Strongest Villain System

Chapter 203: Awareness of the court hawk

Hu Jingyan greeted Xiao's parents with old manners: "This senior, Su Xin, this man is fierce and will not change. At the beginning of the Jiangnan Society, it is not counted that he killed several casual martial arts soldiers, even with him. Li Chenfeng, the martial artist, died in his hands! "

Others took a breath and suddenly looked at Su Xin's eyes full of horror.

Dare to attack the martial arts team when the Jiangnan Society is about to start. This is really not the Xiao family in the eyes, is this too bold?

The old Xiao parents suddenly looked at Su Xin. The momentum on his body was full of coercion: "Su Xin! Did Li Chenfeng really kill you?"

This Xiao's parent's old strength should be around the early days of the transformation. Su Xin had already dealt with the slaying of the evil monk in the later stage of the transformation. The momentum of this Xiao's parents was very useful for Su Xin. No.

"If I said Li Chenfeng didn't kill me, do you believe it?" Su Xin said lightly.

He could feel from the old Mr. Xiao's parents that he didn't like himself, even a little disgust.

The Xiao family is the organizer of the Jiangnan Conference, and as the descendants of the royal family, the most important thing is the rules and etiquette. The elder from the Xiao family is most disgusted by Su Xin, a person who breaks rules at will.

He had already known about Su Xin's killing of several casual martial artists before, but this was only a small matter. Although he did not reach the bottom line of the Xiao family, he still disgusted the elder's heart.

Now seeing that the protagonist of this incident is Su Xin again, of course Xiao's parents will show this kind of emotion.

"Did you kill Li Chenfeng? I said no, I went back and waited for the trial of my Xiao family," the Xiao parents said coldly.

"Trial? Sorry, may I ask the elder, on what basis does your Xiao family judge me? Are you qualified to judge me?" Su Xin said coldly.

The elder of the Xiao family suddenly froze. Why? Is there anything else to ask?

Although the elder of the Xiao family wanted to say that because of his Xiao family being the first of the six families, the world's top martial arts forces were eligible to try Su Xin.

But these words are too arrogant and have a bad impact on their Xiao family, so the elder of the Xiao family just hummed and said, "You don't have to make any excuses, anyway, you are now suspected of killing Li Dustwind must go back to Xiao family to be tried.

I advise you to obediently go back with me. If you have to force me to take a shot, I am afraid you will regret it. "

"Remorse?" Su Xin shook his head. "I won't regret it. I said that your Xiao family is not qualified to judge me. Even if Li Chenfeng was killed by me, you are still not qualified to judge me!"

The Xiao elder's elder smiled back: "Okay, I'll show you today, if my Xiao family is qualified to try you!"

The Yuan Shenjing strong was furious and stirred the power of heaven and earth around him. Suddenly, Xiao Xiao's parents were dozens of feet old, the wind was howling, the thunder was groaning, and they looked extremely terrifying.

Xiao's parents stretched out their hands, and a large hand condensed by the spirit was directly photographed, and someone with knowledge of the side exclaimed: "It's the huge handprint of the Xiao family!"

When the old handprint of Xiao's parents was about to fall, Su Xin took out a token and shouted, "I am the six gates to follow the wind, and directly belong to the jurisdiction of the six gates headquarters. In addition to the court, except the six gates , Who is qualified to judge me? "

The parents of Xiao Xiao stopped suddenly, and he looked at the token in Su Xin's hand extremely ugly.

As a master of martial arts in Yuanshen Realm, he was also an elder Xiao parent. Of course, he had dealt with six doors and knew this token.

The reason is that Su Xin is just an ordinary warrior without roots, but he did not expect that he suddenly became a six-door pursuit hunt!

Su Xin smiled lightly: "This elder, do you still want to judge me now? Li Chenfeng is the martial arts flower of the imperial court, and I am the six-door pursuit hunting, just for some spirits, I have reason to go Kill him?

Besides, even if I really kill him, I won't be able to come to your Xiao family for trial? If the Li family has an opinion, they can ask them to come to six of my doors to talk to my boss. "

The old look of Xiao Xiao's parents has become ugly. He really can't do anything about Su Xin right now. The status of chasing the wind is really tricky.

The six doors are one of the two largest armed forces in the court. The biggest feature is the protection of shorts, especially for the small number of herds.

Although their Xiao family was strong, they were even named Anhou, but they were not strong enough to rely on the strength of the family to go against the six doors.

Hu Jingyan and the other warriors around him were shocked.

Su Xin, the strongest person in the rankings, suddenly became a six-door chase. This is big news.

But for the change of Su Xin's identity, these warriors were scorned in their hearts.

No wonder he came from a short-term cultivation background, but practiced so fast, and for two years he rose from the bottom of the list to the 22nd place.

Originally, they thought that this was Su Xin's talent and strong understanding, but now it is not so much at first glance. Hasn't Su Xin relied on six doors to become the imperial court dog?

The warriors on the rivers and lakes, whether they are Zongmen or Sanxiu, have always shown a bad attitude towards the six gates.

One of the soldiers even sneered softly and sneered, "It is sad and ridiculous that the soldiers on the list are willing to be the court hawks!"

Su Xin's eyes narrowed, a sword flashed in his left hand, and a **** flash of light flashed. The sarcastic warrior's head flew directly into the sky, and blood spewed out of the headless body like a fountain.

The elder of the Xiao family did not expect that Su Xin dared to commit murder under his eyelids. He was instantly angered and screamed: "Su Xin! You really think you are a six-door chaser. Dare to be so wild in my Jiangnan Mansion? Are you really afraid to touch you when you are my Xiao family?

Even if Kim Wulin, the chief arrester of Gangnam Province, dare not be so presumptuous in front of me, you can't help but think of my Xiao family! "

Su confidence sneered. As a court eagle dog, he must have the awakening of the court eagle dog. He has the right not to expire, and leaning against the tree of six doors, he can do a lot.

Withdrawing the sword in his hand, Su Xin said coldly, "There is no king of earth in the whole world, no king of the earth!

This world is all court, but this person said that I was a court hawk, so what did he think of the court?

Regarding the fact that Shijun and Lu are loyal to the monarch, since I, Su Xin, is a six-door pursuit hunter, how can this person deceive the court here?

Killing him is considered light. If it comes true, I still want to see which school he came from, and dare to say these words. Is it his elders ’teaching, or is he behind him? I didn't look at my big Zhou Dynasty! "

There was a flash of fear in the eyes of some warriors around.

The reputation of the six gates is so bad because the world was unstable when the Da Zhou Dynasty just established the country. Many schools did not agree with the Daoism and some even openly opposed Da Zhou.

At this time, the six doors acted as the executioner's identity, and the slaughtermen had destroyed countless doors.

Although it has been decades, this kind of thing has not happened for a long time, but many warriors still cannot forget the original fear.

Until now, when Su Xin shot them, they only remembered that the Six Doors were not only the imperial eagle dogs they hated, but also the killing machine that could slaughter the gates. You can hate it, but you can't help but fear it!

Su Xin's words made the elder of the Xiao family irrefutable. He had to shake his sleeves and turn away.

Hu Jingyan wanted to take Li Chenfeng's body, but Su Xin stepped forward to stop him.

"Su Xin! Don't go too far!"

Hu Jingyan said angrily: "Li Chenfeng is already dead. Is it OK for me to collect his body?"

Knowing the identity of Su Xin's six-door chase, Hu Jingyan had given up the idea of ​​opposing Su Xin.

But Li Chenfeng is also his good friend. Now that the Li family is not in Jiangnan Prefecture, he can't watch Li Chenfeng just expose the dead body like this.

Su Xin said indifferently: "Li Chenfeng was killed and also died in the secret stronghold of my six doors. This is very strange. As a six-door patrol, of course I have to investigate his body. It's still useful. When the investigation is over, I will of course send him to Yizhuang. "

Hu Jingyan had no choice but to leave with hate in the end. The same was true of other martial arts soldiers, and they left hurriedly, but they went to spread the big news today.

After waiting, Tie Yaohua came over and said, "Sir, your identity is exposed, will it have no effect on you?"

Su Xin shook his head and said, "It's okay. The identity of the six doors can be concealed for a while but not for a lifetime. What I have contacted with the Iron Relentless Master in southern Hunan is definitely not difficult to find. .com ~ It's just exposed a little earlier, and it's not a big deal. "

Tie Yaohua nodded, took out a pair of silk gloves from her arms, and looked at Li Chenfeng's body. It was not Su Xin's amateur technique, but professional.

Su Xinxuan wondered: "You will still have an autopsy?"

"Everything like this is an ordinary river and lake. Born in six doors, of course, you need to be more proficient." Tieyao said.

After looking back and forth, Tieyao said: "No abnormalities can be seen. Li Chenfeng was killed by the meridian diagnosed with the palm of his hand. One shot will kill. That person is very strong and fundamentally injured It is not clear what martial arts were used by those who killed him. "

Su Xin nodded, and he passed by the murderer. He could feel that the opponent's light work was extremely powerful, not even weaker than his Fengshen legs.

"But I found this thing from Li Chenfeng's body, as if it was a fragment of something."

Tie Yaohua stretched out her hand, and there was a thumb-sized piece in the palm of her hand. It seemed that the material was some kind of jade with some patterns on it. (To be continued.)

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