Strongest Villain System

Chapter 187: Gangnam-kai

ps: This chapter is for the bookmate Xiaofei Feiyu's 10,000 starting coins to reward and add more.

Su Xin was holding an invitation letter from the Jiangnan Society, but his face was surprised. He almost forgot his current ranking, but was ranked 23rd in the list, and was eligible to be invited by the Jiangnan Society.

The so-called Jiangnan Society is a martial arts event organized by the Xiao Family of Jiangnan, one of the six families.

Although the Xiao family in Jiangnan, one of the six families, is not as old as the Shangan family in Runan, it is the most powerful one among the six families, and it is amazing.

It is said that thousands of years ago, the world was chaotic at that time, when the former overlord Jin Kingdom was just a small number of small countries, at that time Xiao had already ruled the king in Jiangnan and became the country's beam.

However, after the world hegemony and the rise of the kingdom of Jin, all the small nations will be destroyed, and the beams will naturally be destroyed. The descendants of Xiao's descended from the rivers and lakes and became one of the six great families of the South.

The origin of the Xiao family of the Jiangnan family was undeniable. When the Eastern Jin Dynasty became the hegemon of the Central Plains, they also dreaded the remaining power of the Xiao family, fearing that their jade and stone would burn, so they sealed the Xiao family as a prince and succeeded.

Now that the Da Zhou Dynasty dominates the Central Plains, it is also necessary to appease Xiao's, so he has an Anhou, which is also a hereditary replacement.

Because of this, Xiao Huang's nickname is ‘Xiao Anhou’.

His father, the Xiao family owner, is the Anhou of this generation. His strength is also the second on the list. The young generation of the Xiao family has no one to compete with. The next generation of the owner is almost determined to be him. Called 'Xiao Anhou'.

However, in the view of Su Xin, the so-called Ping Hou and An Hou are not so much honor as irony.

Whether it's the Eastern Jin Dynasty or the Big Week, look at the titles they gave: Ping Hou, An Hou, which means that although your Xiao family was a royal family in the past, now you ca n’t take the lead in this world and give you a title. Honestly. In fact, stay peacefully in the south of the Yangtze River, don't go out and get any moths.

Of course, in the eyes of the rivers and lakes, this lord was a symbol of strength. Even the court had to win over their Xiao family.

The Jiangnan Society began as a tradition of the Xiao family to solicit doormen, and later evolved into a grand event for all young martial arts in the entire martial arts.

The development line of Shijia and Wulin Zongmen is completely different. Although the family blood can ensure the loyalty and unity of the family and the cohesion is stronger than Zongmen, how many geniuses are there in a family? The martial arts sects collected the young handsome men across the rivers and lakes.

Because of this, these big families have a tradition of soliciting doormen. The Xiao family took a different approach and held the Jiangnan Meeting to recruit talented and promising young warriors from the Xiao Family or the Xiao Men School to join the Xiao Family and carefully cultivate them.

This kind of gatekeepers cultivated from a young age is undoubtedly more loyal than those who have been recruited with heavy money in the later period.

Moreover, they can also match with the children of the Xiao family. After several generations, they can be completely integrated into the Xiao family and become a member of the Xiao family. It is precisely because of this strategy that the Xiao family has gradually grown to become the first of the six families. .

At the beginning, the Jiangnan Society was such a purpose, but later the Xiao family would also invite some prestigious young Junjie on the rivers and lakes to come to Jiangnan Society to comment and appreciate it. As more and more people were there, some changes took place in the Jiangnan Society.

With the list of founders of Six Doors, the young generation of young and handsome on the rivers and lakes are fighting more and more fiercely.

However, the Central Plains martial arts is so large, sometimes even if you want to step on the opponent's upper door to challenge you, you may not be able to find someone. There are not many warriors who are otaku in Zongmen retreat all year round.

Therefore, some martial arts gathered at the Jiangnan Meeting. When the Xiao family recruited doormen, they would try to compete. If the strong list wants to do something, they can also try their skills at the Jiangnan Meeting and update the ranking.

Later, the scale of the Jiangnan Society became larger and larger, and the younger generation of warriors came more and more. The Xiao family found that this opportunity could enhance the reputation of the Xiao family, so they completely enlarged the Jiangnan Society and became a martial arts young man. Generation event.

All martial arts aged 35 and above can participate in the entire martial arts. The final three finalists, regardless of whether they join the Xiao family or not, can get a heavy gift. The remaining dozens of martial arts are also eligible for the Xiao family. Solicit.

The martial arts players who want to do their own hands also have a special platform for everyone to compare. The top 30 martial arts players are even eligible to be invited by the Xiao family to invite them to the Jiangnan Society, becoming one of the judges who judge those martial arts practitioners. Like the elders of Xiao Jiayuan's Divine Realm.

This move was indeed wonderful in Su Xin's opinion, and it cleverly captured the minds of some warriors.

Why is the competition on the list so fierce? Nothing more than a name.

Now let them serve as judges of the Jiangnan Society, both of which are younger generations of warriors. The people below are fighting on the ring only to attract the attention of the Xiao family, and to become Xiao family members.

However, they can sit on the high platform and comment on these warriors with the elders of Xiaojia Yuan Shenjing. This vanity is believed that many warriors will want to try.

Therefore, this Jiangnan meeting can be invited by the Xiao family personally to invite invitations, in itself is a glory.

However, the Jiangnan meeting was different this time, and the imperial court also participated in it, so that Gu Donglai, the chief of the march of Jiangnan Road, joined the Xiao family to organize the Jiangnan meeting together.

I don't know if the court saw that the Xiao family recruited a large number of young warriors with potential every year, so they suddenly intervened in it.

But these have nothing to do with the current Su Xin, he had planned to go to the Central Plains.

Now he has reached the pinnacle of spiritual consciousness. If he wants to break through the realm of sacred palace, he still needs a certain opportunity to do so. Central Plains is undoubtedly a good place.

Put away the invitation to send away Chen Qiao, Su Xin decided to leave for Central Plains, but at this time the news of Su Xin's appearance in Lingzhou Mansion had already spread.

At the time, Su Xin killed Zhu Zefang and others. Everyone thought that Su Xin was definitely looking for a quiet place to heal. But no one expected that he was so brave. He actually stayed in Lingzhou, not far from the incident. House wounded.

You should know that although he killed Zhu Zefang and others, it is difficult to ensure that other ordinary disciples in Shaolin Temple will not come to seek revenge from him, and there are still people in Zhujiazhuang. This Su Xin is also bold.

Su Xin is still alive, and is still alive. The news spread to other disciples of the Shaolin Temple, but they were silent.

Just as some warriors mocked them before, they were afraid of being bullied, but they were beaten by Su Xin.

Disciples in the Shaolin Temple are a group, but they are not so close. Unless there is something that threatens their entire group, otherwise someone will find something close to them or invite out something. Go to the door to help.

For example, this time Zhu Zefang found Duan Tianya and took out a Zhou Changxin with a yellow weapon.

Disciples of the Shaolin Temple folks do agree to the outside world, but the premise is that if they are consistent with the outside world, they cannot harm their interests even if they are not profitable.

At present, the strength of Su Xin clearly shows that the warriors who came to the four or five shrine palaces could not help him at all. This would not be beneficial. Who wants to go to death?

They will not move unless they are the leaders of the ordinary disciples of Shaolin Temple who broke through to the realm of Yuanshen.

But unfortunately, the existence of the Yuanshenjing didn't know if something was happening or there was no squeak for other reasons, then they had to pretend to be deaf and mute as if they didn't know the news.

Those ordinary disciples in Shaolin Temple can pretend they don't know, but those in Zhujiazhuang cannot.

In the more than half a year since Zhu Zefang's death, they wish Zhujiazhuang to be extremely miserable.

Originally, Zhujiazhuang's strength was not very strong. Until Zhu Zefang returned from Shaolin Temple and the cultivation of his shrine, they wished that Jiajiazhuang could rise from Hannan Road, which was considered a small force.

But now that Zhu Zefang is killed, many other disciples from the Shaolin Temple in Hannan Province have come to pay their respects. Each one is a congenital warrior. What happened?

After the condolence was finished, he didn't even put a fart, and patted his **** and left, which made the people in Zhujiazhuang grit their teeth.

Anyway, you left a little elixir to take care of the growth of future generations in the same door, so you left?

But unfortunately, their grievances are useless. Although they are the same disciples of the Shaolin Temple, these relationships with Zhu Zhufang are not as close as those of Duan Tianya. , What a joke?

And it is precisely because of the attitude of some people that Zhujiazhuang is in a very bad situation.

Before the people of Zhujiazhuang, under the might of Zhu Zefang, they occupied a lot of land and business around Zhujiazhuang.

Other martial arts forces gave Zhu Zefang a face, and it should be said that they would give a collective face to the disciples of the Shaolin Temple behind him, so they all gave in a step back.

Now that Zhu Zefang is dead, look at the attitudes of other Shaolin Temple lay disciples ~ ~ Apparently, he has no intention to continue to support Zhujiazhuang's ideas, so what are they hesitating about? In the past six months, almost all the land and business in Zhujiazhuang have been eaten away.

The people in Zhujiazhuang could not bear it anymore, so Zhujiazhuang's only remaining elder wished Grandpa to go out to the mountain, and summoned the second generation of disciples of Zhujiazhuang together to discuss matters.

Father Zhu is already in his seventies and eighties. He is not a congenital warrior. He is now aging. After Zhu Zefang returned to Zhu's house more than ten years ago, he has nothing to do with it.

But now this situation can not help but he did not turn his head, Zhujiazhuang's incumbent owner Zhu Qifang, can not afford Zhujiazhuang at all.

The same is true even if the other disciples of the second generation of Zhujiazhuang are changed. Although they are also innate realms, no matter their strength or courage, they all have to die far away.

Although Father Zhu is not a congenital realm, he has trained Zhu Zefang, Zhu Qifang and other congenital warriors to come. This is not easy.

And in terms of prestige, Grandpa Zhu is the highest existence in Zhujiazhuang, so when this grandpa wishes to speak, Zhu Qifang and others can only stand obediently and listen to his orders. (To be continued.)

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