Strongest Villain System

Chapter 276: Fight

‘Wushuang Sword’ Lin Xiao is a very proud person. There are many warriors with swords in the top ten, but he has never even served him alone.

Kendo cultivation is different from strength. Lin Xiao acknowledges that ‘Sword Master’ He Xiu ’s strength is strong, but he does not admit that He Xiu ’s kendo accomplishments are stronger than him.

Not to mention that Su Xin's current ranking is lower than him, even if it is higher than him, Lin Xiao will not idle and challenge him.

At this moment, Xiao Huang suddenly said, "Brother Lin, I remember that you seemed to have tried with Xie Yanyan a while ago, but you lost?"

Lin Xiao ’s face has always changed a bit in Wujing ’s face, but he still nodded and said, “It ’s a loss. The sword is too powerful, but it hurts and hurts itself, but it ’s an extreme kendo. . "

Xiao Huang grinned at this moment: "But the version I heard is that Jian Shen Shan wants to match you with Xie Yiyan, and Yi Jianmen has already approved it. As a result, Xie Yanyan proposed to fight you, but you are lose.

But did you know that Na Suxin had a close relationship with Xie Yanyan. When he was in southern Hunan, Xie Yanyan once helped Na Suxin and the Qingcheng sword faction as enemies.

Later, in the tomb of Luo Yun, the lord of the sword in southern Hunan, the two joined forces to pit Shang Guan Yanqing and others. The relationship between the two was not so simple. "

Lin Xiao's heart was a little volatile, but he immediately shook his head and said, "It's useless to provoke me with this. I have only met Xie Yanyan once, and there is no relationship between men and women. What he has to do with Su Xin has nothing to do with me. .

Moreover, Xie Yanyan was drunk with kendo. Don't compare her with other women. She is the only sword in her life, and the relationship between men and women cannot hold her back. "

Xiao Huang looked at Lin Xiao slightly in amazement, and he dared to guarantee that Lin Xiao was absolutely enthusiastic about Xie Yanyan.

Lin Xiao said that Xie Yiyan was the only sword in his life, but in fact he was the only sword in his life, but when he saw that someone could surpass him on the kendo, and that person was still a woman, he couldn't help it.

If it was in the ordinary time, if Lin Xiao lost to He Xiu and others, he would not say so many excuses, but Lin Xiao did not directly say what exactly Xie Yanyan was, but she said that her sword was hurting and hurting herself. It's too dangerous.

This is clearly that after losing to a woman, but do not want to directly lose, the man's pride wants to make excuses.

Xiao Huang thought that he would never be wrong in seeing people. Lin Xiao had such an emotion, and he must be excited about Xie Yanyan.

It ’s just that the only thing Huang Xiao did n’t count was that Lin Xiao was really anxious to Xie Yanyan, but he was not the kind of idiot who was jealous of something for nothing. Kendo was always in other emotions for Lin Xiao Above.

Fortunately, Xiao Huang left a preparation ahead of time. He clapped his hands, and his servant immediately brought a box with a transparent crystal-like thing on it.

"Brother Lin, you know this after watching this. This Su Xin is definitely worth your challenge."

"Stone photo?" Lin Xiao was slightly surprised.

This thing is a product of heaven and earth's creation. It can absorb the light source into the stone, and it is released at night as if it were daylight. Some ancient people used this photostone as an oil lamp.

However, some martial artists later found that the photostone could not only absorb the light source, but also the images that it had seen before.

Therefore, this thing was used by the major martial arts schools to record some exercises or martial arts that could not be expressed in words, which once caused madness and is now very precious.

I am Wang Qinian

Xiao Huang input the internal force into the picture stone, and suddenly a pair of light and shadow appeared, the sword was full of energy, and the sword was full of light. This is exactly the scene when Su Xin played against the season without time.

Xiao Huang had sent people to stare at Su Xin. When Su Xin fought with Ji Wukong, some people from the Xiao family took pictures of the stones and wrote down these scenes.

But at this time Lin Xiao didn't care about that much, he just stared at Su Xin's figure when he swayed his sword.

The invisible and sharp sword sharpness is extremely pure, and can even compete with the warriors of the Yuanshen Realm. Even if there is only one move, that is amazing enough.

The video is short, and the time for a few breaths is over, because Su Xin only played a trick with Ji Wukong.

Lin Xiao closed his eyes, and opened his eyes for a while before he said, "Help me sign a contract with Su Xin. I'll give you a favor, what's his swordmanship?"

Xiao Huang smiled and said, "Listen to the people around him, it should be called" Congenital broken body invisible sword gas. "

Lin Xiao promised to fight Su Xin, and Xiao Huang arranged for people to post a post, and also arranged for Lin Xiao to take a good rest.

At this time, Xiao Wuji, the Xiao family master in charge of discipling Wu Gong, came over, and the two moustaches at the corner of his mouth pried and chuckled, "I said, things are over. It should be mixed with things in Gangnam-do, why don't you listen? "

Xiao Qiye's tone is very mild, but I don't know why, his tone is a kind of chilling feeling.

Xiao Huang shook his head and said, "Maybe it is because I am not willing to move. I only move my hand this time. After this time, no matter whether I win or lose, I will close it. I have felt the opportunity of the Yuanshen Realm. After this time, I am ready. Closed to death, impacting the gods. "

Xiao Qiye watched Xiao Huang for a while, and then he said, "You will be in charge of the Xiao family in the future, so I hope you can remember that anything you do will affect the entire Xiao family, even if things happen No matter how small, ordinary people need to think twice, we have to think carefully before we can do it.

Our Xiao family is different from other martial art families. They can afford to lose, but our Xiao family cannot afford to lose, so every step we take, we must consider numerous consequences.

If you still can't restrain your inner thoughts, how can you let me wait to give Xiao's house to you? "

Xiao Huang was silent for a long while, and said to Xiao Qiye, "Thank you, Uncle Qi for mentioning, Xiao Huang was taught."

Or others do n’t know. Compared to Xiao Huang ’s father, An Hou Xiao Wuliang, his seventh uncle is the most terrifying person in the entire Xiao family.


Three days later, disciple Sword God Mountain, Lin Xiao, the twelfth person in the rankings, and Wu Xiao made a contract with Su Xin. The news spread throughout the entire Jiangnan Road. Even within such a short time, even other warriors Zongmen also got the news.

It is normal for the warriors to compete with each other, but in the past two years, few warriors have competed with each other.

"Sword Master" He Xiu often makes appointments with Lin Daohe, a foolish man. Unfortunately, he has never won at all, and he has made appointments too often.

So later, no one watched the contract between them at all, and they were tired of watching too much. Moreover, the battle between the two of them who already knew the ending was really nothing good.

However, Lin Xiao and Su Xin are different. One is the twelfth place on the list, and the other is the fifteenth on the list. Moreover, the high-ranking competition ranks low, which is interesting. Xueba loves scum

There are also some people in the rivers and lakes speculating that Su Xin has offended Lin Xiao somewhere. Otherwise, he will not go up to the challenge and suddenly he will do something with Su Xin?

But thinking of it this way is just some unreliable martial artists and some thoughtful guys.

‘Wushuang Sword’ Lin Xiao has a good reputation among the young generation of the rivers and lakes. He wo n’t be too lazy to do things that suppress others.

What's more, Jian Shen Mountain is far away in Liaodong, but Su Xin only appeared in the south of Hunan and Jiangnan, one east and one south, the two people have no intersection at all.

Therefore, it is most likely that Su Xin's kendo was recognized by Lin Xiao, which would lead Lin Xiao to fight against him.

After all, Lin Xiao's personality is addictive to swords. Almost everyone on the rivers and lakes knows who he is going to fight with, and who basically proves that he is not inferior to Lin Xiao on Kendo.

Now everyone is waiting, whether Su Xin will take over Lin Xiao's post.

However, at this time in Jiangnan Province, almost all of Su Xin's men opposed him to take the battle, especially Wen Mingyu. He received news and even came to persuade Su Xin from the Wen family. Do not accept this. war.

Wen Mingyu said in earnest: "Sir, since we are also allies, then I will advise you. You should refuse this engagement, otherwise, it is undoubtedly one of the six doors of Jiangnan Road. Great blow. "

Su Xin looked freely, and asked lightly, "Why?"

Wen Ming Yu Shen said: "Because of your current identity! The appointment of the warriors on the list is normal, and naturally you can do whatever you want, but your current identity is not.

Su Xin, a warrior on the list, can lose, but the head of the six gates of Jiangnan Road cannot lose!

You have now established an almost invincible image in Gangnam-do. Those small gates are afraid of you, second-rate gates are afraid of you, and even the three first-rate gates have chosen to be temporarily unbearable.

At this time, the six doors of your Jiangnan Road represent the most powerful forces in Jiangnan Road, and no one will treat you Su Xin as a junior.

You are the chief catcher of the six doors of Gangnam-do, and you can sit on a level foot with the warriors of Yuanshen Realm.

But if you lose this appointment, this invincible image will be broken, and people will no longer pay attention to your identity as the chief capturer of Gangnam Province. Su Xin.

Although this reason is a little unreasonable, but it is the reality. Su Xin, who was ranked once, is nothing to lose, but Su Xin, the chief of Jiangnan Province, cannot lose. "

Others, such as Huang Bingcheng, nodded and agreed with Wen Mingyu's words.

Lin Xiao's so-called engagement this time did not mean much to Su Xin.

Winning Lin Xiao is just three rankings ahead of the list, not directly into the top ten of the list, the top twenty and top ten are still two worlds.

Winning is icing on the cake, but if you lose it, as Wen Mingyu said, Su Xin ’s invincible reputation on Jiangnan Road is greatly diminished, and his whole body will be affected by one hit, which will surely cause other unnecessary troubles.

Therefore, for the sake of security, it is best not to take the battle, and use whatever reason to suffocate it.

As for anyone saying that Su Xin does n’t care about the fear of war, anyway, there is no test, and the fear of war is not a defeat. There are a lot of gates in Jiangnan Road that look at Su Xin ’s discomfort, and someone will definitely say so. Lessons, just let them shut up. (.)

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