Strongest Villain System

Chapter 317: Jiannandao

? After Su Xin sent the fate of the deputy chief executive, not only did he continue to excite others, but also made other state capital chief executives see hope.

There are no specific requirements on the number of deputy heads in a six-door system.

Generally there are at least two people, most of them are between four and five people.

In a place of the size of Gangnam-do, it is normal to have seven or eight deputy chiefs.

Su Xin immediately appointed four deputy chief executives, which allowed them to see Su Xin's generous side.

This adult will not hold all the power in his palms, as Su Xin said before, as long as you have enough strength, then you can get the position you deserve.

After everything was arranged for Gangnam-do, Su Xin was ready to start retreat for a while.

Although he had been in retreat for a while in the prefecture, he only learned two or three exercises on the true solution of Frozen Hell. This time, Su Xin, who was retreating again, should be familiar with the true solution of Frozen Hell.

After ordering Huang Bincheng to deal with the daily affairs, Su Xin began to retreat directly.

Originally, he expected the retreat time to be three months, but only one month later, Su Xin was woken up.

It wasn't Huang Bingcheng who awakened him, but Judge Cui.

The token of the prefecture vibrated, and Judge Cui sent him a message to give Su Xin time to visit the prefecture.

For a month, Su Xin, who is more useful in the martial arts of the Frozen Hell, has almost practiced a seven, seven, eight, eight, and after thinking about it, he stopped the retreat and transmitted it to the prefecture.

According to Judge Cui, the space where the prefecture is located should coincide with Gangnam Road, so it will not take much time to transfer from Jiangnan Road to the prefecture.

After coming out of his palace, Judge Cui was waiting for him at the door of Su Xin.

"Consultant Cui, is there anything urgent for me?" Su Xin asked.

"There is a task that is more suitable for you. I want to ask if you have time to complete it." Judge Cui said.

"Is it the job of the prefecture or the members of the inner circle?"

"It is a task issued by the prefecture." Judge Cui said.

Hearing Sui Cui's words, Su Xin showed a touch of wonder.

As previously explained by Judge Cui, the tasks are divided into personal tasks and tasks issued by the local government.

The personal tasks are relatively simple and weird, but the tasks issued by the prefecture are related to the self-interest of the prefecture and usually require many people to participate.

How could such a difficult task come to judge Cui to come to him as a warrior in the palace?

Judge Cui explained: "This task was issued by the prefecture, but it is not a very difficult task, and it is only suitable for you. I heard that you have a good relationship with Xie Yanyan of Yijianmen?"

Su Xin didn't know why Judge Cui suddenly jumped to Xie Yanyan, but he nodded and said, "It's a bit of a friendship, is this matter related to Yi Jianmen?"

Judge Cui said, "It's a bit related. The task this time is for you to take possession of the two second-class little families who do not have the Yuanshen Warrior in Yi Jianmen. Of course, you can use whatever means you want. . "

Su Xin raised his eyebrows and said, "It's just two second-class families without Yuanshen Realm. I want to find a member of the inner circle casually, it seems to be smoother than me."

Judge Cui shook his head and said, "Not the same. Our goal is too big. The Yi Jianmen has no intention of resentment and we do not want to provoke you, so I chose to let you have something to do with Yi Jianmen."

Su Xin nodded, but he was also curious in his heart, who in Yi Jianmen even let the prefecture dread.

"Then what am I going to take this time? Where is the location of that thing?" Su Xin asked.

Judge Cui spread his hands and said, "I only know that the target is a heavenly sword that has lost its spirituality. The location is roughly between those two. But what does that sword look like and in whose house is it? You need to check it yourself. "

Su Xin was speechless and wanted to get him to pick things up, but only got such a clue.

Judge Cui said: "Don't you think that there are few clues. These clues were calculated by the revolving king who struggled with great vitality."

"Oh, the revolving king in my prefecture is good at magical calculations?" Su Xinzhang wondered.

Tianji calculates that this kind of thing is not all a trick of a magic stick and a liar, but someone who has practiced this to the extreme can perceive some change between heaven and earth and draw some clues from it.

The people who are most adept at this opportunity are the Taimen and the Daomen among the four Taoists.

The Tianji Valley, one of the eight roads of the left, has even exerted this tactic to the extreme. Now that the revolving king can start deduction using the tactics of natural imagination, it proves that he has at least reached the stage of entering the room.

"The people in my local government are very versatile. Everyone has a place that they are good at. How about it, are you ready to take on this task?

The reward of the prefecture mission is no less inferior to the personal mission. This time, the rewards issued by Mengpo and the two adults are to let you choose one of the prefecture-level weapons in the arsenal of the prefecture, and give you two Shaolin University Also Dan. "

Although on the surface, it is Su Xin's loss to exchange the ground-level blade for the ground-level blade, but what Su Xin wants to get back is only a blade that has lost spirituality.

Heavenly soldiers have spirits, and the birth of the instrument-level ground-level blade becomes a heaven-level blade. Without the device-level spirit, it is no different from the ground-level blade.

Moreover, it is conceivable how many good things exist in the local government arsenal. Su Xin can choose a larger range, and there are two big dans that can be regarded as heirlooms of second-class forces. The reward for this task is really not low. .

"Okay, I took the task." Su Xin immediately agreed.

The two little family members who did not have a warrior in Yuanshen Realm were very good for Su Xin. The task was not difficult.

And thinking of Yi Jianmen, Su Xin also wanted to take a look at Xin Jian at Yi Jianmen at this time.

Counting the time, it has been almost three years since I separated from Xiner.

It wasn't that Su Xin didn't want to see Xiner during this time, but he didn't dare to go.

At that time, Su Xin did not have a firm foothold on the rivers and lakes, it was almost a killer. He went to see Xin'er, but it was only to increase his troubles.

But now Su Xin is different. He is already ranked 12th in the rankings in terms of strength. In fact, Su Xin even has the confidence to compete with the top 10 in the rankings.

He is the chief catcher of Jiangnan Road, guarding one another, and has unparalleled power. At least in Jiangnan Road, no one has to fight hard.

In addition, now that Jiangnan Road has already entered the formal, basically there is no such existence as Yin Ji, and the entire Jiangnan Road cannot be confused, so Su Xin was ready to go to Yijianmen to take a look at Xiner .

After leaving the prefecture, Su Xin instructed Huang Bingcheng that they should be optimistic about Jiangnan Road during this time and go out on their own.

After explaining Huang Bingcheng to them, Su Xin rose directly to Jiannan Road where Yi Jianmen was located.

Originally, Su Xin wanted to use the token of the prefecture to transmit to the prefecture, and then to Jiannan Road.

However, Jiannan Road is farther away from Jiangnan Road. Even if the internal force of Su Xin's body is drained, it cannot be transmitted, so Su Xin can only use the fiery flame that Huang Bingcheng prepared for him.

This kind of flame foal is said to have the blood of ancient monsters in its body. The horse's power is several times greater than that of ordinary war horses. The whole body is red and the temper is burst. A stallion is worth one hundred twenty two silver, and there is no price.

Although the speed of the flame horse is not as fast as Su Xin used his internal strength to rush the road, but the endurance is endurance, but even so, it took Su Xin half a month to reach Jiannan Road.

Jiannan Road is named Jiannan Road because it is one of the five schools of sword holding. Two of them are located in Jiannan Road, one is Yijianmen and the other is Jianjian Village.

Because of this, the number of swordsmen in Jiannan Road is much more than in other roads. If you look at it, there are swordsmen on the street.

The location given by Judge Cui is in Moling House, Jiannan Road. Moling House is also a relatively large prefecture of Jiannan Road, and there are only two families in the prefecture, so the goal is extremely obvious.

The prefecture only gave a goal, and the detailed information could only be searched by itself, so Su Xin still walked in Moling Mansion with the dress of the middle-aged Taoist.

The most convenient place for news on the rivers and lakes is in the restaurant, and this is also the place where the rivers and lakes wind media like to stay.

The so-called wind media refers to the person who specializes in selling all kinds of rivers and lakes information. For example, Zhang Busan, who originally sold information to the Seven Heroes Association in Qingyang Prefecture, is his identity.

These people have extensive contacts and are well informed. Most of them are local snakes. If you want to inquire about the news, they are the first choice.

However, the premise is that you have to highlight the tricks. There are many guys in these wind media who specialize in deceiving rivers and lakes. UU reading books

The wind-medium profession seems to be common, but there are also those who carry them forward. This is the case of Tianjigu, one of the eight roads.

Zuodao Bamen is not famous for martial arts, it is a variety of left-handed techniques, and Tianjigu is quite complicated, but it is the most well-known dedication.

From star camera to sky road calculations, from medical geography to rivers and lakes intelligence, this wind media post can occupy a considerable part of the resources of Tianjigu. If you want to buy any information, as long as you can afford the price, then Jigu will Can sell to you.

After Su Xin came to Moling House, he went straight to the largest restaurant in Moling House. He ordered a large table of wine and dishes, and immediately attracted many soldiers in the restaurant.

After all, Su Xin's current dress and shape still have a sense of immortality. This Taoist should be accompanied by tea, fast food and rice. What is the situation when you come up?

PS: It seems that the book friends who use the mobile client do not know where the group is. In fact, the book friend group has always been on the profile, but the profile of the mobile client is not complete, so some book friends have not seen it. You can pull the profile down. Saw it. Here again, the ordinary group: 1643 into the group to verify the fan value (to be continued.)

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