Strongest Villain System

Chapter 199: revenge

Wang Shifeng was silenced by Su Xin's refusal, and Su Xin waved his hand with a jug: "Brother Wang, if you have nothing to do, I will leave."

Wang Shifeng had to smile bitterly and arched his hand and said, "Well, Brother Su will have a chance to meet again."

Looking at the back of Su Xin's departure, Wang Shifeng felt that this Su Xin was not as vicious and vicious as the legends of fellow rivers and lakes, but only acted in a slightly more extreme style.

Although Wang Shifeng disagreed with those things that Su Xin said, there was no good reason to refute him.

By saying goodbye to Wang Shifeng, Su Xin turned back to his place of residence. Although he killed someone today, his heart was still not very happy.

The great breakthrough made the two **** confuse. If Su Xin is really proficient in Ling Chi, he really will make the two lives worse than death. He is not joking about this sentence.

Just when Su Xin had fallen asleep, in the drunk Fenglou of the largest mansion in Jiangnan Province, Li Chenfeng, the "Wu Tanhua", was drinking there alone, and the flamboyant dancers of the Qinglou were all next to him. He was rushed aside.

In the past few days, Li Chenfeng feels what he calls sinister.

He was only defeated by Su Xin once, and many people said that he was not worthy. The 22nd position on this list was indeed a water injection, so it was so easily trampled by Su Xin.

And some casual martial arts fighters flew up to challenge him. These people really thought that Li Chenfeng was muddy, but Su Xin could not beat him, could he not beat this pile of waste?

Although Li Chenfeng also knew to maintain his Li family's face and his own reputation, he did not kill him directly like Su Xin, otherwise he should be passed on the rivers and lakes to be ashamed and angry, killing the warriors who challenged him, he That reputation was completely stink.

However, these flies were so annoying that they always wanted to step on him. Li Chenfeng was furious and seriously injured a person, but he was also known as having a small amount of energy and so on.

At that time, Li Chenfeng couldn't wait for himself to be Su Xin. Regardless of disregarding the killing tactics, fortunately, he was a bit sensible and could not bear it, so he only drunk here at night, but in fact he already had Su Su in his heart. The letter is hateful.

Anyway, in his opinion, all of this was caused by Su Xin. If Su Xin hadn't stepped him down a spot in the rankings, it wouldn't have happened.

Although this kind of thinking is very radical, Li Chenfeng is unable to curb this kind of thought in his heart, the more he thinks, the more he hates it.

When he was gnashing his teeth alone, a voice came at this time: "Brother Li, why are you drunk here alone? This is not your character."

As soon as Li Chenfeng looked up, standing in front of him was a Taoist in his thirties who was handsome and elegant.

"Brother Hu? Why are you here?" Li Chenfeng asked in amazement.

This person is also very famous, but it was before.

This person's name is Hu Jingyan, nicknamed 'Shadow of the Dao', and he is a disciple of the Qingcheng Sword School, but he is the eighteenth in the previous generation.

Don't look at Hu Jingyan's appearance in his early thirties, but in fact he is nearly forty years old. Later, because he was too old, he fell out of the list.

In recent years, Hu Jingyan has been practicing in the Qingcheng Sword School. Rarely can he be seen on rivers and lakes. Li Chenfeng can know him because he was from the Hu Family of Longxi before he joined the Qingcheng Sword School.

The strength of the Hu family is not comparable to that of the Li family. It is a second-class family with only one martial arts warrior. However, the relationship between the Hu family and the Li family is good, so when they were young, they could often learn martial arts together.

Hu Jingyan was also not polite. He sat cross-legged directly in front of Li Chenfeng, took the jug and poured himself a glass of wine, and took a sip of satisfaction. This was the saying: "I was closed in Qingcheng Sword School, but it was fine, but You also know that there is really no disciple in this generation of Qingcheng Sword School, but the invitation letter of the Jiangnan Society has been handed up, so the helpless leader had to call me and let me participate This Jiangnan Conference. "

Li Chenfeng nodded, but his face suddenly darkened again, because he thought of Su Xin again.

Although the Qingcheng Swordsman generation has no outstanding figures, at least Fang Dongting once entered the list.

However, two years ago, Fang Dongting had been killed by Su Xin. This led to Hu Jingyan being sent down the mountain, and a small matter could be related to Su Xin, which made Li Chenfeng very unhappy.

Seeing Li Chenfeng's appearance, Hu Jingyan couldn't help laughing, "Brother Li, you were the first person of the young generation in Longxi, and competed with those of the Princes of the Great Zhou Dynasty for martial arts. In the end, though, they were defeated but they also got it. The name of the flower, but now you are not fighting.

Let me talk to my brother about it, don't keep it in your heart, otherwise it will become more and more uncomfortable. "

Li Chenfeng shares Hu Jingyan's acquaintance since childhood. Hu Jingyan was the oldest when he was young, and even took him to play games, so Li Chenfeng didn't hide it from him and directly told Hu Jingyan what happened .

But after listening to Hu Jingyan, he shook his head and said, "Brother Li, Brother Li, this time you are too reckless.

The battle of the leaderboards is not as simple as you think. It will move the whole body immediately. If you lose, you will roll off and win.

Therefore, everyone who is on the top of the list will work hard, not to mention climbing up, at least to keep their current position.

And if you want to challenge upwards, you have to be cautious and cautious. It is the so-called self-confidence and invincibility, and you dare to rush out and challenge without the details of the other party. It is no wonder that you do not lose. "

Li Chenfeng was slightly reddish by Hu Jingyan. He did not consider so much at that time. When he saw that Su Xin who stepped him down, he immediately uttered a provocation and urged the other party to fight against himself. Now It seems that he was a little too reckless at first.

However, Li Chenfeng does not have experience in this area. His appearance on the list is purely a one-step climb.

When he was in the Li family in the past, he devoted himself to contemplation. Until the beginning of the martial arts last year, he was released by the family to take part in the martial arts. The winner of the 22nd place is also the reason why other people in the rivers and lakes are not convinced by Li Chenfeng.

Suddenly, an unknown soldier jumped on the list of people, not even one, and anyone would feel abrupt.

And after Li Chenfeng ended the martial arts, he had to prepare to break through the magic tricks, and did not continue to communicate or fight with other martial artists, so for this list, he really did not know Hu Jingyan this. The "Old Senior" who has been on the list for more than ten years is deep.

Li Chenfeng even couldn't help asking: "Brother Hu, what do you say I should do now? I can't swallow this bad breath!"

Hu Jingyan groaned for a moment and said: "Of course it is simple to want revenge, Brother Li, I honestly ask you, in the face of that Su Xin, are you sure you can beat him?"

Li Chenfeng wanted to say yes, but finally shook his head helplessly: "No."

Although he didn't want to admit it, Su Xin's strength was indeed beyond his imagination. Even if he tried his best, he could not beat the other party.

"But Brother Hu, I don't, but you do. In the past, you were the eighteenth on the list. The shadow of the sword of the stream is so diverse and weird. Now you are already the pinnacle of the shrine, aren't you? But is that Su Xin? "Li Chenfeng said with Qiyi.

Hu Jingyan shook his head and said, "So Su Xin killed my disciples of Qingcheng Sword School, and I also had resentments against Qingcheng Sword School. Of course, I also wanted to deal with him, but now it is not the case in the Jiangnan Society.

In the Jiangnan Conference, we and others represented the forces behind us.

This is a grand event for the younger generation of rivers and lakes. I am the character of the previous generation. If I shot at will, then I will suppress the younger generation of rivers and lakes. Both for me and for the Qingcheng sword school, the reputation will be influential. "

"Are we unable to deal with that Su Xin?" Li Chenfeng was still reconciled.

Hu Jingyan's eyes brightened and he murmured: "It's not impossible to get there. I'm definitely not going to deal with him openly, but if there is an excuse, I can make a fair and honest shot, not only can other Jianghu colleagues not say anything bad about me. And even compliment me on the excuse that I can shoot without any worry. "

"How do you make this excuse?" Li Chenfeng asked.

Hu Jingyan sneered twice: "Isn't Su Xin killed a martial arts warrior who came to challenge the other day? Just start with them. Although these guys hate them, they are still so useful. "

Speaking, Hu Jingyan pulled Li Chenfeng, and in a few words whispering in his ear, Li Chenfeng suddenly realized that he was giving thumbs up to Hu Jingyan.

After the two had had a drink, Hu Jingyan left directly, but Li Chenfeng went to the inn locked by the casual martial arts soldiers.

To be honest, Li Chenfeng doesn't think much of these casual martial arts. These people are just like flies to him.

Martial arts practitioners on rivers and lakes are roughly divided into two types ~ ~ One is powerful and talented, but because of some reason or because it likes freedom and does not want to be bound, it does not join the martial arts forces.

The second is mediocre strength. The larger martial forces are too lazy to ask them, so these people have to find their way out.

Most of these casual repairs will be honest in the rivers and lakes.

And very few of them will take the lead in the Jiangnan meeting like Liu Tianyuan who was killed by Su Xin, try to fight with some strong players, mix a seniority, and then go to a small place to coax some local buns , Become some Xiaozongmen or Elder Qing of the Xiao Family, rule the king.

This kind of flies is the most annoying. If they dare to come face-to-face like this at other times, Li Chenfeng guarantees them with a sword.

However, at this moment of the Jiangnan Conference, countless pairs of eyes were staring around him. He could not or could not dare to do too much to avoid irritating people.

Only a guy like Su Xin who didn't care about his reputation would dare to kill Liu Tianyuan directly, so that no one would dare to bother him again. (To be continued.)

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