Strongest Villain System

Chapter 292: Status of Gangnam Province

ps: This chapter is for the bookmate Fanxiang Xiang Peng's 10,000 starting coins to reward and make up.

Judge Cui felt that he had told him everything he should tell Su Xin, and said, "Okay, during this time, you should practice well here, at least you must practice your ice **** to the beginning.

After all, when you face foreign enemies as a local government, in order to prevent the real identity from being exposed, you should mainly use this method.

And you still have a task that you haven't done yet. After I ’ve practiced the exercises to get started, I will arrange to complete a task of getting started. "

Su Xinxuan wondered: "What task?"

Judge Cui explained: "The so-called entry task is actually equivalent to a vote.

After anyone joins our prefecture, they must first complete a task to be considered a true member of our prefecture. This applies to both the inner and outer members, but the difficulty of the task is different.

Originally in your current status, it was supposed to complete the tasks of the inner circle members, but you have not yet reached Yuan Shen, and can only complete the tasks of those outer circle members.

These tasks are very simple, and your strength is almost no problem, just take a cutscene. "

Su Xin nodded and said to Judge Cui: "Master Judge, can you help me see what is happening to the six doors of Jiangnan Road after I came to Difu?"

After coming to the prefecture, Su Xin felt more and more wrong, and Jiang Heliu and Yue Qingping ambush to kill him were definitely not that simple.

Now the remnants of the Wu Kingdom are basically extinct in Jiangnan Road. With the eyes of the ancient Donglai town defending Jiangnan Road and the eyes of the imperial court, as long as Jiang Heliu dares to rise, they will be discovered by secret agents almost immediately Gu Donglai strangled.

However, when Jiang Heliu ambushed himself, the local Jiangnan Road spies couldn't even see a shadow, which was a bit wrong.

Moreover, to see Jiang Heliu's appearance is nothing but fear and fear, so he dared to let Yue Qingping kill himself first, to see why he couldn't help himself, Jiang Heliu then shot.

If there was nothing nasty in it, Su Xin would not believe it.

Judge Cui nodded: "Of course, no problem, but I said that you are already a full member of my local government. You don't need to call me an adult, just call my name."

Su Xin arched and said, "Thank you, Judge Cui."

When Judge Cui left, Su Xin carefully recalled the true solution of the ice hell.

This exercise was created based on the legendary King Chu Jiang, one of the ten temples of Yan Luo.

King Chujiang dominates Frost Hell, and the core of this exercise is these four words.

And because this exercise is an ancient exercise, it is somewhat different from the current exercise.

At present, most of the sects in martial arts are practiced by martial arts and martial arts by martial arts, and the two are rarely mixed together.

Zongmen in ancient times were not. Their cultivation methods were much more rigid than they are now. Every martial art must have matching skills to be used.

This method cannot be said to be weak, but it can only be said to be too rigid and not flexible enough, so in the course of the evolution of the martial arts road, it was gradually eliminated.

Among the true solutions to ice and **** obtained by Su Xin now, there are exercises and swordsmanship, and even palms, fingerings, and some other martial arts. There are more than ten kinds, which are very comprehensive. The origins of the doomsday priest

However, this time without the help of the system, Su Xin has no shortcuts, and needs to explore secretly.

Thinking of the system, Su Xin had a clever move and entered the system to verify the level of the true solution of the ice hell. As a result, in the system evaluation, the level of the true solution of the ice **** was as high as four and a half stars!

You must know that Su Xin ’s only martial arts skill that can reach four and a half stars is only a congenital broken body invisible sword. This benefit of the land government can be said to make Su Xin a big profit.

However, Su Xin was relieved when thinking about it. There were more than 30 members in the inner circle of the land government, including the land gods of the Tibetan King and Yang Mengpo and Meng Po.

They can all practice this kind of realm by virtue of the techniques of the local government. Su Xin, however, is the Chujiang King who is one of the ten temples and Yan Luo, and it is certainly not bad.

While Su Xin was still working hard in the local government, it was unknown that Jiangnan Road was almost frying.

The sudden emergence of Wu Guoyu, the head of the six gates of Jiangnan Road, Su Xin died, and there was no dead body. The news spread almost all of the six gates of Jiangnan Road within half a day, making everyone in Jiangnan Road all Horrified but shocked.

However, this is not to blame them for making a fuss, but it happened so suddenly that everyone didn't even prepare for it, and the forces of all parties have different thoughts.

After hearing the news, Gu Donglai almost smashed his governor's office.

He certainly wasn't as good of Su Xin as he was angry because he died.

Gu Donglai was angry that Jiang Nandao was under his guard, and those who were still guilty of Wu Guo dare to come forward and assassinated the head of Jiangnan Road under his eyelids. .

In addition, the spying of the six doors on Jiangnan Road is almost equivalent to decoration. They did not even notice such a big movement, which made Gu Donglai turn his face directly.

However, those secret agents also yelled injustice. After all, they were ordered by Yin Ji to go elsewhere to investigate Wu Guo's remaining evil.

Moreover, Wu Guoyu Yin is also true. The other party was even a strong man who melted into the realm of God, but as soon as they passed, the Wu Guoyu evil who fled into the realm of God fled directly.

Upon hearing the order from Yin Ji, it was of course impossible for Gu Donglai to go to Yin Jixing to confess his crimes.

What the other person said was the same level of inspection as that of a general catcher. Gu Donglai rushed to interrogate him for the crime. I'm afraid it would cause dissatisfaction with the six doors. Although he has a close relationship with the Iron Family, the six doors are not only light. It's up to the Tie family.

So Gu Donglai sent someone directly to Liumeng Headquarters, and wanted to know.

However, the situation at the Six Gates headquarters in Shengjing City is not good for Tiejia.

Tie Ao was injured. After explaining the following things, he retired directly.

Only the Iron War was left alone, but it was difficult to support. On the issue of Yin Ji, Liu Fengwu tried his best to protect him, and he also sent Yin Ji to the position of the chief catcher of Jiangnan Road.

Liu Fengwu originally planned to let Yin Jiang go to Jiangnan Province to seize power.

In fact, Liu Fengwu originally estimated that Yin Ji would be able to win 40% of Su Xin ’s rights in Jiangnan Road. At least, do n’t let Jiangnan Road become Su Xin ’s righteousness. What if you are my teacher

But I did not expect that this time the matter came so timely, Su Xin was killed by Wu Guoyu Yin. If Liu Fengwu did not support Yin Ji, it would be silly to take him.

As for doubting whether Yin Ji is related to this matter, Liu Fengwu did indeed doubt it.

Although it looks like Yin Ji is fine, everything is a coincidence.

But in their eyes of the old catchers of the six doors, the most unreliable thing in the world is coincidence.

But even so, Liu Fengwu also supported Yin Ji, as Jiang Heliu said before, Liu Fengwu could not let Jiangnan Road be in the hands of the Iron Family.

Tie Ao closed the retreat, and Liu Fengwu and the other two gods captured the iron battle, and directly made a decision. Not only did he not punish Yin Ji, he also directly made him the head of Jiangnan Road.

The decision was very simple. The Six Doors Headquarters used almost the fastest speed, and it took only three days to transfer the information to the Six Doors Headquarters of Gangnam Road.

After receiving this news, Li Bad and Huang Bingcheng, as well as five confidants previously promoted by Su Xin, including Liu Xie, Liu Hao, and Zhao Yiming, came together to discuss countermeasures.

Li Gang first said, "I don't believe the old assembly will die."

The three men successively looked at each other. They didn't know where Li Gang came from. He had to know that the other person had the existence of the pinnacle of Divine Realm, and with the heart of killing, there were no bones present, was it dead or something?

But then Huang Bingcheng also said: "I also believe that the boss will not die, will the three of you have no idea?"

Zhao Yiming snorted and stood up and said, "What do you mean? Of course, I don't want the adult to die, but now the court has appointed a new head of the Gangnam-do head, what do you want us to do?"

There was a hint of coldness in Li Bad's eyes.

Although he got along well with Zhao Yiming during this time, but if anyone has a second heart at this time, then don't care about his sword.

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat tense, Liu Hao quickly pressed Zhao Yiming and followed him one after another: "Now that the enemy is in the country, if we coax it again, it will be really helpless.

In fact, I don't believe that the adult died like this. In the past, the adult and the Shaolin Temple's "evil monk" felt stern hands, and the "nine mountain god" Dong undoubtedly worked, and even the incarnate warrior who died indirectly under him There are several more ~ ​​ ~ But now the adult is really not sure about life and death, and the above has made Yin Ji take over the six doors of Jiangnan Road so quickly. What did we do to Yin Ji before, now he will do to us.

We are all adults' confidants. As long as we stay at the Six Doors for a day, we do n’t need to know that Yin Ji will definitely think of us as thorns in our eyes. "

After speaking one after another, the people present were suddenly silent again.

He was right, after Yin Ji became the head of the Six Doors of Jiangnan Road, the first thing to do was to exclude dissidents, and they, as Su Xin's confidants, were naturally the ones to be excluded.

At this time, Huang Bingcheng suddenly said: "In fact, everyone does not need to be so pessimistic. Yin Ji is not the boss. The boss can control the six gates of the entire Jiangnan Road with the power of the Jinggong Realm, overwhelming the Jiangnan Province Wulin, but he Yin Jike No! "

Speaking of this, Huang Bingcheng dismissed with a smile: "The boss can do not everyone can do, he Yin Ji wants to play, then we will play with him, six doors have six door rules, he can rule out aliens , But I do n’t believe it, he dare to kill us directly? ”(.)

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