Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1375: doubt

PS: I originally planned to make three changes today, but suddenly there is an urgent need to go out in the afternoon, and I will make up tomorrow.

The Yuankong incident made Su Xin feel that there was absolutely a hidden feeling in it. At this moment, he suddenly thought of something and asked Li Gang: "Is there any performance in this time?"

Li Bad thought for a while and shook his head: "There is really no special performance, but compared to before, Vigadoro's attitude towards those in Brahma seems a bit colder.

However, he will still regularly explain martial arts and Buddhist scriptures to the warriors in Brahma as before. According to those warriors in Brahma, their strength seems to have improved a lot, and their understanding of martial arts and Buddhism is deeper. Now, it should be the reason that the refining and refining gave him that part of the origin of the world, but the rest did not change much. "

A lot of progress? There was a sneer in the corner of Su Xin's mouth.

The progress of the strength of the refining world itself is certain, but the problem is that this progress is only an advancement in martial arts. What does it have to do with Dharma?

If Su Cai Fang Cai had only speculated about Picadolo, then it has become skeptical. Both Picadolo and Yuankong have many doubts.

That Yuankong went to enlightenment directly by reading the Buddhist scriptures. Su Xin actually believed this. Dharma practice has reached a certain level, and it can indeed affect martial arts, just like the former Buddhist Taoism. .

But the crux of the problem is that Shaolin Temple not only practiced the Dharma, but also provided a large number of monks in the relics. These monks may be poor in martial arts, but they are all called a generation of masters in the Dharma.

When Yuan Kong joined Shaolin Temple at the beginning, even if his martial art practice was **** to the extreme, even if he showed 1% of his current Dharma practice, he would be valued by the people in Shaolin Temple and thrown directly to the reliquary. The monk is a teacher, practicing the Dharma, instead of becoming a small chaya.

The eyes of warriors in Shaolin Temple are not always blind. They can't see people accurately, but they can still see one's martial arts practice and Dharma understanding.

At the time, Su Xin was a little unconscious after hearing the news of Yuankong. After all, Yuankong at that time was just a small role for Suxin, but now it seems that Yuankong's body obviously has many secrets. in.

The rise of Picadolo is also very legendary. However, Picadolo is a man of immortality. There is no evidence of what he has experienced. He can only rely on speculation, but add the two together. Su Xin reconsidered everything that was said by the demon in the past, and there was no reason for Su Xin not to doubt. Yuan Kong and Picardor were all related to the Buddha of the past!

This is not Su Xin's brain movement, but almost all the doubts point to the former Buddha.

Even the Great Demon has said that among the ancient heavens of the past, apart from the Emperor, Daozu and Buddha had the most calculations.

Others died Datianzun believed, but most of Daozu and Buddha were not dead.

But Su Xin's only doubt now is that if the Buddha really replaced Picadolo, how could he do it?

Although the existence of the Heavenly Realm cannot be imagined, they are still humans, not gods.

Just as Datian Mozun said, Tongtian Realm is a stealing machine, and after losing that trace of machine, they are no longer Tongtian.

So even if it reappears, the existence strength of these heavenly realms is limited.

After re-appearing, Da Tian Mo Zun first devoured one of Lu Potian's arms, and then he suffocated the essence and blood, completely devouring the cold and innocence of Yang Shen Realm.

And if the original Leng Wumo was replaced by Su Xin, the strength of Su Xin's primordial spirit would either cause both losses, or it might be swallowed by who.

Although Vigadoro's current strength has not refined Su Xinqiang, a source of the complete world, it is not too bad. After all, it is the existence of Shenqiao, but it was replaced by the Buddha. How strong is the strength after this life?

At present, all of Su Xin's inferences are quite correct, but the only thing Su Xin didn't guess was that this time it was not the Buddha who had taken the initiative to devour the Buddha, but it was the death of him.

It's just that so many coincidences are put together that it's not too much to say a fatal cause and effect.

This matter is Su Xinji in his heart, he did not think about it, no matter whether the other party is Vigadoro, or Buddha, there will be a war anyway, but Su Xin ’s goal is not the other party, let ’s go first People are watching the movement over Brahma, just don't let them provoke the moth.

Su Xin turned to Tong Wuyang and said, "Divide half of the current intelligence force's intelligence force and keep an eye on Huang Tianyu."

On the one hand, Li Badang wondered: "Sir, why should you shoot at Huang Tianyu first? Right now, Li Boyang is not in the Daoist Daomen. Isn't it more appropriate to hit the Daoist Daomen at this time?"

After Li Gang told Su Xin's information about Huang Tianyu, he had followed Su Xin for so long that he knew that Su Xin was eyeing Huang Tianyu again.

It's just that when Li Gang wanted to come, the Daomen Daomen and Huang Tianyu had all shot in the first battle. With the character of Master Su, naturally, the persimmon must be softened first, so as to reduce some damage.

But who knew that Su Xin would first set his target on Huang Tianyu.

Su Xin smiled and said, "You can be wrong now. The Emperor Tianyu is now a soft persimmon, who is a queen of the queen? Oh, the tree is attracting the wind, either it is completely low-key, or it spreads its wings and rises.

It's a pity that Huang Tianyu now holds a good card in his hand, but hesitates and will not be able to produce it. By now, it is almost in his hands.

Jiang Yuanzhang's strength and foundation are very stable, and he is a defender. Although he can't carry forward in his hands in ordinary times, he can at least maintain his current position.

But the problem is that this is not an unusual time. It is a time of great contention! His character represents incompetence!

Looking forward, can Huang Tianyu really sit back and relax? At first Huang Tianyu wanted to downhole me, that's good, now I will dig a well and throw him in! "


Su Xin was going to attack Huang Tianyu, but instead of coming to Huang Tianyu at this time, he went directly to Tian Mo Gong.

When the Great Demon Lord left, he once said that the first thing he would do in this world is to go to the Emperor to ask for some interest.

He is naturally unable to find anyone, but it is not a problem to suffocate those descendants of the Emperor.

However, the original Datianzun had only the strength of Yang Shenjing after occupying the cold and innocent body. The existence of Tongtianjing is strong. After all, he was a character who could stand up to heaven and earth, but the problem is that the clever woman ca n’t cook without rice. The strength of Yang Shenjing, Da Tianzun is far from his wanton behavior on the rivers and lakes.

So after leaving, Da Tianzun went directly to the Nine Prison Demon, preparing to unify the magic path, using the power of the magic path to restore his power, and build his own power.

Zhengdao Wulin didn't pay much attention to the internal conflict of Modao, so they haven't paid much attention to it. They also wished that the more Modao Wulin died, the better.

And Su Xin has always sent dark guards to pay attention to this place. Over the years, Da Tian Mo Zun truly deserves to be the ancestor of the Dao Dao. The method is not so clever and complicated, but it is extremely fast and simple. Relying on those magical ways in his own hands to draw differentiation, it took less than two years to completely unite the entire nine prison demons.

Standing at the top of the Heavenly Demon Palace at this time, Su Xin exuded the breath belonging to his own powerful **** on the bridge, and immediately attracted the hearts of countless Heavenly Demon warriors.

For so many years, even the Zhengdao Sect has not had the courage to attack their demons, who now dares to arrogantly in front of their demons?

However, even if someone feels that this guy who dares to be arrogant in their demonic palace has the strength of Shenqiao Realm, they are not afraid, because behind them, they still have Shenqiao as well!

Just when someone wanted to speak in anger, a voice came from the Demon Palace: "Invite people."

Upon hearing this voice, the people in Tianmo Palace suddenly changed their faces. So respectfully, they invited Su Xin to Tianmo Palace.

There are only two people in the hall, one of them is Lu Changqing, the master of the Palace of Heavenly Demon Palace.

There is also a black ink unicorn battle armor, and a dragon dragon heartbreaker is erected on his side. He sits on a throne of white bones.

At this time, Lu Changqing saw Su Xin come in, and he was a little surprised: "Master Su also knows Lord Mozun?"

Da Tian Mo Zun did not use his original identity when he ruled the Nine Prison demons.

He is not an idiot, and the identity of the Ancient Heaven Realm is too sensitive, which is not something that can be used casually. UU reading books www.

Therefore, the external demon **** is only known as the demon, and his identity is extremely mysterious. He claims to have inherited the ancient magic path, and now wants to unite the magic power on the rivers and lakes.

In fact, for Modao, things of whatever origin are waste, basically few people value it.

Therefore, as long as Datianzun has demonstrated his own strength, unifying the nine-jail demons is not so laborious.

Su Xin confronted Lu Changqing and said, "I am the Lord of the Nine Prison Demons, even if I didn't know them before, I now know them."

Datian Mozun said to Lu Changqing: "Go out first, I have something to talk to Master Su."

After Lu Changqing went out, Datian Mozun took a hint of wonder: "How did your boy think of coming here? No matter what, do you want to go to the Temple of the Three Treasures and say, what do you want to do? I want to borrow the power of my magic road ? "

For an old monster like Datianzun, what has he never seen? Even if Da Tian Mo Zun is no better than Daozu and Buddha, he can still see Su Xin's thoughts.

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