Strongest Villain System

Chapter 318: Zhou Family and Shen Family

ps: Thanks to book lover Ye Dian for the reward of 10,000 Yuan coin

After Su Xin had enough food and drink in the restaurant, he took out a bottle of elixir and placed it on the table. [..]

This is a six-door imitation Shaolin Xiaohuan Dan, which is 10% less effective than the authentic Shaolin Temple Xiaohuan Dan, but as long as it is not an alchemist, it is absolutely invisible.

This action of Su Xin immediately caused many people's ideas.

One of them, in his thirties, was wearing a Jinyi and holding a folding fan, dressed as a young man who came from a family, and arched toward Su Xin: "This Taoist wants to hear some news? Isn't he here? In the wind media of the entire Jiannan Road, it can also be regarded as the number one character. As long as it is what happened in this Jiannan Road, I don't know everything, but I know at least 99%. "

Su Xin asked: "What is it called?"

The young man said: "Different talents, 'Hyacinth' Zhang You is also."

Su Xin noticed the movement around him, and when this Zhang You came over, all the other wind-moving media were discouraged and stopped paying attention here.

Obviously, he is really famous among these wind media in Jiannandao. At least, many wind media in the scene can not have the courage to go to him to grab the job.

Su Xin pushed the panacea in front of Zhang You and made a please gesture.

Zhang You opened the elixir and smelled a happy look on his face: "The little Shaolin Temple also returned Dan, the Taoist master made a generous shot. What do you want to ask? Although you ask, my" hyacinth "Zhang You will not smash. Your own signboard. "

"I want to ask you about the situation of the two second-class families in Moling."

Zhang Youdao: "Does Dao refer to the Zhou family and the Shen family? The two of them have recently made a lot of things, and even surprised Yi Jianmen."

Su Xin knocked on the table and said, "Tell me in detail the situation of these two, and how can their two little family He Dehe can surprise Yi Jianmen."

Zhang You explained: "The two families, the Shen family and the Zhou family, are actually vassals of Yi Jianmen, but they are cooperative relationships in name.

The Shen family and the Zhou family originally shared a meta-magnetite. The meta-magnet should know that it is an ordinary smelter and is not too valuable.

However, metamagnetic iron is an extremely precious mineral. The Shen and Zhou families accidentally discovered that this seemingly ordinary metamagnetite contains a large amount of metamagnetic iron, which is extraordinary.

These two are not fools, they know that they can't keep the Yuan magnetite iron ore with their own power, so they actively invested in Yi Jianmen, and handed over 90% of the Yuan Yuan magnetite iron to Yi Jianmen. Yi Jianmen's sanctuary was thus prevented from peeping at other martial arts gates.

Originally, even though the two of them had turned in 90% of the Yuan magnetic fine iron, even the remaining 10% was enough to increase the power of the two of them.

But recently I do n’t know why, this week, the family suddenly killed one of the legendary disciples of the Shen family, because the Shen family's revenge, the two sides clashed and even fought a series of battles, as if they were going to completely destroy the absolute side.

In order to ensure the stability of the magnetite iron ore mine, Yi Jianmen specially sent Xie Yanyan, the ninth robber girl in the ranking, to come to mediation, but it was still useless. "

There was a hint of surprise in Su Xin's heart, and Xie Yanyan even arrived here, so his plan will be changed.

Originally, he was going to ask the wind media whether Zhou and Shen had news of whether they were heaven-level or prefect-level soldiers. If so, they could sneak into the Shen and Zhou families to steal. If not, then the Zhou family and the Shen family are slowly looking for it.

But now Xie Yanyan is here. Both of them can be regarded as vassals of Yi Jianmen. He has a good relationship with Xie Yanyan, and Xin Er is also inside Yi Jianmen, so it can't be so rude.

Su Xin continued to ask, "So do you know why the two of them fought? Is it because they are fighting for a treasure?"

Zhang You shook his head and said, "I don't really know what this is about. This week, it seemed that the family suddenly killed a disciple of the Shen family by convulsions, which led to the Shen family's counterattack.

You may also know that the small family at the end of the second class like the Shen family does not even have a warrior in the Yuanshen Realm. Every disciple of discipleship is a precious existence. Now one is suddenly killed, of course, he must go crazy.

And this time the incident made it clear that the Zhou family had picked it up. Yi Jianmen came to mediate. The Zhou family was also the first to oppose it.

But even if the strength of the Zhou family is stronger than the Shen family, it is only a few points stronger. Even if the Shen family is destroyed, he monopolized the original magnetic magnetite vein that belonged to the Shen family, but it will also have vitality. It's a serious injury, it's not worth it. "

Zhang You shook his head, his face a little tangled.

Obviously for him, the most unbearable thing is that there are things they can't figure out.

Knowing the information he wanted, Su Xin turned and left.

Zhang You took Xiao Huan Dan into her arms and felt that she had made a lot of money.

The Shen family and the Zhou family have been in trouble all over the city. You can find it by casually asking a martial artist, but you only need to be more detailed.

In exchange for such a piece of outdated news in exchange for a bottle of Shaolin Temple Xiaohuan Dan, this wave of trading is not only a loss, but also a lot of money.

At this time in Yijianmen Moling Mansion, Xie Yanyan had just returned from the Zhou family. Her mediation was once again rejected by the Zhou family, and it was no use letting Xie Yanyan break her mouth.

Putting down the sword in her hand, Xie Yanyan rubbed her head. She was the worst at this kind of thing, but the Zongmen sent her to control these things.

But at this moment, Xie Yanyan felt a cold wind blowing in the house, and a person appeared behind Xie Yanyan.


The long sword came out of the sheath, and Mori ’s sword gas was cut off behind him. The same invisible sword energy was also cut out. The two collided, and the sword gas in the room was scattered.

When Xie Yanyan turned back and wanted to continue the attack, she saw the person standing in front of her is: "Su Xin, why are you here?"

Su Xin, who was restored to her original appearance, smiled and said, "Don't you be thankful, girl? It's been three years since it jumped to the top ten list.

Folding the sword, Xie Yanyan shook her head and said, "It's gratifying you. No one had expected that the owner of the small gang who had stepped out of the Nanbar area would now become the head of the six gates of Jiangnan Road.

It is estimated that the Qingcheng Swordsmen have now regretted being hostile to you but have not completely killed you. "

The Qingcheng sword faction is indeed very depressed. If Su Xin is only the twelfth person on the list, the Qingcheng faction does not have to be so jealous. It is just like Shen Jin. Even if the strength of Sanshou is strong, it is necessary Carefully.

But Su Xin is now the head of Jiangnan Road, with coercion, and there are six doors behind him to support the court.

This kind of existence is not your Qingcheng sword faction who kills and kills, so now the Qingcheng sword faction is no longer shouting and killing Su Xin.

After all, Su Xin had killed only the son of Elder Fang Rui, and it was Elder Fang Rui who had enemies against him. As long as Fang Rui stopped targeting Su Xin, then Su Xin would not be stupid enough to talk to them. enemy.

As one of the five factions holding swords, even the six doors can't say that he will certainly be able to destroy the Qingcheng sword faction, not to mention his total capture.

Therefore, most of the elders of the Qingcheng Sword School meant that they would not provoke the Su Xin in the future, even if this thing had passed, anyway, Su Xin could not help their Qingcheng Sword School.

It's just that this idea is good, but it will depend on whether Fang Rui, whose son was killed by Su Xin, will give up.

"By the way, do you want to come to Jiannandao this time?" Xie Yanyan asked.

Su Xin nodded and said, "How is Xiner?"

Xie Yanyan said: "Very good, Xiner's talent is very high, Xiner broke through the innate realm three months ago, which is rare in my Yi Jianmen."

In those top schools, most of the disciples broke through the innate realm at the age of fifteen.

Xiner is only eleven years old this year, and it is already a wave of talent.

"But you have to wait for Xiner. There are some things on my side that need to be busy. When these things are over, I will take you to Yijianmen." Xie Yanyan said.

Su Xin sat opposite Xie Yanyan and said, "Because of the things between the Shen family and the Zhou family?"

Xie Yanyan nodded, this matter has spread all over the city, and Su Xin is not surprised to know.

Su Channel: "In theory, the two second-class forces attached to your Yi Jianmen by the Shen family and the Zhou family should not be so brave, and you, the legendary disciple of Yi Jianmen, will regulate it, and they will not even listen.

And your Yi Jianmen is also very strange. Since it is useless to regulate, why not send warriors in the Yuanshen Realm to come out and suppress them. The two small second-class forces are just letting you burn out. "

Xie Yanyan shook her head and said, "The top big school also has the helplessness of the top big school. You have to obey some rules.

Although in fact these two are my vassals of Yijianmen ~ ~, nominally we are only a united relationship.

The fact that they made such a noise did have an impact on Yi Jianmen's mining of ferromagnetic fine iron, but they did not provoke us to Yi Jianmen.

If we come forward with **** crackdowns and unreasonable grounds, isn't it no different from the magic road? Outside the fallacy, we Jian Yimen can not afford now. "

Hearing Xie Yiyan's words, Su Xin shook his head and was pedantic. Yi Jianmen's method of action was too pedantic.

Dignity and martial arts have no way to get two second-rate forces, which is also extremely ridiculous, but this kind of thing will only happen to some Zhengdao schools in the Central Plains.

If you change to those places in southern Hunan, don't care if you provoke us. Anyway, I feel you **** it, then you **** it. It ’s not once or twice that things happened in southern Hunan.

Just like the second-class forces in the southern Hunan province who have elemental warriors, their attitude is very arrogant, and their style of behavior has nothing to do with the right path. (To be continued.)



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