Strongest Villain System

Chapter 238: Clear alien

The person who shot suddenly was Li Bad. He kept watching Lei Yuan. When he saw Lei Yuan's move, Li Bad immediately shot. At the speed after he practiced the sunflower book, even Su Xin felt shocked. .

"Get away!"

Lei Yuan sighed angrily and drew his sword directly. The hot anger was cut out with the bursting sword mang, but the Li bad in front of him suddenly disappeared, and the cold sword edge stabbed towards Lei Yuan's armpit again.

Lei Yuan's crimson gas exploded around him, his long sword waving wildly, and the hot burst of gas splattered, but he didn't hurt Li bad. He was forced into a corner by Li bad.

The crowd present took a sigh of relief.

They originally thought that Li Gang was just a follower of Su Xin. How much can the strength of spiritual know-how be?

But now seeing the speed exhibited by Li Bad, they were all shocked. When the speed was extremely fast, it was really comparable to power!

The speed of Li bad was replaced by the people present. None of them could win with certainty, but if you look at Lei Yuan, you will know that anyway, there is also a half-step Jinggu state, but it is extremely wronged by Li bad. Can't meet anyone.

After the horror, Wang Jingping and others all reacted and yelled at Lei Yuan for being shameless. They even fled by themselves, and they all shot immediately and fled towards the door.

However, at this time, one after another and Zhao Yiming also reacted and quickly led people to the door.

They can see it. Today, Su Xin is going to clean up the whole six doors of Jiangnan Road again. At this time, go up and show loyalty, when will you wait?

Su Xin stood up and pointed out, a sudden thunderstorm, the powerful finger force spaced several feet apart, directly spit out a **** Lei Yuanbang against Li bad.

Li Bad took advantage of this opportunity to cast out evil swordsmanship. His moves were extremely fierce, and more than ten strokes were made in an instant, which severed Lei Yuan's throat directly.

Seeing that Lei Yuan was dead, Wang Jingping and others immediately lost their resistance and immediately surrendered and surrendered.

Su Xin stood up, one by one. Everyone who was standing with Lei Yuan was stopped by Zhao Yiming and others, and dared to move again, and immediately killed.

Wang Jingping said with a sad face: "Master, this is all Lei Yuan does. I am just a helper. It really doesn't matter to me."

Su Xin said indifferently: "You have received all the help of the year, but now you tell me that you are not involved. Do you think I will believe it?"

Wang Jingping just wanted to say something, but Su Xin had pointed out a blood river god, and Feng Jing's bloodline immediately penetrated Wang Jingping's head.

The crowd present was a moment's notice, and Su Xin had no need to take care of it when he had evidence.

In his capacity as head of Gangnam-do, he wanted to kill two traitors who had colluded with Wu Guoyu and betrayed the interests of the six gates of Gangnam-do. He only needed to say hello afterwards and make a record.

Su Xin turned his attention to Chen Bai and Liu Hao. Chen Bai hurriedly said: "Master Su, I have no intention to be against you, everything is that Lei Yuan deceives me! Master Su, let me go once, after that I will certainly Go to the fire for you and be loyal to you wholeheartedly. "

Su Xin raised his eyebrows and said, "He promised you, and you agreed, that proves that your mind is very unsteady. So sooner or later, you will be deceived by those evil demons, just like the Jin Wulin threatening me six doors. Safety, what a waste you want? "

The words fell, and Su Xin directly killed Chen Bai with one finger.

Su Xin believed that Chen Bai was deceived by Lei Yuan, but even so, Chen Bai was going to die, because he and his men were useless, and living was a waste of six doors.

Chen Bai is very old, and the catchers and heads under his hands are also old fritters with six doors. He has long lost his spirit and is the most slick in dealing with people.

In the years of Jin Wulin's indulgence, Chen Bai secretly greedy the various training resources issued by the court, but this amount is ten times more than the training resources he deserves.

Su Xin is not afraid to use greedy people, greedy people have desires / desires, so they have good control.

But for a guy like Chen Bai who is already greedy and stupid, and has been fascinated by greed, Su Xin doesn't want to use it, of course he can't let him go. Fortunately, he just killed it.

Liu Hao on the side saw Su Xin kill Wang Jingping and Chen Bai without hesitation. He couldn't help but sink in his heart.

He was also bewildered by Lei Yuan to help him deal with Su Xin. Chen Bai was dead. Could he be spared?

Liu Hao smiled bitterly in his heart, but fortunately he did not ask for mercy. He directly said, "Sir, you can kill as long as you want to be killed, and become the so-called king and defeated the thief. It is deserved to die.

However, the brothers under me have nothing to do with this matter, they do not know the decision I made, and I ask Master Su to let them go. "

Suddenly hesitated one after another, and said in Su Xin's ear: "Master Su, if Liu Hao can stay, let him stay.

He and Lei Yuan are really not the same way, and his strength is also good. Now the strength of the Six Doors Headquarters of Jiangnan Road is dying. It is better to keep him than to kill him. "

Liu Hao heard the words one after another, and his eyes were already desperate, and he immediately said: "Master Su, as long as you don't kill me, my life as Liu Hao is yours!"

"Oh? Then don't you hate me?" Su Xin raised an eyebrow.

Liu Hao shook his head and said, "Why hate? You all know that I was born in Sanshou, but in fact, in the early years I even worked as a bandit who robbed the caravan.

The only thing a person like me believes is that the winner is king. I blinded and followed Lei Yuan against you. That's because I have no vision and hate myself if I hate you. What do you hate you for? "

Su Xin looked at Liu Hao. Until the last time he looked at Liu Hao, his body became cold. He said, "Get up, don't go to what you said just now, follow me. Your stinking problems will be changed before. Yeah, or else you know. "

Liu Hao was just like a pardon, and the chicken nodded like a rice. "Of course, in the future, my adult will kill anyone I kill. Even if the adult asks me to kill the Xiao family owner, I will rush up first!"

Su Xin killed Chen Baifang and Liu Hao, not without a reason. Liu Hao's strength is certainly one reason, but more because the two people have completely different personalities.

Chen Bai has no spirit, and he is full of old and slick greedy people. Even after retraining, he can't use it again.

And Liu Hao, Su Xin, has studied his materials before. Although Liu Hao also has various shortcomings, such as his laziness and lust, etc., he is still young and has the spirit of belonging to the younger generation of warriors.

Besides, he is not Chen Bai's insatiable.

In the past, each month Liu Hao received less practice materials from him, but split them among his subordinates. This led to his cohesion being stronger, which made him the leader of many prefectures in Jiangnan Province. The strongest ones.

Such a person can be saved, at least Su Xin is confident to control him, so Su Xin did not kill Liu Hao.

At this time, other heads of state capitals who followed Lei Yuan saw Su Xin letting Liu Hao out of his eyes, and his eyes were suddenly exposed.

The so-called law does not blame the public. When they want to come, Lei Yuan is dead. They can only rely on Su Xin. They are now half of Jiangnan Province's power. Su Xin has no reason not to accept them.

But in the end, Su Xin only glanced at them and showed a smile. When everyone was overjoyed, Su Xin said lightly: "The rest are killed."

The crowd at the scene was suddenly stunned, and even they were unable to respond one after another.

This is the total number of heads of more than a dozen innate shrines. The six gates of the entire Jiangnan Road are close to half of the strength, and the total of his catches and heads has more than 1,000 people. So many people, so The power said to kill all kill?

Su Xin said indifferently: "I said kill all. Didn't you hear it?"

When Su Xin's words fell, Li Bad had already shot, and the heads of state capitals suddenly made a terrible scream. They were killed on the spot by Li Bad's weird and wicked evil swordsmanship.

When the rest of the people saw Su Xin, they tried to kill them all, yelling and desperately, one after another, they only got their hands, and killed the rest.

When he started, Liu Hao worked hardest. He also knew that he had just come to Su Xin. Of course, he had to come up with a vote, so he killed four chief executives of the Jinggu state and showed it. His extraordinary strength.

In less than a quarter of an hour, more than a dozen heads of state capital were slaughtered, and one after another looked at Su Xin's eyes cold.

This adult is really hard, **** others, even harder on himself.

There were originally four deputy chief executives at the six gates of Gangnam Province, but none of them are left.

It turned out that more than 70 heads of state capitals were cleaned up in half during the last major cleansing. Only 30 were left. Now, more than 10 people have been killed by Su Xin, and only 17 are left. Already.

Su Xinduan sat on the main seat ~ ~ Huang Bing was established and people came in to clear all the corpses in the hall.

"These people colluded with Wu Guoyu's sins. When treason was dealt with, all the people under their command also killed all of them. These things are left to Liu Hao for you to do." Su Channel.

Liu Hao nodded with joy immediately, he was afraid that Su Xin would not use him, and now Su credited him, which could prove that Su Xin regarded him as his own.

Looking at the lobby where the number of people had been reduced by half, Su Xin nodded with satisfaction. The six doors of Jiangnan Road were already rotten. Only by taking out those rotten meats could he get a new life.

The heads of the prefectures following Lei Yuan are all rotten. They all have one characteristic, that is, they are generally older. They have a long experience in six gates of Jiangnan Road, but their strength is not good, but Every oil is extremely slick and insatiable.

Even if such people surrender to you on the surface, they can only shuffle their flags at the back and fight against the wind. It is difficult and difficult for them to work hard.

Su Xin didn't want to waste effort to subdue them, but fortunately, killing them all is a waste of resources. (To be continued.)

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