Strongest Villain System

Chapter 303: camouflage

The owner of the Du family invited Su Xin to the living room politely. At this moment, there were a lot of elders of the Du family and other recruited casual practitioners.

The owner of the Du family pointed to Su Dao: "This is the head of Qing Xuanzi. My newly recruited guest from the Du family is very powerful, but he is a powerful sword repair who has learned the meaning of the sword. Even if I am, he may not be able to win. . "

As soon as this word came out, everyone in the Du family showed joy, and they did not expect that this time when they wanted to recruit doormen, they could recruit such a strong man.

And those new fighters who joined the Du family were still a little embarrassed, but when they saw that even such a strong person joined the Du family, it was obviously confident in the Du family. They saw this scene and immediately felt relieved. .

The owner of the Du family immediately prepared the banquet and was ready to pick up the dust for Su Xin and all the guests who joined the Du family.

Above the banquet, Su Xin was naturally the focus of everyone's care. Not only the Du family's owners and elders toasted them frequently, but the Du family's guests also continued to compliment Su Xin to build relationships.

But the only unpleasant thing in the whole banquet was a warrior in the Jinggu state sitting in Du's old age.

This warrior in the Jinggu realm is about forty years old, with a dark look between his eyebrows. At first glance, it is the kind of character that is not easy to relate to.

Although he was sitting in the old pile of Du's parents, he was not a member of the Du family, but a guest of the Du family.

His name is Wei Changfeng. He has been a member of the Du family for more than ten years. It can be said that he has been integrated with the Du family. Even his identity with the Du family is no longer a visitor, but an elder of the Du family. The rest are solicited. All his guests listened to his orders.

Wei Changfeng originally enjoyed this life very much, but the appearance of Su Xin made him feel a crisis.

His identity was special, and it took him more than ten years to finally get his approval from the Du family.

However, the person in front of him immediately snatched his limelight. Coupled with the esteem of the Du family, Wei Changfeng was worried that the Du family would transfer the right to manage the gatekeeper to this Taoist.

This kind of thing is not impossible. The Du family is a well-known reality. As long as you have enough strength, the Du family will naturally give you the place you deserve.

For example, Du Chen, an illegitimate child who had not received much attention in the Du family before, as soon as he showed his strength, he was directly listed by the Du family as one of the heirs of the owner, and the treatment was simply earth-shaking.

Now the homeowner has said that even he is not sure that he can beat that person. The strength of that person can be imagined. Maybe his position will be replaced by that person.

As he watched the people continue to compliment that person, Wei Changfeng became more and more unhappy. In the compliment, he couldn't help but coldly: "I don't know where Qingxuanzi Taoist practitioners practiced before? I can understand it in Jingjing There are only a few warriors in swordsmanship across the country. Why haven't I heard of the headmaster? "

Hearing this question as if inquiring, the crowd present was choked, and the whole hall was silent.

The owner of the Du family brought Su Xin here. Obviously, he had recognized that he had joined the Du family as a guest. This tone of yours is almost the same as interrogation. Obviously, the visitor is not good.

The owner of the Du family said, "Elder Wei and Qing Xuanzi are the ones who I personally approved to join the Du family. There will be no problem with his identity. You are a bit too much."

Wei Changfeng stood up and arched his hand and said, "Homeowner, I am Wei Changfeng to Du family for more than ten years, you do n’t know what kind of person I am? But I wholeheartedly think of Du family." I want steady happiness "

Of course, I did not doubt the meaning of Qing Xuanzi Dao, but now it is the crucial moment for our Du family to fight with the Zhang family. "

The owner of the Du family rubbed his head with a headache. He also knew that Wei Changfeng was doing this for the sake of the Du family.

However, he has a ninety-nine percent certainty that Su Xin was not sent by the Zhang family. If the Zhang family had such a strong martial artist to help him, they would have to attack the Du family directly. What else was undercover? Isn't it extra fancy to take off pants?

So even if he knew that Wei Changfeng was cautious for the Du family's consideration, he was embarrassed to question Su Xin so as not to offend the master.

Su Xin smiled and shook his head with a smile: "Education Du doesn't need to care. Elder Wei is also thinking about the safety of Du's family. The next generation is not something unseen, nothing can't be said.

Although Xiaxia is a Jiangdong person, it doesn't appear on the rivers and lakes very much, so it is normal for you to never hear Xiaxia's name, because it is too much forgotten to cultivate. "

When Su Xin said this, everyone's face suddenly showed the color, so it made sense.

There are countless branches of Taoism, one of which is called Taishang Wangqing, which is a branch of Taishang Daomen, one of the four Taoism.

Taishang Dao Men Wu Dao cultivates his mind and enters the country slowly, but if he really realizes the epiphany, his strength will also advance by leaps and bounds.

And this is too extreme to forget the feelings of the pulse, claiming to forget all the emotions in the world, to achieve a state of no sorrow, no joy, no fear and fear, so that we can get closer to the heaven, to realize the heaven.

The number of branches of this vein is very small. Most of the monks hide in the old woods of the deep mountain to feel the Tao, so it is normal but not well known but well known.

Su Xin continued: "As for Jianyi's problem, it is even simpler. Although Poor Tao understands Jianyi, but he can't show off to anyone who has encountered Jianyi to realize that he knows Jianyi?"

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd at the scene, but Wei Changfeng said, "How can that leader prove that he cultivates too much love?"

Everyone couldn't help frowning. Wei Changfeng was too much. People explained it, but you still can't help it.

Especially the elders of the Du family glared at Wei Changfeng.

We now see that you Wei Changfeng is like an undercover agent sent by the Zhang family, and running away this powerful Dao has a long life, what good is it for the Du family?

At this time, Su Xin waved his hand indifferently: "Since Elder Wei wants to see, that's fine."

The words fell, Su Xin's eyes suddenly turned into a hollow, and a sensation of coldness emanated from his eyes.

At this time, Su Xin's eyes did not have any feelings, no sorrow, no joy, no fear, no fear, as if the ruthless heaven, overlooking all beings like ants!

This look was so terrible that everyone in the room snored.

At this time, there was no doubt about the Du family and other people. Although they have never seen a warrior who is too ignorant to practice, who, like Su Xin, can reveal it except those crazy people who practice too ignorantly?

At the same time, the owner of the Du family was thankful in his heart, fortunately that he had not done anything with Su Xin before. Panlong Growth System

In fact, the original owner of the Du family was ready to compare with Su Xin and really determine the strength of Su Xin.

However, at the time, in the public court, he faced Su Xin ’s sword intentions without any absolute assurance to win. If he loses, his face will not look good. After all, the guest is stronger than the owner, which is somewhat unjustifiable. .

Now the owner of the Du family has seen this scene more affirmatively. The strength that Su Xin has just shown is definitely not his full card. The other party has cultivated a Taoist priest who is too forgotten. His Taoist Xuan Gong must be better than that. Sword skill is stronger.

The hollow coldness in Su Xin's eyes receded, and he returned to his original state again.

So of course Lao Zizi is too embarrassing, he certainly wo n’t, but Su Xin ’s true solution to the ice **** is somewhat similar to embarrassing.

The King of Chu Jiang controlled the ice **** and tried countless evil spirits in the underworld. He was originally the same person as Tiandao, so he had the kind of horrible eyes overlooking the ants.

In addition, Su Xin also has the Shan Zi Jing, which expands this feeling to the extreme. Of course, the strong man who refines the too unforgettable way can't fool it, but it is not a problem to fool the laymen of the Du family.

Su Xin looked at Wei Weifeng and said, "Do you have any questions about Elder Wei?"

Wei Changfeng still wanted to say something, but at this time, the owner of the Du family said immediately: "Okay, Elder Wei, this is the end of the matter."

Seeing Du's look, Wei Changfeng knew that Du's was really angry, so he had to go back.

However, Su Xin was really grateful to him. He was so troubled that people in the Du family seemed to believe him more.

After half of the banquet, the owner of the Du family specifically called out the young disciples of the Du family to come and see you.

The Du family respects its strength. Therefore, there are more than one heirs of the Du family. As long as they are Du family members and have sufficient strength, they can become the heirs of the owner.

There are as many as eight heirs of this generation, but one of them is a young disciple with a broken sword and only strength. Standing among a group of disciples, it is very conspicuous.

When Su Xin's heart moved ~ ~, this person should be Du Chen who suddenly made a frightening noise.

Su Xin carefully looked at the broken knife on his back, but found nothing abnormal.

Of course, the high-level cargo Su Xin, such as Tianbing, has not seen it, so he can't be sure whether the broken sword is the remains of Tianbing or something else, and he must get closer to observe it.

"Go, meet a few seniors. This time our Du family fought against the Zhang family, but we have to rely on a few seniors to contribute." Du family owner commanded.

"Yes." Du Chen and others responded, and came over to salute the innate realms of Su Xin and other guests.

When Du Chen arrived at Su Xin before saluting, Su Xin said to the Du family: "Master Du, your son can't stand it. The stars are shining brightly, for fear that there will be great fortune and great fortune. Come on, this son will not be a leisurely person in the future. "

Although the family of the Du family did not agree with the so-called luck and fortune of the family, when they heard that Su Xin praised his son, the family owner still proudly said, "The Minister is ridiculous, my son is dull, but Fortunately, I have accumulated a lot of hair, and only a little bit of shame has been revealed in recent days. "(.)

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