Strongest Villain System

Chapter 186: Don't move your mind

ps: This chapter is for the book friend Fuji Mountain's rain (successively) of 10,000 starting coins.

Now that it has been recognized, there is no need for Su Xin to cover it up.

He directly took off his human skin mask, revealing his original appearance.

Seeing this scene, the crowd no longer had half a suspicion. This person turned out to be Su Xin, the 23rd-ranked "Blood Sword God Finger" Su Xin!

"Does anyone still say that my martial arts are wild fox Zen?" Su Xin said lightly.

Everyone at the scene looked at each other, and no one dared to say a word.

For their small Lingzhou mansion, a random person who ranks strong will be able to fight against all the strong men in their house, not to mention the one standing in front of them is the one who killed four Jingujing warriors. The murderer, 'Blood Sword God' refers to Su Xin.

Qiu Ming and Li Hesheng even scolded Nie Yuan and Lin family idiots in their hearts, and they provoked such a murderer.

What they are worried about now is that in order to cover his whereabouts, Su Xin is going to kill himself and others.

Since his debut, this man has been killed by killing him. Every time he appears on the roster, he has to die several talents.

Qiu Ming arched carefully: "Su Gongzi's martial arts are amazing, how could it be wild fox Zen? It was Nie Yuan who didn't know the goods, so he said such a ridiculous thing, and we absolutely have no meaning."

Su Xin gave them a faint glance, and said, "I don't want to stay in Lingzhou Prefecture any more. I taught Lin Qing for a while, it can be regarded as a scent of incense. You should take care of the Lin family."

For these people in Lingzhou, he had no plans to do anything.

Su Xin did not intend to hide his whereabouts. Moreover, even if he planned to hide, he would not do anything to kill all martial arts soldiers in Lingzhou.

It's not that Su Xin couldn't bear it, but it didn't make sense to do so.

There are thousands of warriors present. No one can defeat Su Xin, but thousands of people are not waiting for you to kill them. As long as they run out, a message will leak out.

Moreover, even if he kills all the warriors, it is useless. He can never slaughter a state capital, right? If someone investigates, even from the mouth of ordinary people, it can be analyzed that he shot.

At this point, listening to Su Xin's words, Lin Wancheng, who was kneeling at his feet, suddenly hesitated and fought a cold war.

Nie Yuan is his biggest patron in Lingzhou Mansion. Now Nie Yuan was killed by Su Xin's instructions. Su Xin still left such a sentence, and God knew what his final outcome would be.

Su Xin patted Lin Qing's head and said, "Boy, if you want to go further, you have to remember a word, martial arts, whatever your heart is, you can go as far as you can."

Lin Qingxi nodded, knowing that he could not react to the sudden change of his master's face.

Having finished speaking, Su Xin stepped out, his figure was like the wind, and everyone felt only a strong wind howling, but Su Xin in front of him had disappeared.

Seeing Su Xin's departure, Li Hesheng and Qiu Ming were relieved, but then they swept Lin Wancheng with cold eyes.

They also saw that Su Xin's presence in this Lingzhou government should have come only to heal his wounds.

When he entered the Lin family, Lin Qing was accepted as a disciple only because he was bored or a coincidence, because it had no purpose.

Afterwards, Su Xin will basically not come to this small place in Lingzhou Mansion, and Lin Qing, as Su Xin said, only has some incense with him.

But even so, they still have to complete Su Xin's orders, and they must not make the Lin family feel better!

Although Su Xin will basically not come to Lingzhou government in the future, he is not afraid of anything in case of 10,000.

What if Su Xin walked around Lingzhou City that day and saw that they didn't act according to their orders, what should they do?

Anyway, there is no longer any concern about Nie Yuan's backing as Lin Wancheng. It is not difficult to deal with him.

At this time, Su Xin had appeared outside Lingzhou Mansion. He just wanted to try the power of Fengshen's legs. The sudden explosive power was indeed very powerful and the speed was amazing, but this method is not good at long distances. Raid.

Fengshen Leg ’s internal force consumption is similar to that of Samsung ’s half-level martial arts. If you use the speed of Fengshen Leg to rush the road, it is estimated that the internal force will be exhausted before going out for dozens of miles.

Just when Su Xin left Lingzhou Mansion from Beicheng, three strangely dressed people entered Lingzhou Mansion from Nancheng.

The dress of these three people is similar to that of Guan Yanqing. They are all dressed in ancient times.

The ancient robe has a high crown, a cold face, and no emotion.

One of the three was holding a sword and one was holding a sword, while the other was carrying a huge hunting bow behind him, half a foot long.

The man with the sword looked at the city wall of Lingzhou and said indifferently: "I really don't know what the old man is doing, but he wants to bring back the side branch that was punished and expelled ten years ago to Weiyuan Hall."

The humanity of the sword: "In recent years, the number of Weiyuan Church, whether it is the main line or the side branch, has begun to decrease greatly. If we return to some people, I will be hidden in the world, but it will really disappear. . "

Humanity with a sword: "But this side branch is not strong in the first place, and now it is mingled in this small city. What's the use of it even if you take it back? How many rice worms can you raise?"

The man in the middle of the bow said in a deep voice: "No matter how wasteful they are, the blood of my Weiyuantang Lin family is flowing on them. They are wasteful, as long as his children and grandchildren are not wasteful.

At this time, Su Xin certainly couldn't see these. He felt that someone was behind him shortly after he left Lingzhou.

However, Su Xin didn't say a word. When walking to a remote side road, Su Xin suddenly turned back, his body was like the wind and howling, the **** brilliance came out of the sheath, and he slashed away to a place behind him!

"Master Su, do it slowly!"

There was a terrified shout from the empty place. A figure appeared in the place. It turned out to be a seemingly ordinary 30-year-old young man with innate spiritual power. At this time, Su Xin ’s You Longjian was placed on his neck, and the sharp swordman was only a few cents away, and he could cut his throat!

The young man hurriedly said, "Sir, I'm Chenqiao, a six-door South Han Dao secret agent. Don't get me wrong, I'm sending you a letter."

There was a mockery on Su Xin's face, and the dragon sword that was placed around his neck didn't mean to move away.

This hidden technique of Chen Qiao is very interesting. It can actually simulate the surrounding scene with real energy, so as to achieve the effect of being invisible.

But unfortunately, the loophole of this technique is also very large. He can hide his body but can't hide the leak of true energy. It is okay to stay still. As soon as he walks, the true energy fluctuates and he is immediately noticed by Su Xin. come out.

Chen Qiao said that he was here to send a letter, but Su Xin felt that someone was following him shortly after he came out of Lingzhou. If he sent a letter, why didn't he show up at that time to see himself, and really he was an idiot?

The ridiculousness in Su Xin's eyes became more and more embarrassing for Chen Qiao.

His true identity was such that he did not cheat. He was really a secret agent of six doors.

Before, he deliberately did not show up to follow Su Xin, but just wanted to appear suddenly, to give Su Xin an embarrassment.

The reason he did this was simple, because he was a little unconvinced by Su Xin.

He Chenqiao spent more than ten years in six doors, starting from the lowest level of arrest in the state capital, and finally becoming the head of the state capital. He was finally picked by the people in the headquarters of the six gates and became a secret agent.

I think that Chen Qiao had worked hard for more than ten years before he came to this position. Why did Su Xin join the six doors to pursue her? Position is much higher than him.

Because of this dissatisfaction, Chen Qiao gave birth to the idea of ​​teasing Su Xin, but he was not discovered halfway.

And under Su Xin ’s only sword, he did n’t even have a chance to respond. If it was n’t for his fast mouth, he might have been killed by Su Xin.

Chen Qiao said embarrassingly: "Master Su, I'm really a secret agent. I don't believe I can show you the token."

Su Xin removed the Yulong sword from his neck, and Chen Qiao was relieved, but Su Xin patted him on the face with Yu Longjian. This kind of insulting action immediately made Chen Qiao angry, almost on the spot Want to start with Su Xin.

"Remember next time, don't move your mind that you shouldn't move, otherwise you will die."

Su Xin said with a mockery on his face: "I doubt how you became a secret agent, whether in strength or background, what do you think you are qualified to fight with me? Believe me or kill me. Six doors also gave me a verbal warning? "

The anger in Chen Qiao's eyes suddenly dissipated, followed by endless terror.

What the detective wanted was a careful mind, but this time he was jealous.

He went to provoke Su Xin, just like Su Xin said. Even if Su Xin killed him on the spot, the six doors would only give him a warning.

Su Xin's strength has only been seen by others. Although two people are in the same realm ~ ~, the strength is very different. Su Xin deserves the strength of the 23rd in others.

And if it is on the background, he is even better than Su Xin.

He just stepped up from the lowest-level small arrest to this secret detective, which has nothing to do with it at all.

Su Xin, however, was an outstanding disciple of the young generation of the Tie family. The chief of the South Hunan Province, Tie Ruixi, personally recommended to enter the six doors. With the Tie family as his backing, he was a small detective investigator calculating a fart?

The sober Chen Qiao didn't even dare to have half resentment against Su Xin. He stood obediently and listened to Su Xin's instructions.

Su Xin put away his sword and asked, "Did you just say that you would send me a letter? What letter was you sending?"

Chen Qiao quickly took out an invitation made of unknown metal from his arms and gave it to Su Xin, saying, "This is the invitation letter for this year's Jiangnan Conference.

This year ’s Jiangnan Conference was not only hosted by the Jiang ’s Xiao ’s family. The court also sent the chief of the Gangnam Road ’s march, “Blood Gas Long River,” Gu Donglai, to the invitation, so I invited six invitations to your hands. "(To be continued.)

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