Strongest Villain System

Chapter 302: I'm worth the price

The words of Su Xin discolored the people present, and also made the three elders of the Du family angry. The reason is very simple. Some of the lions mentioned by Su Xin have opened their mouths.

This time, in order to attract some powerful doormen, the Du family took a few teeth and handed out several yellow-level soldier blades in the family inheritance as a reward. With the strength of Su Xin, the original Nadu parents were ready to let him go. Pick a yellow pawn.

What is Shaolin Temple? This is the secret medicine of Shaolin Temple. One can increase the power of ten years. Although it takes about one year to refine after taking one, it is amazing enough.

The Shaolin Temple's Dahuandan is not like Xiaohuandan, and it is not sold at all. Even in the Shaolin Temple, warriors with Yuanshen Realm are eligible to enjoy it.

The precious family of the Du family is well known to Danjiang Ningfu. It can be said that it is the most precious thing among the many inheritances of the Du family in addition to the exercises. It was the old ancestors of the Du family who accidentally helped a Shaolin monk. He was so busy that he was never willing to use it.

Now the Dan Dan family is preparing to take it after the Du family owner breaks through the divine realm, which can directly increase the skill of ten years, and leap from the early period to the middle period.

Of course, they won't take out this kind of treasure. With Su Xin's opening, the three elders directly thought that the uncle in front of them was simply provoking.

One of the parents, Mr. Du, said coldly, "Qing Xuanzi is long. You have a big appetite, aren't you afraid of eating too much?"

Shaolin Dadan also returns something like this, can you also slap it? I don't know what it means! "

Su Xin said indifferently: "A poor appetite has a good appetite, and you are not afraid to hold it. Besides, a Shaolin Da Dan is not a big deal. The poor way is worth the price, otherwise you can try it."

"Crazy!" A cold elder of the Du family snorted, and immediately stepped off to start with Su Xin.

When others saw this, they hurried back a few dozen feet, leaving room for the two.

These two men are both warriors in the Jinggu realm, and the damage caused by them is quite large. They don't want to be unlucky to get up and be accidentally injured.

But at this time, Su Xin shook his head and said, "One is not enough, but the three of you will go together."

Upon hearing this, the elder of the Du family was even more angry and hummed again: "Crazy! Wait until you beat the old man before you talk!"

The elder of the Du family didn't believe that he was better than a wild Taoist who came from a casual training.

The old Du parents took their weapons from the disciples, and they turned out to be two epees.

Most people use epee to overpower others, so one handle is enough. Those with two epees are either gifted or have special martial arts skills.

The Du parents always looked tall and mighty, as if they had practiced body-building exercises. The strength of Qi and blood on their bodies was much better than that of the same-level martial arts, but they were better than the dragon elephant. The letter, however, was a long way off, so no need to ask, the reason for his double-handed epee was the second.


The Du parent screamed angrily, the whole body's momentum skyrocketed, the muscles on his two arms exploded, and even his shirt was cracked.

The two epees slashed towards Su Xin as if they were two giant mountains. The endless gale gathered in the middle of the two giant swords, and there was a sense of killing in them.

As soon as Su Xin's right hand moved, an ordinary steel sword had been held in his hand.

Rose sword cannot be used naturally, but a steel sword is enough to deal with these ordinary shrine warriors. Princess Xuejieya and Prince Kaiyuan Xi

Su Xin's sword is lighter. He didn't use any swordsmanship. He just handed out a single sword, just like the warriors who just learned the swordsmanship. Compared with Nadu ’s parents, the power is simply A world of difference.

But these are only the views of the acquired martial arts soldiers and those of the innate martial arts who are not very strong. The remaining two elders in Jingong Realm suddenly saw Su Xin's face and changed his face!

Because they felt the sword in the simple sword of Su Xin!

The ultimate dream of those who learn swords is to realize their swordsmanship. Only warriors with swordsmanship are eligible to be called swordsman and swordsman.

Zongmen, such as Jianshen Mountain, has become so obsessed with swords that he / she has even become aware of swords.

Su Xin's simple sword was handed out, but there was no sigh of sigh on the blade, but a strange rhythm and a ruinous rhythm were brewing!

In an instant, the violent destruction of swordsmanship erupted. No matter how old the sword of Nadu's parents was, it was fierce, and under the tearing of Su Xin's destruction of swordsmanship, they became nothingness!

Even the two Du Jian Lao's two epees built with Xuanyuan Heavy Iron were cut into two sections directly under this mighty power!

Su Xin's steel sword was gently placed on Du's parent's neck, and then gently retracted back.

The martial arts on the sidelines have been stunned, and with their vision, it is impossible to understand what is happening in the field.

In their opinion, it was Su Xin's simple sword that stabbed him, and Du's old bursting offensive all melted away. The two heavy epees were cut off as if they were tofu.

If they hadn't known the identities of the two, they would have thought they were acting together.

Su Xin smiled lightly: "Now am I qualified for that big deal?"

Except for those Du parents who had already stayed under Su Xin's sword, the other two Du parents did not know how to answer.

Su Xin's strength is indeed beyond their imagination. The opponent turned out to have realized Jianyi's sword repair, which is too scary.

It was just that Su Xin didn't say a lot about letting them go together. People just could n’t stop themselves by simply using the sword. If Su Xin used the sword, the three of them would not be able to resist even if they were together. Hold it.

But they did not dare to speak and promised Su Xin to give him back.

After all, this thing is the treasure of their Du family. In the future, their owner will use it after breaking through the divine realm. How can they just open it to others?

At this moment, a voice came suddenly: "The Taoist leader is indeed worthy of this great deal, but I dare not tell you to grow up with you."

The three elders of the Du family heard the words and quickly returned to salute: "Homeowner."

Coming out of Du's door was a middle-aged man with a good-looking face, magnificent and magnificent.

He waved his hands to signal that the three Du parents are not too polite, but stared at Su Xin without blinking, saying, "You can imagine the preciousness of Mr. Qing Xuanzi and Da Dandan. Now it is my Du family again. When life is alive, how can I believe that you are not an undercover agent sent by the Zhang family?

If you were sent by the Zhang family, and you took the elixir, but secretly turned away, wouldn't my Du family lose all their blood? Chitose

In the presence of everyone present, the Du family owner made the situation of the Du family and the Zhang family so straightforward, but made Su Xin somewhat surprised.

The other martial artists were right at the thought. If the person in front of him was an undercover agent from the Zhang family, then this time the Du family would be miserable. It would be more than nothing, and it would destroy the family.

Su Xin smiled and said, "There is no need to worry about the Du family. The Zhang family can't afford me. Nor does he need to hire me to be undercover."

The owner of the Du family thought for a while, and suddenly smiled: "Yes, the Zhang family can't afford the head of Qing Xuanzi, but my Du family can afford it. A Shaolin big returns Dan, and I officially invite the head of Qing Xuanzi to be my Du. I do n’t know if the head of Qing Xuanzi is willing? ”

There was a sudden uproar in the presence of the crowd. This person only said a word, and the Du family owner believed it?

However, some people understand the meaning of Su Xin's words. This second sentence is the key point. The Zhang family did not need to employ Su Xin as an undercover agent.

Based on the strength shown by the talented Su Xin, a peak warrior who understands the meaning of the sword palace can at least compete with the existence of this half-step yuan **** realm.

If the Zhang family could hire him, would he still need to send him undercover? Directly bringing someone to the door can destroy his Du family directly. How much effort is needed?

Of course, if these words are said to be clear, it would probably make the Du family angry and angry, so Su Xin said a little more vaguely, but the Du family owner is a smart person, and he will naturally understand.

Sure enough, the Du family owner immediately nodded and promised.

Such a strong man in Jingu realm can absolutely not let go.

But the three elders of the Du family hurriedly stopped: "The owner is not allowed! You gave him Dadandan, what will you do after you break through to the divine realm?"

We have to keep Dadandan. If the head of Qing Xuanzi wants something else, as long as my Du family has it, he will definitely take it out. "

The owner of the Du family shook his head and said, "Five elders, don't take Da Huan Dan as a shortcut, it's just a icing on the cake.

If my Du family can't survive this disaster, do you think I still have a chance to break through the transformation of God?

On the other hand, if my Du family is able to survive, it will certainly be able to flourish again for decades. At that time, I had a lot of time to retreat and build up strength. UU Kanshu "

After hearing the words from the owner, the three elders had to give up.

The owner of the Du family turned his head to Su Xin and said, "Mr. Qing Xuanzi, I agreed with your requirements. Now what are you thinking about? Would you like to join my Du family?"

Su Xin also arched a hand and laughed: "It's true."

"Then, please go to the hall, Master Tao." The owner of the Du family made a gesture to Su Xin.

In his opinion, as long as Su Xin was solicited this time, it was better than soliciting ten conquerors.

Being able to cultivate the meaning of the sword proves that Su Xin ’s Kendo practice is indeed amazing, and even not less powerful than the Du family owner himself.

So as long as Su Xin really wants to join his Du family this time, once he starts fighting with the Zhang family, he and Su Xin will be able to hold half the strength of the Zhang family. Can the rest of the Du family still be unable to solve it?

PS: After two months, this book has finally entered the boutique, thank you for your support ^ _ ^ (.)

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