Strongest Villain System

Chapter 239: Ways to grow 6 doors

ps: This chapter is for the bookmate Nangong Dongdong's ten thousand starting coins to reward and add more.

Su Xin killed half of the disobedient people in the six gates of the Jiangnan Road at one time, which made the surviving state capitals tremble with fear, and they dared not have half their dissatisfaction.

Now they can see that Su Xin doesn't take them seriously at all.

He would never consider whether killing them would affect the current strength of the six gates of Gangnam-do. Anyway, the six gates of Gangnam-do now have such a virtue.

The other heads of state capitals were put back by Su Xin, while the three most powerful heads in succession, Zhao Yiming and Liu Hao, were left behind.

The three looked at each other, wondering what Su Xin meant to keep them.

Su Xin knocked on the table and said, "Don't be so nervous. I just want to stay with you to discuss with you how we can recruit as soon as possible to fill the vacancies in the six doors of Jiangnan Road.

We have more than 70 prefectures with six gates on Jiangnan Road. As a result, there are now only a total of more than ten heads of Jingu Jing. This number is too small. "

The three groaned in their hearts. You killed more than ten people without blinking just now, but now you are too few?

However, in this case, they just uttered a few words on the psychological side, still thinking **** the face.

He shook his head one after the other and said, "With the conditions given by our six doors, we at the grass-roots level are not short of talents, so if we just recruit them, those who are in the realm of the day after tomorrow will come up in a hurry.

However, this innate realm of martial arts is not easy to recruit, especially the existence of Jingu realm, can be regarded as a master everywhere.

However, even if it is a casual repair, it will not be easy to join the six doors. After all, the name of the imperial court eagle dog is not easy to hear, and now that the six doors of Jiangnan Road are weak, it is estimated that we are willing to join us, even fewer. "

Su Xin raised an eyebrow and said, "Oh? What do you mean?"

One after another carefully: "I mean to use the existing resources of our six doors, to fully cultivate the low-level catches of our six doors, and at the same time recruit some warriors in the realm to make up, as long as there are no accidents, ten years We are bound to rise up a new generation of innate warriors. "

Su Xin shook his head. The methods that he successively said were too calm. They simply did not seek meritorious service but failed. As long as the development is stable and steady, the resources of the six doors of Jiangnan Road can slowly recover their vitality.

However, this was not what Su Xin wanted, nor was it at the Six Doors headquarters. Ten years was too long.

Su Xin turned his attention to Zhao Yiming and Liu Hao. They were silent in nature and had a fight with Li Bad, and the other was lazy. Of course, there was no good idea about this kind of thing.

Seeing what they looked like, Su Xin knocked on the table and said, "The powerful martial arts reluctant to join the six doors. They have a bad reputation for disapproving our six doors, but in this case, we went directly to those who were more than our six. Those who have a worse reputation for the door are here. "

All three were stunned and could not understand what Su Xin meant.

"Lao Huang, give me the map." Su Xin said.

When Huang Bing was founded, he took out a map of Jiangnan Road from his arms and handed it to Su Xin, which was marked by Su Xin with many small dots.

Su Xin pointed to the small dots and said, "These are all marked on the hill where some murderers and bandits in Jiangnan Road are located. Our goal is them.

The martial arts of Jiangnan Province are prosperous and prosperous, so the living environment of these bandits is very bad. Maybe one day, the young disciples of which gang will be annihilated directly as objects of martial arts, so they survive here in Jiangnan Province. Difficult.

But because of this, although the number of bandits in Gangnam Province is a little smaller, their strength is not weak.

In this case, if the strength is really weak, it is estimated that it will be wiped out in a few days, and all who can survive are all elites.

I marked these forces, and each of them contains at least a number of warriors in the spiritual realm and warriors in the Jinggu realm. Do you think this power is enough? "

A few people were stunned, and they did not expect that Su Xin would suddenly want to solicit these bandits.

The first one after the other began to oppose: "Master, don't do it. These bandits of Jiangnan Road are burning and plundering without evil. Their reputation is very bad. ? "

Su Channel: "Because we still need to wipe them out on weekdays, we are going to solicit them now, haven't you heard of a word called Zhao'an?"

Zhao An's trick was played by a certain dynasty of Su Xin's past. He turned his difficult enemy into his own, and then let them attack another enemy that was also difficult.

This method of turning the enemy into its own dog and then biting others is undoubtedly very clear, at least without damaging one's own strength.

"Zhao'an?" Confusion flashed in his eyes, but he could guess the meaning of the word.

But one after another shook his head and said, "Sir, it is not impossible to solicit those bandits, but first, if we do that, it will not be good reputation.

Second, the bandits are wild and difficult to tame, and suddenly they become the catchers of six doors. Will there be even more trouble? "

Su Xin sneered: "Fame? What fame do we all have when we become court eagle dogs? What about bandits? I can even tell those martial arts ancestors explicitly that I am a collusion between the gang and the band. In addition to letting go of their guns, do they still Dare to come to my six-door headquarters to martial arts?

Moreover, our real enemy is never a bandit who is a ringworm, but a martial arts force in the entire Gangnam-do. The most hostile of these bandits on weekdays is the martial arts forces in Jiangnan Province. So, we still have common enemies. "

Speaking of which, Su Xin turned to Liu Hao: "You are a robber, you should be the most able to understand the psychology of those robbers. If I bring them with great sincerity, you say how successful the rate will be. to make?"

Liu Hao thought seriously: "Very big, to be honest, except for those who are born to be cruel and easy to kill, who wants to be a gangster who is shouted by everyone from birth? They are forced to do nothing.

Especially in a place like Jiangnan Road, when those martial arts sects might release a disciple to smash the rivers and lakes, and encounter such a sect of sects, the disciples martial arts, and you basically have no other way than to escape. Even if your strength can beat others, it is useless.

These martial arts are small and old, so when encountering such a big disciple who can't afford to be upset, those bandits can only move continuously, as if they were dogged.

I believe that many bandits have had enough of this kind of day. As long as you can go to solicit Lord Su, those oppressed bandits will definitely come to vote.

However, the character of these bandits is really very unstable, and they are all brave. If they really recruit them to the six doors, maybe they will really cause some trouble. "

Su Xin waved his hand: "You don't have to think about the others, as long as you can recruit these people. As for whether they will stir up waves in the six doors, don't worry about it. After entering the six doors, you can It's not their turn to show off their strength. "

Seeing that Su Xin's idea had been decided, a few people would not say anything more. Su Xin said to Huang Bingcheng: "Lao Huang, go and organize your staff to send letters to the major martial arts forces in Jiangnan Province, and let them come to Jiangnan Province to discuss matters ten days later . "

Huang Bingcheng stunned: "Are you going?"

Su Xin nodded and said, "Always give people another chance."

One after another looked weird. What exactly did the adult think about, they really couldn't guess.

"Okay, Lao Huang, you're in charge of this. Others follow me to the gangsters of Gangnam-do, and see how many people this trip can bring."

Liu Hao and others arched, "Yes, sir!"

On the next day, at other martial arts gates in Jiangnan Road, the news that Su Xin was cleaning nearly six half of the gates in one day spread throughout the Jiangnan Road.

Some small forces laughed secretly at Su Xin, who was inside and outside.

Soon after he took over the six doors of Jiangnan Road, he began to eliminate dissidents, and directly discarded almost half of the power of the six doors of Jiangnan Road. Even the reckless people did not seem so reckless.

However, other knowledgeable big talkers don't think so, and they have paid more attention to Su Xin.

This man made his way to the New Year's Eve alone, and insisted that Dong Dong undoubtedly recaptured the taxation and supervision power of the six gates with three strokes. This is courageous.

Taking advantage of it to eliminate dissidents and resolve Lei Yuan and others decisively, this was a plan.

From this point of view, this Su Xin can also be regarded as a courageous and decisive generation. Six gates let him be a warrior of the Jinggong dynasty to take charge of the general capture of Jiangnan Province, and it is not Hu.

But then they received Su Xin's post, and they immediately made all the big talkers laugh sneerly.

They just thought that Su Xin was good, but did not expect that Su Xin had swelled to such an extent that they even wanted to get involved in their affairs in Wulin, Jiangnan Province.

What can you do if you don't doubt three tricks? Depending on your strength of Su Xin and the current six doors of Gangnam-do, you want to get involved in the affairs of Wulin, Gangnam-do ~ ~ This is far from it!

Therefore, many martial arts still did not take Su Xin's post seriously, and directly discarded it as waste.

At this time, Su Xin was led by Liu Hao to the gangsters of Jiangnan Road.

When Liu Hao joined the Six Doors again, he was said to have come from a casual repair, but before he became a casual repair, he had been a bandit for a period of time in Jiangnan Road, so he is relatively familiar with the bandit forces in Jiangnan Road.

Su Xin asked Liu Hao why he chose to be a bad bandit later. Liu Hao's answer was also very simple. The first one was because he was lazy.

Being a bandit in Gangnam-do is not an easy job. The powerful martial arts forces and casual martial artists run rampant here. You must check the other party ’s details before you start, which is very troublesome.

Secondly, because Liu Hao was afraid, maybe some time he would be replaced by a disciple of the famous disciples. Liu Hao didn't want to live like this for the rest of his life. (To be continued.)

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