Strongest Villain System

Chapter 277: Battle of kendo

Everyone was persuading Su Xin not to agree to Lin Xiao's appointment. After listening to it for a long time, Su Xin said, "Lao Huang, tell them that I have accepted this appointment. Three days later, it will be built in my six doors. Life and death. "

Huang Bingcheng and others were suddenly stunned. We have said so much in co-authorship, did you hear the old sentence?

However, seeing Su Xin's attitude so determined, they did not persuade him.

They are all Su Xin's men, and they are not qualified to object to the things that Su Xin decides, otherwise they would be ignorant of their favor.

And Wen Mingyu is the same. Although Su Xin once told him that the Wen family was an ally of the six doors, Wen Mingyu actually put himself in the position of a subordinate.

If it had been before, with the current power of the six doors, the Wen family is not qualified to be an ally of the six doors, so he has also set his posture extremely low.

Of course, Su Xin agreed that this engagement was not without reason, and the reason was simple, just because he wanted to fight.

The position of the head of Gangnam-do is really high, high enough to make him immensely powerful in Gangnam-do, and everyone admires it.

He is now only in the Divine Realm, and when Su Xin breaks through to the Yuan Divine Realm in a few years, his position will be more stable.

Therefore, the credit given by Su Xin plus the potential of Su Xin, as long as it is steady and do not die, he will do better in the position of the general head of Jiangnan Province.

But this was not what Su Xin wanted.

As a warrior, too easy will make you forget the suffering you have suffered, and struggle hard.

Powerless, who doesn't want to? But as Dong Qiu, the host of the Qiutan altar, said earlier, he only believed in his fists, and Wushuang's power was also exchanged for his own fists.

A life that is too easy and enjoyable will wear off his spirit, just like Shen Jin, who is in the eighteenth place on the list. Although he is a casual practitioner, he has the strength of some people. At least he is not difficult for Ronghua I. He wants himself The good point of your life is not difficult.

But in the end, Shen Jin was still wearing coarse linen and eating light tea and rice.

The same is true of Su Xin. He will not refuse power and prosperity, but he will not let go of his fist. Therefore, he took the battle, regardless of victory or defeat, but only used the battle with Lin Xiao to sharpen himself. Jianfeng.

After the news came out from Su Xin, the entire Jiangnan Road was suddenly boiling. After three days, almost all the martial arts ancestors in Jiangnan Road were sent to watch the victory and defeat of this battle.

Huantai chose Su Xin's life-and-death cymbals to adjust Jiangnan Province disputes. These were specially prepared for the warriors. They were all specially reinforced.

The destructive power caused by the innate warriors is already very strong. If two evenly matched warriors in the shrine palace really fight, it will not be a problem to destroy a street in a long time.

Therefore, at the moment they are using some hard metal as a skeleton, and the surface is inlaid with some hard stones, which is definitely not a problem for the battle between innate warriors.

Lin Xiao was already on the court when Su Xin came. He was thin and tall, with a sword behind him, and the whole man was standing on the ring, as if it were a sword with a strong sword.

Su Xin also set foot on the platform. The two simply arched their hands and reported their names.

"Lin Xiao."

"Su Xin."

There are no referees and moderators on the ring. As both of them, it is estimated that no one is qualified to be their moderator. Entertainer

Especially Su Xin, at least the entire Zongmen of Jiangnan Province, except the Xiao family, no one is qualified to preside over the competition between them.

But this time the Xiao family only came to a subordinate to hide the crowd to record the results of the game.

So after two people reported their lives to each other, they were ready to go. With so many people watching at the scene, the outcome is clear at a glance, and there is no cheating method.

Lin Xiao pulled out the long sword behind him. It was a long-sword like frost and snow. She used the fine red-skin skin of the South China Sea as a sheath. When the long sword came out of the sheath, a breath of arrogant frost came.

Lin Xiao challenged Su Xin with a simple purpose, and Su Xin challenged Lin Xiao with a very simple purpose, so the two did not have much nonsense, but shot directly!

The frosty snow sword in Lin Xiao's hand gently moved forward, and suddenly the sword seemed to travel through space, and immediately came to Su Xin.

Su Xin's eyes narrowed, and the congenital invisible broken body sword waved out. He was like a demon, and with both hands waving, there were dozens of sword air around in an instant.

Seeing Su Xin's congenital broken body invisible sword spirit, Lin Xiao's heart flashed with a touch of excitement.

His sword seemed to travel through space and could not be found, but where the sword passed, there was a powerful burst of radon bursting out instantly, and a strange rhythm radiated out, and that power directly turned Su The letter's congenital broken body invisible sword gas melted the silence.

Among the five schools of sword holding, only Jianshenshan's martial arts and martial arts are the most amazing. In fact, the marvelous ones are mainly martial arts, because Jianshenshan's martial arts books have no word at all.

There is only one book of swordsmanship exercises, called Jiandian, which is composed of thirty-six huge slabs. There is no word on it and there are only a few sword marks. They are reserved by the founding fathers of Jianshen Mountain. .

The ancestors of Jianshen Mountain ’s founding ancestors are called sword gods. This nickname is not his own name, but the honorable title of the same people of the same age as the sword gods.

In the era of the sword god, the warrior who used the sword was overshadowed in front of the sword god, and even in the end, people forgot the name of the sword **** and everyone only remembered that he was the sword god!

The sword code of the sword **** mountain is the sword mark cut by the sword god's condensed sword of life. The inheritance of the sword god's life is in it. How much you can understand depends on your understanding, and each sword man is in What is learned from the sword code is also different.

Because of this, the warriors of Jianshen Mountain are few among the rivers and lakes, and the strength of Jianshen Mountain is also extremely unstable. Which generation has a few amazing talents who have learned more about the sword meaning in the sword code, then Jianshen Mountain is prosperous Prosperity, anyway, is decline.

Although the current Jianshen Mountain is in a decline period, Lin Xiao is able to get out of the mountain and gain the twelfth place in the ranking, which is enough to prove his strength.

Su Xin is not a pure swordsman, but Lin Xiao is. His strange swordsmanship shows the true meaning of his kendo, that is melting!

Lin Xiao's sword style contains the power of dissolution. The long sword oscillates and a rhythm bursts out. It can directly melt Su Xin's sword. Although soft like water, it contains powerful power.

Su Xin's eyes flashed a faint light, and the sword gas under his feet appeared, and the power of Fengshen's legs burst out, as if walking with a royal sword.

The five sword qi of the left hand burst out. It was fierce and fierce. It was as if the epee had no edge, but it was unparalleled. Poisonous Wife: Emerald Phoenix

The right hand also exudes five swords, but the front is soft and erosive, soft and swift.

There are two ways to use one sword, one evil, one rigid, one soft, and the same kind of sword gas. The power that erupted in this moment made Lin Xiao dizzy, but the meaning of excitement in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger.

"This is the congenital broken body invisible sword spirit I want to see!"

Lin Xiao spit out this sentence with excitement, as if the sound of gold and iron strikes, with the sound of a sword.

"This trick is the killing trick I learned from the Seventeenth Sword Code. Only it is worthy to compete with your innate invisible broken sword!"

The frost and snow sword in Lin Xiao's hands rolled up, and the sword awns appeared as if the light of God was shining, but they were divided into ten million. The prey in the spider web cannot be broken!

"This trick is called 'Jian Yin'!"

Lin Xiao's words fell, countless daomangs were pulling outward, and there was no trace of vitality around Su Xin, and they were emptied by these jianmangs!

Su Xin waved with both hands, dozens of sword qi or fierce domineering cracks, or sharp erosion of bone, the invisible sword qi erupted and was merged into one by Su Xin. Shattered into a big net!

The violent infuriation spread all over the ring in an instant, and even the people around the ring felt the terror.

The confrontation between the two made the innate martial arts stunned. Is this really the destructive power that the innate martial arts can cause?

The furious anger dissipated, the fumes of the sky fell, and the whole pit was already full of scars.

You have to know that these are slabs filled with refined steel as bones and calcined bluestones that are comparable to copper and iron after calcination. They can't stop the power of the two when they meet. The destructive power caused by these two can be imagined. .

Seeing this scene, those martial arts onlookers stepped back one after another, and it is better to stay away from these two non-human beings.

Above the ring, Lin Xiao's eyes still couldn't hide the shock: "Without a sword in your hand, you can evolve the purest sword qi, and it has the potential of an epee, the softness of a fine sword, and the sword of a long sword. Feng, how can you understand Kendo to such a degree, how did you do it? "

Before Su Xin answered, Lin Xiao suddenly said: "Your kendo practice is so amazing ~ ~ But why do you practice any fingering? Your nickname is the blood sword **** finger, which is placed on you This is simply an insult to Kendo! "

For Lin Xiao, he was really distressed by Su Xin.

With such a powerful kendo talent, what kind of **** to practice, this is simply a violent heavenly thing.

If he can concentrate on practicing Kendo, how strong should he be?

Su Xin smiled and said, "Sorry, there is never sword cultivation in the future. For me, sword training is a kind of martial arts. What can strengthen me, I will cultivate."

Lin Xiao's eyes flashed a little anger: "You are insulting Kendo! The swordsman is king, where is the other martial arts comparable to Kendo?"

If Lin Changhe is a idiot, then Lin Xiao is a sword idiot.

For him, the sword is everything in this life, the sword is everything.

So Su Xin's words really angered Lin Xiao. (.)

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