Su Xin would have to take a trip sooner or later. Rather kill the wrong, don't let go. This is fine.

At this moment, Tong Wuyang suddenly said: "Yes, Lord, there is something for you, Lord Li Bad, to report to you, there are some changes in Brahma."

Su Xin raised her eyebrows. What other moths are there over Brahma?

At the beginning, Brahma, the Daoist Gate, Huang Tianyue, and Xuan Tianyu attacked the Northwest Road together. Sooner or later, Su Xin will end. Brahma is not yet on Su Xin's revenge list. How to solve the Daoist Gate first? Let's talk with Huang Tianyu.

But now it sounds that during the period of his retreat, it seemed that Brahma had also made some moths?

"Go and call Li bad." Su Xin commanded.

After Li was over, he explained in detail that the Brahma domain shot and rescued Yuan Kong and others. Even Su Xin felt that something was wrong.

Li Gang continued: "After that, I have been monitoring the movements of Brahma domain ~ ~ but the whole Brahma domain has not changed much. If there is any movement, then only Two.

One is that Yuankong did not come out after being called into the closet by Vigadoro, but to the outside Vijadoro claimed that Yuankong had been accepted as a disciple by him, and he had been taught the secret method by himself. "

Su Xin squinted his eyes and said lightly, "Ghosts will believe, and Vigadolo did this to understand that there was something wrong with him."

If it is replaced by those who do not understand Piccadolo, there seems to be nothing wrong with it, but in the view of Su Xin, this approach of Piccadolo is somewhat strange.

Yuan Kong was a disciple of Xuanming of Shaolin Temple in the past, but now Vigadolo accepted him as a disciple. What is this called? No one else will react, but the disciples of Shaolin Temple that were previously annexed by Brahma will certainly not be dissatisfied.

Since Piccadolo wanted to annex the Shaolin Temple, he would not do such a thing to keep people talking. As a result, he still does so now, apparently there is something wrong with this yuan. Piccadolo does not want him to appear. In front of everyone, or ... this Yuankong can no longer appear in front of everyone!

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