Strongest Villain System

Chapter 200: Be fair

In the small restaurant, dozens of martial arts were sitting there drinking, the noise was noisy, and it looked very chaotic.

Jiangnan will begin soon. The most central restaurants and blue houses in Jiangnan Prefecture will only be opened to some famous strong men or rivers, or they will be all wrapped up by those big factions. These martial arts fighters can only squeeze here Come inside the restaurant.

Seeing Li Chenfeng's arrival here, those martial arts practitioners were very surprised.

The 23rd-ranked master, although he has been criticized a lot recently, is still a disciple of the Li family in Longxi, and the martial arts explorer of the Da Zhou Dynasty has nothing to do with them. Why is he here?

"Which one is Sun Jiuchen?" Li Chenfeng asked with a frown.

At one of the tables, a big man with a long knife behind him stood up, arched his hand at Li Chenfeng, and said respectfully, "Below is Sun Jiuchen. I don't know what Li Gongzi has to do with me?"

"You and your friends are coming out, I have something to tell you."

Sun Jiuchen was a bit puzzled, but Li Chenfeng was invited, and he took the other three people at his table and followed Li Chenfeng to come out.

Anyway, now is the Jiangnan Society period. Most of the younger generation of warriors in the world are gathered here. With so many eyes staring, he is not worried that Li Chenfeng will be against him.

What's more, the other party is the ancestor of the Li family in Longxi, and the strongest person ‘Wu Tanhua’ Li Chenfeng, he really ca n’t think of any reason why the other party is not good for himself as a small casual martial artist.

After bringing the other person into an alley, Li Chenfeng asked, "Then Liu Tianyuan, who was killed by Su Xin, is your friend?"

Sun Jiuchen cautiously said: "A friend can't be regarded as a friend, he can only be said to be like-minded friends of the rivers and lakes."

Li Chenfeng waved his hand: "Don't be so nervous. I have nothing to do with that Liu Tianyuan. I just want to ask you. Liu Tianyuan died in the hands of Su Xin. As your friends, you don't want to give him Revenge? "

Sun Jiuchen and the other four looked at each other, and finally Sun Jiuchen smiled bitterly: "So Su Xin is the 22nd strongest person on the list, fiercely powerful, if we go, it is not revenge, it is simply death."

In fact, Sun Jiuchen did not say a word, that is, even if Su Xin was not a strong person, they would not avenge Liu Tianyuan.

Although they have some friendship with each other, they are far from being close to life.

I went to desperately for a friend who came over, they didn't have that much awareness.

Li Chenfeng said lightly: "You don't dare to be against Su Xin, but I dare, as long as you cooperate with me, this time I can abolish that Su Xin!"

Sun Jiuchen asked: "How does Ligong want us to cooperate?"

Li Chen said: "It's very simple. Tomorrow, if you go to find Su Xin, you will get a fair return for Liu Tianyuan. The more intense the words, the better. Su Xin must be urged to do it for you."

The faces of Sun Jiuchen and others suddenly became clear, and he quickly said, "Li Gongzi, you might as well kill us directly if you do this!

Who is Su Xin? A word that doesn't match kills immediately, it's almost like those in the magic road, just rely on our strength to challenge him, it is not enough to kill everyone with a sword! "

"What are you afraid of!" Li Chenfeng scolded, "Did I say that you should be killed? You just need to let Su Xin act, and I and other experts are here to ensure that you will be fine."

Although Li Chenfeng said so, Sun Jiuchen and others were still hesitant.

Although they have not seen Su Xin's shot, Liu Tianyuan has known them for several years. They have long understood Liu Tianyuan's strength, and they are almost the same.

Liu Tianyuan was killed by Su Xin in one blow, and even had no chance to respond. I can imagine what the consequences would be if they left.

Although Li Chenfeng said that he would protect them, Sun Jiuchen and others still did not want to put their lives in the hands of others.

Seeing them like this, Li Chenfeng said faintly: "You are wandering in this Jiangnan meeting, don't you just want to become famous in the future, will you be a good place to be in the future?

If you agree to this matter, I immediately recommend you to be a guest of my Li family. After that, I will have no worries for life. Wouldn't it be better than you to be an elder of Keqing in a small martial art?

Sun Jiuchen showed a touch of joy on their faces, and the promise made by Li Chenfeng just moved them.

These casual martial arts have no fixed place, without the support of cultivation resources, it is not easy to cultivate to the innate realm. It is more difficult to go further.

Now that Li Chenfeng has promised them a visitor status, there is no reason why Sun Jiuchen and others would not be moved.

Although the Li family is not one of the six great families, it can also be ranked first-class on the rivers and lakes.

Joining such a family to serve as a guest, is that kind of small martial artist able to compare?

Sun Jiuchen and others thought about it, and finally agreed with their teeth.

As the so-called wealth insurance seeks, the identity of a Li family member is enough for them to take risks.

Li Chenfeng and Hu Jingyan's calculations naturally did not know Su Xin. He was retreating at the inn at this time, trying to strike the palace again.

But unfortunately, after that time, Su Xin could no longer find the ethereal feeling. There seemed to be any obstacle between his shrine and heaven and earth. No matter how he attacked, he could not break it.

Su Xin also wanted to search in the system mall in the past, but unfortunately, it is not the internal force and vitality that is needed to impact the Jinggu realm, but the chance. So far, there is no elixir that can effectively and quickly help him to impact the Jinggu realm.

Under the impact of the imperial palace, Su Xin no longer wasted such useless work, and went out of the inn to relax.

But as soon as he stepped out of the inn, he felt as if someone was staring at him.

Su Xin sneered at the bottom of his heart and didn't care. The only person who had enmity with himself in Jiangnan House was Li Chenfeng, which was not a fear.

The strength of the Li family is indeed very strong, which is the second force behind the six great families, but unfortunately even if Li Chenfeng finds the people of the Li family crying, at this moment, the Li family will not come to help Li Chenfeng. There was only one reason for dealing with him, and that was because of rules.

What's the difference between Mingmen Zhengda and Modao?

Nine-and-a-half of the ten rivers and lakes people will say that this is a famous martial arts warrior, that evil demons are cruel and easy to kill, and so on.

However, since Su Xin stepped into the arena, he has not seen many famous orthodox disciples who practice chivalry, and most of them do it because of Zongmen struggle or because they are victorious.

Therefore, in the view of Su Xin, the biggest difference between the so-called Mingmenzhengzheng and the demon is that they talk about rules, and one doesn't talk about rules.

Mingmen is right to kill, and will give you a dignified excuse. I have a reason to kill you or even destroy you, so I am on the moral side to kill the people.

But Modao did n’t have so many worries about killing people. He tried to kill, and he acted recklessly. The means were cruel and ruthless among those decent people, and he was crowned the title of Modao.

Because of this rule, during the Jiangnan Conference, the older generation of warriors of all factions are not allowed to take shots, because this is a grand event for the young generation of Jianghu.

During the Jiangnan Conference, the older martial arts shot was to suppress the younger disciples, but this would be cast aside by the world's martial arts, and no one would dare to do such a thing.

Just as Hu Jingyan wants to take a shot against Su Xin, he has to find a good excuse. Although he is not a senior, he is also a figure of the previous generation. It is also taboo to shoot without permission.

Of course, even if the Li family really had elders shooting Su Xin, they could deal with them.

Don't forget that Su Xin now has an identity of Liumen's pursuit, which is directly under the jurisdiction of Liumen's headquarters.

Although the Li family is a martial arts family, it has a very close relationship with the court.

Liumen is one of the two largest military organizations in the court of the Da Zhou Dynasty. Does the Li family dare not give Liumen's face?

As long as Su Xin reveals her status as a chaser, as long as the members of the Li family are not crazy, she will never dare to attack herself.

If the tussle between the juniors rises to the Li family's daring not to give six facades, this matter will be a big deal.

As for whether revealing the status of herdsmanship will affect her reputation, Su Xin has long since disregarded it.

Anyway, since he did something to destroy people, his reputation on the rivers and lakes is almost the same as those of the demons.

As long as he has a little involvement with the people of the magic road now, there will be news that Su Xin, the strongest person in the list, will fall completely into the magic road the next day.

At this moment, the crowd on the long street in front of Su Xin suddenly separated, and the four warriors approached aggressively. Su Xin's eyes narrowed. These four people came for themselves!

The four of them are naturally the four of Sun Jiuchen.

Su Xin stayed in the inn for two days ~ ~ Sun Jiuchen They waited outside for two days, Li Chenfeng also sent someone to wait outside, until now they finally gave Su Xin to Waited out.

Sun Jiuchen and others came to Su Xin with a look of grief and indignation: "Su Xin, even if you are a strong person, you have done too much this time!

My brother Liu Tianyuan sincerely wants to ask you for advice, but in the end you kill him with no skill, no justice or resentment, what's the truth? Today I have to wait for a fair return for my brother! "

People around me heard that Sun Jiuchen and the four of them had come to seek justice for Liu Tianyuan, who had been killed by Su Xin.

The strength of these martial arts warriors is so different from Su Xin, how dare they come to fight against Su Xin?

Of course, some people sighed that these four people were really righteous, so they dare to come to Su Xin, the murderer, to be just for a brother who was killed.

But Su Xin's eyes showed a hint of mockery.

Want justice for Liu Tianyuan? Only a fool would believe that. (To be continued.)

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