Strongest Villain System

Chapter 293: Yin Ji's Careful Thinking

Huang Bingcheng was right. One after another and others fell into a misunderstanding, thinking that Yin Ji was Su Xin.

In the beginning, Su Xin only took Huang Bingcheng and Li Bad to break through the six doors, and cleared all of Lei Yuan and others directly, overwhelming the entire Wulin, Jiangnan Province. This method and strength also made others waiting to follow Su The reason for the letter.

But this is not the same as Yin Ji.

Although it wasn't long before Yin Ji came to Gangnam-do, they could almost see the details of this Yin Ji.

I don't know the strength of this maggot, but my wrist might be able to get it at the Six Doors Headquarters, but here are the six doors of Jiangnan Road, but the rules are different from the Six Doors Headquarters.

Moreover, the problems facing Yin Ji now are much more difficult than those that Su Xin had to face.

At the beginning, there was only one Lei Yuan standing in front of Su Xin. More than half of Jiangnan Road ’s total power was captured, such as one after another, who remained neutral.

Now, the most powerful general heads of Jiangnan Province have been united together, and previously, Su Xin also transferred the most elite powers of major prefectures to his side, and carefully cultivated his own elite. This makes them stronger.

It can be said that Yin Ji is not alone, but all the power left by Su Xin.

Just as with Huang Bingcheng, they can play with Yin Ji, who dare to kill them?

At the time, Su Xin was so courageous that he found an excuse. After the evidence was conclusive, he dared to rule out that he had killed Lei Yuan and others.

Even if Yin Ji is so strong, he dare not kill them blatantly. Otherwise, the six doors of Jiangnan Road will fall into chaos, and Liu Fengwu will not ignore them at that time, otherwise he will not explain them at all.

At this time, after receiving the news, some people in Wulin Zongmen of Jiangnan Province were happy and worried.

Of course, the three major first-class forces and some of the ancestors who hate Su Xin are of course happy.

They think that this horrible court hawk dog is dead in all. Now, haven't they dared to come to harm them Jiangnan Road?

The sad person is naturally the ancestral door that Wen Jia and Tiejianmen have cooperated with Su Xin.

They cooperated with the Six Doors, which was equivalent to extricating themselves from Wulin, Jiangnan Province, so they could only follow Su Xin's back tightly and hug his thighs.

However, the problem was that Su Xin cooperated with them at the beginning, but now it is Yin Ji who took over the position of head catcher of the Six Doors. It is conceivable how the treaty they agreed to cooperate will be.

Of course, compared with happy and sad, more are indifferent.

For Wulin, Jiangnan Province, Su Xin only set two rules for them. One is to establish the majesty of the six doors. As long as you don't cause trouble, my six doors will not come to your trouble.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Since the last massacre in Gangnam-do, Su Xin has not stimulated those ancestors.

Later, Su Xin set up a life and death puppet, which even made those gates affordable and convenient. Some even praised this one.

So now that Wulin, Jiangnan Province, has adapted to the rules left by Su Xin, he will never die, as long as there are no more moths in the six doors, it has nothing to do with them.

At this time, in the headquarters of Liumen, Yin Ji looked at the order issued by the court and looked flushed with excitement.

The plan went very smoothly. Su Xin died, and Liu Fengwu died to protect him as the chief catcher of Jiangnan Road. Later, this Jiangnan Road will be his world! The world is pushing the heroine

However, at this time Yin Ji's house had Jiang Heliu and Yue Qingping.

However, the two now look like Dai Wanchun and Fang Xiaoyun.

Seeing Yin Ji's somewhat excited look, Jiang Heliu couldn't help saying: "Yin Ji, don't forget the things you promised us, during this time I will bring the survivors of my Wu country in batches, you Responsible for placing them all in the six doors of Gangnam-do. "

Yin Ji suddenly said, "This is of course no problem, but now the situation of the six gates of Jiangnan Road is very serious.

You know, although Su Xin is dead, his confidants are still there, and it will definitely affect us and even fight for power with me.

But because of the rules of the six doors, I can't kill them, and I have to trouble both of them to solve them. "

Jiang Heliu sneered: "You don't have to think about this, it's impossible!

It is easy to kill them, but several state capitals have been killed. At this time of rumbling, Liumenmen headquarters will definitely send someone to investigate.

At this time, it was not Liu Fengwu's people, but the Iron Family.

You are not thinking, when you use my hand to kill Su Xin's confidant, and then send someone to investigate at the headquarters of Six Doors, I can only retreat, and then the six doors of Jiangnan Road are yours Are you right? "

Yin Ji smiled awkwardly and said, "The seniors are more worried, how could I think so?"

Although it is said so, but Yin Ji is really the idea of ​​killing with a knife.

After all, no one wants to leave personal fingertips beside themselves, and now Su Xin's confidants are also intractable, just to give them a chance and let them all disappear.

But unfortunately, Jiang Heliu lived for decades, and he would not be easily fooled by a young man like Yin Ji.

"You can rest assured that I will not intervene in the six doors of Jiangnan Road. As long as you insert my people into the six doors according to my instructions, I will not control other things in your six doors "Jiang Heliu calmed Yin Ji.

Yin Ji is not his subordinate, it is just a nail inlaid in the six doors before.

This time he persecuted Yin Ji. Although the plan was successful, there must be resentment in Yin Ji's heart.

Therefore, Jiang Heliu didn't want to force him too much. Appropriate appeasement was still needed.

Hearing Jiang Heliu ’s words, Yin Ji ’s complexion looked better. He said, “Let ’s go out and meet these catchers in Jiangnan Province first, and introduce both of you to them, after all, you It is inevitable that we will deal with them in the future. "

Jiang Heliu nodded, and Yin Ji immediately went out to convene all the captive discussions of the six doors.

After everyone arrived, Yin Ji sat on the original Su Xin's main seat and looked at the people below, unable to help but show a smile of satisfaction.

The position of a head catcher is nothing else. Right alone is incomparable when he was at the headquarters of Six Doors.

In charge of the life and death of a six-door gate, and the arrest of hundreds of thousands of men, this kind of power and power is not felt when ordinary. The world's crazy girl

No wonder those catchers who have been promoted to Yuanshen Realm within the six doors want to be released together to become the total catcher. It is such a wonderful feeling of controlling absolute rights that Yin Ji is very fascinated.

In particular, Yin Ji has always been in the headquarters of Liumenmen before, and his heads and heads have never been more than a hundred people. This contrast is even more obvious.

Looking at the people below, Yin Ji coughed two voices: "You, Lord Su, was sacrificed by the assassination of Wu Guoyin, and my official is deeply distressed.

But one of the six doors has no rule, so the top will be sent down to serve as the chief catcher of the six doors, and will lead you to guard the Jiangnan Road again. "

The people below Huang Bingcheng and others just smirked. They didn't see you distressed at Yin Ji, depending on how you looked, maybe they all laughed out?

As for the other state captains, they are a little disturbed.

It took Su Xin to recruit them for less than half a year. These people have no loyalty to Su Xin at all.

Even though Su Xin's means made most of the state capitals always respect and fear him, so that when Su Xin was there, they would not have two hearts.

But the problem is that Su Xin is not here now, and the life and death are unknown. At this time, everyone's heart is still lingering, for fear that Yin Ji will settle old accounts with them.

After all, when Yin Ji first came to Gangnam-do, none of these people stood on his side.

However, Yin Ji is not an idiot. At the beginning, there were many people who did not stand on his side. It should be said that none of the people in the entire Jiangnan Road stood on his side. It was easy to be moved by him and he was also sued by Su. The letter was killed.

Therefore, it is impossible for Yin Ji to clean up all the catches and heads in Gangnam-do.

Well, now that he is the chief catcher of Jiangnan Province, naturally there must be a relationship between distant and close relatives. Former Huang Bingcheng and Li Bad and others must sweep them into the corner!

Looking at the people below, Yin Ji said, "Our previous rules in Jiangnan Road are a little unreasonable. All cultivation resources should not be distributed by one person.

So now I have decided that the cultivation resources sent down above must be reviewed by me before they can go to the states below. "

Huang Bingcheng heard a cold snorting. He used to do this before, but now Yin Jiming is posing to take back his right.

However, Huang Bingcheng had already expected this ~ ~ The cultivation resources sent above were all held in the hands of the chief catcher. Yin Ji is now the chief catcher. He wants to give this right to No one can stop it.

Yin Ji looked at Li Gang and others with a sneer: "There is one more thing that needs to be modified, that is, there are too many manpower in our headquarters in Gangnam-do, resulting in a serious shortage of staff in the capitals below, so I decided to headquarter The arrests were broken down and decentralized to the capitals. "

As soon as this word came out, Li Bad's complexion suddenly changed.

The catchers and heads in the Gangnam-do headquarters were carefully selected and cultivated by Su Xin. If they were broken by Yin Ji, their previous efforts and preparations would be wasted.

But at this time, Huang Bingcheng held Li's arm and stood up with a smile and said, "I will obey the orders of the adults, and I will arrange them as soon as possible, and demobilize them to the major prefectures as soon as possible."

Li Bad and successively looked at Huang Bingcheng in wonder, not knowing why he agreed so well.

If it weren't for Huang Bingcheng's betrayal of Su Xin, they would even suspect that Huang Bingcheng had secretly turned to Yin Yin. (.)

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