Strongest Villain System

Chapter 202: Tie Yaohua

The heroic woman saw Su Xin looking back and forth, and she could not help showing a bright smile, her voice clear and sweet.

"Master Su don't have to read it, this is your house."

"Are you from six doors?" Su Xin asked.

As soon as the woman opened Su Xin, she knew that she was mostly from six doors. Only the six people would call him an adult.

The woman nodded and stood up and fisted at Su Xin: "Six Doors Secret Detective Tie Yaohua See Master Su Xin."

Su Xin returned a gift, wondering: "Tie Yaohua? Are you from the Tie family?"

There are countless disciples of the Liumen Tiejia. Generally speaking, as long as people mention the Tiejia, all the people in the rivers and lakes think of it.

Tie Yaohua nodded and said, "I am a member of the Tie family, and Tie ruthless is my cousin."

Su Xin nodded, and asked, "You came here as a secret agent, is there something wrong with Jiangnan?"

The identity of the detective agent is different from that of Su Xin's pursuit of the wind. Most of them are hiding in the secret to listen to the news, and generally do not take the lead.

Now Tie Yaohua, who is a secret agent for suspense, turned up to find herself. It is likely that something happened in Jiangnan Prefecture.

Tie Yaohua said solemnly: "It is not a problem in Jiangnan Province, but a problem in the entire Jiangnan Province!

Since three months ago, all six secret doors of Gangnam-do have lost contact with the headquarters, and three days ago, the last secret place also lost news.

The people at the headquarters didn't feel right, so they planned to send a few people to investigate the situation. If they found something wrong, they should report it to the headquarters immediately.

However, afterwards, the adults knew that you were in Jiangnan House, and it was enough for me to inform you to investigate this matter. After all, with your strength, you can be worthy of several pursuits. "

Tie Yaohua's tone was very sincere, but she could not see a little compliment to Su Xin.

However, Su Xin frowned: "What do the chief captains in the Liumenmen headquarters think? The entire secret place in Gangnam-do has been out of contact for three months, and they have only found out that it is wrong now."

Tie Yaohua smiled bitterly: "It's really impossible to blame adults. These secret strongholds exist separately and have nothing to do with the local six-door organization. They are only responsible for the headquarters.

Moreover, these secret bases do not pass information every day, and only when major events or they find some important information, they will pass messages to headquarters.

Therefore, we could not detect the loss of a single secret base. Until the follow-up, almost all the secret bases in Gangnam-do began to be quiet. No news came, and we felt that it was wrong. "

Su Xin frowned, and said, "Did you not contact the head of the six gates of Jiangnan Road?"

As the strongest martial arts and the most prosperous Jiangnan Road, the court's strength in Jiangnan Road is naturally not weak.

Gu Donglai, the chief of the march of Jiangnan Road, is a strong man who melts into the realm of God and is a martial arts master.

Jin Wulin, the chief arrester of Jiangnan Province, is also a strong person who transforms into a state of God. If he comes forward, he still needs to use his innate martial artist to investigate?

Tie Yaohua shook her head and said, "I do n’t know why, it may be because of different systems. After all, our detective agents and herdsmen are directly affiliated with the headquarters. They are organized with these six doors. It's not directly related. "

Su Xin nodded. Tie Yaohua didn't know, so he didn't ask much.

After late at night, Su Xin called to the location of those secret strongholds in the hands of Ji Yaohua and was going to explore with her.

There are many secret bases for each of the six doors, even in Jiangnan Prefecture, a state capital.

Su Xin knew the secret stronghold of the Six Doors of the Shonan Road, because Tie had been merciless to him, but for the Jiangnan Road, Su Xin did not understand.

Tie Yaohua took Su Xin all the way around the alleys of Jiangnan House, and said, "We went to a secret stronghold that we recently lost contact with. This secret stronghold only had no news for three days, so it was It is not a complete loss of contact, it is still unknown. "

This secret stronghold where Tie Yaohua took Su Xin made Su Xin's complexion look a little weird, which turned out to be some secret prostitutes in Jiangnan Prefecture.

If you want to open a green building in Jiangnan, the land is just an astronomical figure.

Similarly, the talented singers and dancers are not cultivated one or two days, so in the remote city of Jiangnan Province, there are these hidden secret prostitutes, even without paying taxes, hidden in Among the houses.

The secret place Su Xin found in Donglin last time was just a pharmacy, which was normal, but this place was a little strange.

Rows of dwellings closed their doors tightly, and looked quiet all around.

These dark prostitutes are not visible at all. The sound-proof wooden boards are installed inside. Only acquaintances will know how to get in. After all, they are doing illegal trade.

Tie Yaohua found a family in a dwelling house, reached out and knocked on it rhythmically a few times, repeated three times, but there was no other movement in it.

Su Xin and Tie Yaohua's expressions became more dignified. Tie Yaohua then knocked three times in a row according to this rhythm, but none of them answered.

Seeing this, Su Xin shot straight and kicked the door of the room open, and there was a loud noise in the room.

Su Xin's eyes narrowed, and his body quickly flashed into the room. A dark shadow passed through the back door. His speed was extremely fast, so Su Xin had no chance to shoot.

"Who was that?" Tie Yaohua quickly entered the room and asked.

Su Xin shook his head with a dignified expression: "I don't know, anyway, it's not a good character, and the speed is not inferior to me. Only if we went in earlier would be better, but now it's a little late."

Although there was some darkness in the room at this time, Su Xin and Tie Yaohua were already the warriors at the pinnacle of spiritual consciousness. This darkness was nothing to them.

In a small room, a hidden door was opened. This house was originally a place where various confidential documents were stored. Now it has been turned upside down, and some of them are obviously missing.

Next to the hidden door was a corpse lying on his back, lying face down. Su Xin looked at the body of the corpse and suddenly felt familiar.

He lifted the corpse, and suddenly it was a stun, that corpse turned out to be Li Chenfeng!

Before Su Xin thought about it, a voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Brother Li, I said that, then Su Xin came from Shonan Road. How could you find him here at the six doors of Jiangnan Road? Details. "

Before Su Xin had time to respond, Hu Jingyan had already entered the room.

When seeing the body of Li Chenfeng at Su Xin, Hu Jingyan first stunned, and then yelled, "Su Xin! You dare to kill Li Chenfeng! Longxi Li's sister-in-law, kill as long as you kill, can't you be crazy? ? "

Hu Jingyan suddenly appeared here, Su Xin's first feeling was that he was framed.

After all, this wasn't the first time that happened. When he was in Changning, Jiangling put him together like this.

However, from the expression of Hu Jingyan, he was really shocked that he killed Li Chenfeng. This expression is definitely not disguise, otherwise Hu Jingyan would really become the film emperor.

Tie Yaohua on the side held the short knife at the waist, but this act stimulated Hu Jingyan. He hummed coldly: "Dare to attack the killer in the Jiangnan meeting, not only did you offend the Longxi Li family. You even offended Xiaonan from the South.

For so many years, no one has dared to shoot at the Jiangnan Conference. Even the Yanaluo who dared to kill the city and exterminate his family did not dare. Today, you Su Xin can be considered a famous person, and it is not far from death! "

The Jiangnan Conference is a grand event for the younger generation of Wulin. If it kills and seeks revenge arbitrarily, what will it look like?

Su Xin killed only a few casual martial arts soldiers, just a bunch of annoying flies. No one would take the lead for them. At most, he just condemned Su Xin, and by the way fell into the ground and spoiled his reputation.

However, Li Chenfeng, as a martial artist, was also invited by the Xiao family himself, and was now killed by Su Xin in Jiangnan Prefecture, which was also hitting Xiao family's face.

Hu Jingyan knew that he was not Su Xin's opponent, and there was another woman here who did not know the depth.

The place was quiet and silent, with almost no martial arts passing by. He was afraid that Su Xin would kill himself and kill his mouth, so he pulled out the sword in his hand, and the whole body's anger burst out.

This sword is not intended to kill, but to attract others' attention.

The shining sword-mang looks like a firework. It is extremely prominent in this dark night, coupled with the sudden burst of strength of Hu Jingyan's own palace level, which immediately attracted the attention of many military men in Jiangnan Prefecture.

Seeing that Hu Jingyan wanted to attract others, Su Xin didn't do it, of course, he didn't need to do it.

Now he is not in Changning House ~ ~ anyone can be wronged at will.

A grand and magnificent breath suddenly fell, and an old man in a Chinese service suit resembled a big bird, slipping from the air, and chuckled, "What happened !?"

Hu Jingyan made such a big move and almost alarmed the little Jiangnan government.

During the Jiangnan meeting, many parents of Xiao's parents would be guarded in various places in Jiangnan Prefecture in case of unexpected events.

Seeing the sword anger erupting from Hu Jingyan, Xiao Xiao's parents drove over from nearby in less than ten minutes.

At this time, some martial arts soldiers in the vicinity saw the scene after seeing this situation. After tens of breaths, more than ten people were surrounded.

Seeing so many people coming, Hu Jingyan was relieved immediately. He was really afraid that Su Xin was killing him. After all, Su Xin was famous for his boldness.

When he was the master of a small gang, he dared to kill Fang Dongting, and now he wants to kill him, which seems not difficult for Su Xin. (To be continued.)

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