Strongest Villain System

Chapter 201: I am angry

Looking at Sun Jiuchen and others, Su Xin said lightly: "Ask for justice? What justice do you want?"

Sun Jiuchen said: "It's very simple. I don't want you to lose your life. I don't have the strength to wait. But you have to confess your mistakes on Brother Liu's grave and sincerely regret it!"

Admitting a gimmick? The onlookers suddenly shook their heads.

This kind of thing is simply impossible for Su Xin. It should be said that it is the most humiliating act for a normal warrior to admit his fault.

Su Xin squinted and looked at Sun Jiuchen: "I'm curious, who gave you the courage to say this to me.

Do you know why I killed Liu Tianyuan at the beginning? It was because he delayed my meal that I was angry.

Now you are also good. You have also provoked my anger. You said, what will happen to you? "

Now Su Xin doesn't have the slightest murderousness, and even speaks slowly.

However, this look fell into the eyes of Sun Jiuchen and others, but it made them feel a cold chill from the bottom of their hearts, and a kind of thriller came into being.

If it hadn't been for the fact that Li Chenfeng had promised to protect them, they would have turned away and fled.

Sun Jiuchen boldly hummed and said, "Su Xin! Do you still want to kill us? We can see so many colleagues in the arena present, if you re-create the evil ..."

His words were not finished, but a blood-red light rose in front of him. The four slender blood lines seemed to carry life and twisted the body towards them. Senran's killing!

Before the last word was spit out, Sun Jiuchen screamed in his mouth.

Su Xin's blood river **** points quickly, but more importantly is weird.

The bloodline really seemed to have life, and locked the movements of four people including Sun Jiuchen and so on. As long as they moved, the bloodline followed the direction of movement.

Almost instantly, the bloodline had come to them!

At this time, Hu Jingyan and Li Chenfeng, who were hiding in the dark, were also shocked.

They prepared Su Xin to take a shot, but did not expect that Su Xin shot so fast and so suddenly!

Fortunately, their shots are not slow.

Li Chen screamed with rage, and the Qianyuan tactics of the Yuan Dynasty were unfolded. The whole man was thrown out like a demon in the world, and was blown out directly, breaking a blood line.

Hu Jingyan shot faster than him.

Hu Jingyan's nickname is 'Shadow of the Shadow Stream', and his nickname comes from his martial arts.

Grey flapping out the humble sword, but instantly differentiated hundreds of sword shadows pierced from all directions.

The most weird thing is that those sword shadows are obviously illusory, but at the moment of the sword's release, they changed from virtual to real, and they turned into real sword lights, which directly broke the three blood lines.

Su Xin squinted and looked at Li Chenfeng: "Hehe, I've found a helper."

Hu Jingyan closed his sword and whispered, "Su Xin! This is the Jiangnan Society. You ca n’t let it go. You do n’t count on killing Liu Tianyuan. You want to kill four of them. What do you want to do?”

Su Xin said indifferently: "I want to ask what you want to do? The Secret Method of the Dao Sword of Qingcheng Sword School is very different, but as far as I know, this generation of Qingcheng Sword School has no one except Fang Dongting's waste. Are you on the list? "

As soon as this remark came out, the soldiers who looked around suddenly became strange to Su Xin's gaze, this dare really dare to say this.

How did Su Xin get on the list? It's not because of the strength of Fang Dongting's killing that he made it to the list.

It doesn't count to kill Fang Dongting, now you are still here to blatantly ridicule the disciples of Qingcheng Sword School. He offends Qingcheng Sword to death.

Of course, even if the sin was so serious, Su Xin didn't care.

Anyway, they have already offended. If there is a chance, these disciples of Qingcheng Sword School will definitely not let him go. Maybe even if he plans to kill him or capture him, take him back to Zongmen to ask the elder Fang for a reward. .

Hu Jingyan said with a gloomy face, "It is true that the list of this generation does not have me. I am in the list of the previous generation.

However, Su Xin's behavior is too much. It is simply breaking the rules of the Jiangnan Society.

The Jiangnan Meeting is the place where the younger generations of warriors in the Central Plains martial arts exchanged their martial arts with each other, but now you are killing here.

If everyone kills and kills like you, then this Jiangnan will be changed to Shura field. Everyone is here to fight each other for life and death, what's the point of making this Jiangnan? "

"Wonderful! It is really wonderful." Su Xin patted it and sneered, "But unfortunately, there is no use for eggs.

I'm accused of mass murder when I kill a person. This quantifier is really good.

Jiangnan will have the rules of Jiangnan Society, and I also have the rules of Su Xin.

My rule is that it is useless to stop anyone I want to kill! "

The words fell, Su Xin's body had disappeared on the spot, and Sun Jiuchen appeared beside him.

Hu Jingyan's eyes flashed with horror. Su Xin's speed was too fast. He had never heard such a powerful light body exercise!

Just before Hu Jingyan drew his sword, Su Xin's shocking finger was already pointed out.

The speed of the wind-like Fengshen legs plus the shocking fingers of Ben Lei, the speed of the combination of the two is almost horrible.

Almost instantly, when Hu Jingyan pulled out the sword in his hand, Sun Jiuchen's head suddenly burst open, and the red and white slurry splashed.

Li Chen sighed angrily and threw a punch, but he did not even touch Su Xin's side.

At this time, Su Xin had come to the remaining three warriors, and the twenty-four solar terms shocked his fingers to take turns to point out, all the mysteries of heaven and earth blended into them.

The three martial arts soldiers were also killed one by one by Su Xin without even using a trick.

Just then, Hu Jingyan pulled out his own sword, Yingliudao sword!

Turning the virtual reality into reality, between the grey swords, a thousand swords fell and fell, and the surrounding world was instantly dark, as if Hu Jingyan's sword had swallowed this world!

At the same time, Li Chenfeng is also running a mixed Qianyuan tactic, as if the devil came to the world, punched behind Su Xin.

Su Xin's face remained the same, the Blood River Excalibur tore through the sky, the blood-colored sword, the blood-colored man, the blood river rolled in the mid-air, Hu Jingyan's sword devoured light, and Su Xin's Blood River Excalibur was to tear the darkness!

During the blood splattering, Hu Jingyan's sword shadows shattered, and even a crack appeared on his yellow-level soldier blade floating shadow sword. He directly spit out blood and flew out.

In the rear, Li Chenfeng struck. Su Xin turned and kicked Fengshen's legs.

The fists and feet collided, even with the blessing of Qiankun Jue from the Yuan Dynasty, Li Chenfeng couldn't withstand the powerful force, and his arms directly made a crackling sound, and the whole person flew out.

At the same time, he was also horrified. Although Su Xin was unstoppable on the flower boat at the beginning, he was far from the metamorphosis as he is today. They joined together with a sacred palace and a consciousness, but they could not defeat Su Xin.

After only a few days passed, Su Xin's strength could not soar to this extent. When it was above the flower boat, did Su Xin hide its strength?

In fact, Li Chenfeng guessed right, Su Xin really skyrocketed in these days.

Although he did not succeed in breaking through the realm of the shrine, but after all he had entered that realm and had such a hint.

Meixin Jingu is the place where the human body is closest to heaven and earth. Refining Jingu can understand heaven and earth.

Although Su Xin didn't really understand the power of heaven and earth, he felt this power when he occasionally entered the ethereal realm that day. When he shot, the surrounding world's elemental power gathered involuntarily to his side, making His shots are much stronger than before.

The instant defeat of two martial arts players, especially Hu Jingyan, who is the eighteenth-ranked ‘moving sword’ on the previous generation ’s list, gave everyone a more intuitive understanding of Su Xin ’s strength.

Although Hu Jingyan didn't say who he was before, only the Qingcheng Sword sent to the list by the previous generation was the only one. From the time of his debut sword, everyone knew that this person must be Hu Jingyan.

The interval between the first generation of people is usually about ten to fifteen years. The previous generation of strong people is recognized as not as strong as this generation, but even so, Hu Jingyan's 18th place is enough to prove his Strength.

But even so, he couldn't even beat Su Xin. You must know that Hu Jingyan is at the pinnacle of Jing Jing, which is stronger than when he was on the list!

Hu Jingyan wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth, pulled Li Chenfeng, and hated: "Let's go!"

This time their two faces were lost.

The two teamed up against Su Xin, but they were still defeated.

In particular, he Jingjing Hu, so many warriors in Jiangnan Prefecture watched it. His eighteenth place on the list of the previous generation lost to the twenty-second place on the list of this generation. Set off his incompetence in the previous list of people ~ ~ After this battle, it is estimated that the warriors who were with him in the previous year will blame him for shame on the last time.

The two were embarrassed, and Su Xin was confused by them. Without the thought of watching the scenery again, he was ready to turn back to the inn and rest.

But when he just opened the door, it was a moment when he sat in the room with a young woman wearing a black short samurai uniform.

The black samurai suit is crisp and clear. Su Xin usually likes to wear this clothing, but this is a standard male outfit. Now wearing on this woman's body, she looks bright and cheerful, without any slight violation.

She tied her long hair into a pony tail and lay behind her. She did not apply pink daisies to the sky, but it was difficult to hide her beautiful face.

Anyway, this woman's first impression is definitely not the words that describe women, such as charming and charming, but a vigorous British spirit strikes, giving a very strange feeling.

Su Xin originally thought he had gone to the wrong room, but after a careful look at the furnishings in the room, he was sure that this was indeed his own room, and who was this heroic woman? (To be continued.)

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