Strongest Villain System

Chapter 188: ‘Slash the evil monk’

At the same time in the conference hall of Zhujiazhuang, I wish his party dissatisfaction: "Daddy, what do you want to do?"

Now Zhu Qifang is the owner of Zhujiazhuang, and he certainly doesn't want others to stand on top of his head and give pointers.

Zhu Qifang's father wished the old man a cold hum: "If my old man hasn't come out yet, I'm afraid I wish Jiazhuang's century-old foundation will be left in your hands!

So Su Xin killed your elder brother, and now he appears again, do you intend to endure it forever? "

Zhu Qifang said helplessly: "Dad, you all know that Su Xin, as the 23rd strongest person on the list, cannot be measured by realm at all.

When the eldest brother and the four of them jointly killed Su Xin, they let that Su Xin fight back. What can we do? If I can get revenge, can I let the enemy dangle in front of myself? "

I wish the old man's eyes narrowed: "The ones who avenge revenge will be put here first. We wish that Jiazhuang can now be eaten away step by step. Do you have nothing to say?"

I wish Qifang suddenly stop talking, and this situation is not caused by him now, so what does he say?

The strength of Zhujiazhuang has always been a bit high. The basic reason is that there is a collective of Shaolin Temple disciples behind Zhu Zefang, and other martial arts forces must give him three points.

But now? As soon as Zhu Zefang died, people left for tea and tea, and the remaining disciples of Shaolin Temple had nothing to do with his Zhu family.

I wish the old man a cold hum, and Tieguai in his hand stiffened to the ground, yelled: "Anyway, you are also a congenital warrior, wouldn't you think about it?

We ca n’t find the ordinary disciples in Shaolin Temple, ca n’t we just find someone else to continue to follow our wish to Jiazhuang? "

Zhu Qifang shouted: "Who can we look for in addition to those of my elder brother? With our strength in Zhujiazhuang, I'm afraid they will be delivered to the door. No one will."

Father Zhu said quietly: "What is the most critical thing we wish Jiajiazhuang is now? There is no one backing, so other martial arts forces dare to move us.

So the most important thing for us right now is not to kill Su Xin, but to find another backer so that we can get through the immediate difficulties. Even if the backer is a tiger skin, we must have one. "

"Where can I find this backer?" Zhu Qifang asked.

Although he is not willing to stand up for his father who has been doing nothing for more than ten years, he also knows that he can't beat his father when it comes to mental calculations.

Mr. Zhu family said lightly: "Your elder brother's teacher at Shaolin Temple was a strong **** of Luo Hantang's Yuanshen Realm.

Jueyan is a man who is irritable and angry and jealous. If he travels down the mountain and meets a person who violates the law, he will be beheaded for thousands of miles, so he got such a nickname of 'evil monk'. "

I wish Qifang touched his head. Of course, his older brother's former teacher knew that Dad had to use the power of Jue Yan to deal with Su Xin's failure.

Sure enough, Mr. Zhu went on to say, "Jiu Yan loves your elder brother very much. After all, it is a disciple and apprenticeship. If it is not your elder brother's qualifications, he may even be accepted by his disciples.

Now that your elder brother is dead, just as I received the news, Jue Yan also came to work in Hannan Province during this time. You sent a clever disciple to cry for Jue Yan to avenge your elder brother. It ’s miserable that I have Jiucheng's grasp of that Jue Yan will definitely be shot. "

Zhu Qifang opened his eyes wide, this old man really dare to think.

In fact, I wish this idea had been done, but he did not dare to be as decisive as the Master Zhu Family, even dare to count the people in Shaolin Temple.

It is true that Su Xin killed Zhu Zefang's father and son, and Jue Yan, the slasher of evil spirits, is also Zhu Zefang ’s teacher, but this Jue Yan is violent and rigid, and he is really killing those who are treacherous and evil.

This time, they wished that Jiazhuang and Su Xin's grievances were plainly their own grievances. They were well-known and alive, and their dead names were unknown. It is absolutely impossible to control such a thing.

In this case, they can only say that they are panicking and deceiving Jue Yan to deal with Su Xin, but if a martial arts master of Yuanshen Realm is counted, if they are found out, they would like to destroy the family.

Even the Shaolin Temple dares to challenge, aren't you guys in Jiazhuang all tired?

But now I wish Master a decisive decision to wish his side, he can only promise to come down, ready to send a disciple disciple.

However, Zhu Zefang said casually: "But Dad, you have said it before. The best thing we can do now is to stop other martial arts cannibalization and annexation. Otherwise, even if we kill Su Xin, it will be useless."

Mr. Zhu Family shook his head and said, "This is one thing. If 'Ye Chou Monk' Jue Yan really took the shot to help us kill that Su Xin, from the outsider's point of view, we have a little connection with Shaolin Temple. .

The deterrence of a Yuanshen warrior from Shaolin Temple is much stronger than those of the ordinary disciples. Just as I said, pulling the tiger's skin as a banner. The first thing we want to do is Shaolin Temple. This big tiger skin. "

Zhu Qifang had to admit that **** is still old and spicy. Although this calculation is dangerous, if it is really successful, it will not only keep their current position in Zhujiazhuang, but also remove Su Xin, it will serve two purposes.

So Zhu Qifang immediately sent his son Zhu Yancheng to run a trip in person to find 'Severe Evil Monk'.

Both belong to the third generation of the Zhu family. Zhu Yancheng is much younger. He is only fifteen years old this year.

However, he is human and smart, and is best suited for this kind of thing, and he has a small advantage in front of Jie Yan.

After all, if you are an adult who speaks these words, Jue Yan may also suspect that you are deliberately provoking, but a child will undoubtedly make people less wary.

Shaolin Temple is the head of the Three Temples of Buddha, and its subordinate institutions are very complicated. The most important thing is the One Pavilion, the Three Halls, and the Fourth Courtyard.

This pavilion is the Tibetan scripture pavilion.

The three halls are: Luo Han Hall, Lecture Hall, Prajna Hall.

The four houses are: Dharma House, Commandment House, Yaowang House, and Sheli House.

Luo Hantang was born from this Jue Yan, which is a Shaolin Temple training monk academy specializing in martial arts disciples. Jue Yan was not qualified to assume the first position of Luo Han Tang, but was one of the chief teachers of the monk in Luo Han Tang.

Since the Shaolin Temple began to abandon its policy of recruiting ordinary disciples, the number of disciples included in the Shaolin Temple each year has greatly decreased.

Therefore, the masters of each of them will go down the mountain several times a year, and look for some talented disciples to bring them up the mountain to cultivate carefully. Although slow, they can guarantee the quality.

It is not the first time that Jiuyan has come to Hannan and Xiangnan. He still remembers that a few of the ordinary disciples he had taught in the past were from Hannandao.

It was late, and Jie Yan, who had hurried to Hannan Province overnight, went to a hotel and knocked on the door, and said loudly, "Xiao Er went to the wine, and ten pounds of beef again!"

At this time, the guests in the hotel were very rare. When I heard this loud drink, I looked back at the talking person. A few diners immediately panicked and left, without him, it was a serious feeling. It's too good to be too good.

Juyan is tall, nearly two meters long, with a fleshy face full of flesh, and a scarlet scabbard glowing at the corners of his eyes. Behind him is a huge black sabre, a fierce blast coming at him.

Although he scratched his bald head and nodded the scar, this picture did not look like a monk in the Tao, but rather a rebel monk against the Buddhist monk.

Moreover, the fierce monk did not even adhere to a few rules and regulations, and even when he came up, he had to drink and eat meat, even breaking the two rings, there must be a problem!

But they were severely wronged. He only drank alcohol and meat because of his habits.

In the realm of refining the body the day after tomorrow, the monks of Shaolin Temple must take a lot of food to refine the refined gas and beat the flesh.

However, after the promotion of the innate, those spirits transformed by Xu food have not helped the monks' physical cultivation much, so Shaolin monks at this stage are all vegetarian.

Of course, the vegetarian dishes and rice wheat they eat are also carefully cultivated by the Shaolin Temple. They have a spirit in them, and the essence of them is many times more than those of meat.

However, Jue Yan was accustomed to drinking and eating meat in the realm of the day after tomorrow, even in the Shaolin Temple, but outside, he did not intend to abide by any rules and regulations.

Xiao Er of the restaurant carefully brought the wine and meat to Jue Yan, and he began to eat with a bite of wine and meat.

At this moment, the door of the restaurant was suddenly pushed open. A handsome-looking teenager walked into the restaurant and even fell to the knees directly to Juan Yan, and "bang" started to scratch his head, and Juan Yan took a divine effort The teenager had already scratched his head several times, seeing that his forehead had turned red.

Jueyan frowned, and a strong indignation rolled up the boy directly, and asked, "Who the **** is this little baby? What does it mean when you come up?"

Needless to say, this young man is naturally wishing his son, and wishing is done.

When Jiu Yan came to Hannan Road, he did not hide his whereabouts ~ ~ Zhu Yancheng easily found Jiu Yan with a person, but he deliberately took everyone else away, he went to see it alone strict.

Now seeing Jue Yan helping himself up, Zhu Yancheng smiled in his heart, and the master told him that most of the work was done.

Although he was excited in his heart, a sad expression appeared on his face: "Master Jue Yan, I'm here to invite you to take revenge for my elder brother and my uncle!"

Kuan Yan asked in amazement: "What is your uncle?"

I wish to enlighten: "My uncle is a common disciple who has followed you to learn martial arts in the past, and the owner of Zhujiazhuang wished Zefang!"

After all, he hadn't contacted for more than a decade, and Jiu Yan had forgotten what his former disciples looked like.

However, Zhu Yancheng mentioned Zhu Zefang's name, and Jue Yan immediately responded. After all, this disciple was his favorite favorite disciple.

ps: I saw two children's shoes registered in the Dragon Suite with the background of the top 25, but these characters have already been written, so I can add them if I change the background (to be continued.)

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