Li Xiao had to reconsider his plan, to see if he should deal with Count Vladimir first, so as to prevent him from cooperating with Grand Duke Constantine to make troubles. But he was a little bit hesitant to make up his mind, because although Count Vladimir was just a clown, this clown pulled his whole body.

Once Count Vladimir is moved, Nicholas I must be given a reasonable explanation. After all, this fellow has only been in office for a few months, and after all, he is the blood of Nicholas I. As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog, and he has to explain clearly to Nicholas I why.

To be honest, Li Xiao didn't want to have a showdown with Count Vladimir so soon. According to his original plan, he planned to use various reasons and methods to fix that guy and trap him. For example, the debt problem was one of them.

But now that Grand Duke Constantine is disrupting the situation, if it continues to drag on, it may change if it is too late. What if these two bastards really join forces?

Li Xiao didn't dare to gamble, so he was really conflicted...

It took him a long time before he said, "How about making that bastard seriously ill?"

Alexei was stunned, and looked at Li Xiao quite speechlessly, as if asking: "Are you serious? I told you just now that Leonid's side is difficult to explain, you should pay more attention to it." Proper, but as soon as you turn around, you want to do this, it's not good!"

Li Xiao also knew it was not good, but the situation came so suddenly, he was not prepared at all, how could you let him think of a reasonable solution to solve the trouble for a while?

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"Can you do it without anyone noticing?"

Don't look at Alexei who was complaining about Li Xiao in his heart just now, but at this moment he is also in a state of desperation, and he can't wait to solve these bad things quickly, so he also forgot about Leonid when he turned his head.

Li Xiao looked at Alexei quite playfully, he felt that the two brothers were actually similar, even though he had earnestly warned him before, but he really could do anything when he was pushed.

But he was not in the mood to complain, because he was the only one who understood Alexei's difficulties and difficulties, and knew how difficult this shit was.

"No problem!" Li Xiao gave an affirmative answer.

But Alexei was still a little worried, and asked again: "Is it safe? What disease are you going to make him suffer from?"

If you follow Li Xiao's will,

Then Count Vladimir must be punished to death, and if he fails, he will suffer from hemiplegia or dementia. effect, so take it easy!

"How about pneumonia?" Li Xiao asked.


Alexey really wanted to ask if this was a bit too serious, because in this era, as long as the lungs are involved, it is not a minor disease, and if it is not handled properly, it will kill people.

Li Xiao sighed and said softly, "It's nothing to make him catch a cold!"

Now it was Alexei's turn to be speechless, because what Li Xiao said was right, a cold is really nothing to do, and Count Vladimir must be put down, otherwise it would be pointless to toss for a long time.

"Can't you just let him lie on the bed without killing him?" Alexei asked.

Li Xiao sighed again: "You think too highly of my ability, and I'm not a superior, how can I control so much!"

Alexey was stunned for a while, because this decision was really hard to make. Once he made a decision, it meant that no matter what the outcome was, he had to bear it all on his shoulders. There is no regret medicine for this, in case something big happens Come on, even if he wants to shake the pot, he can't shake it off, okay!

After thinking for ten minutes, Alexei finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet and said bitterly: "Then you just let go and do it, and I will take care of it if something goes wrong!"

Li Xiao looked at Alexei with some relief, because there are really not many friends who are so responsible, and more so-called friends are better at throwing blame, especially those in high positions. They are amazingly skilled, and they cannot be expected to take responsibility at all.

But Alexey was different. He knew the seriousness of the matter and the huge risks that might exist, but he still resolutely chose to take responsibility. Since he was so loyal, Li Xiao couldn't hold back, so he immediately stated: "I will implement it myself. Guaranteed to be flawless!"

Alexei immediately sighed and held Li Xiao's hands and said: "My friend, I am absolutely assured of your work, but I still want to tell you that this trip is very important, and you must have full confidence before you can act. Hold! It is absolutely sure, 70%, 80%, or even 90% will not work! It must be 100%!"

Li Xiao felt that the responsibility that Alexei had entrusted to him was so heavy that it made his heart beat a little slower. He knew that he could not live up to Alexei's trust, otherwise he would really not be able to explain it.

He patted the back of Alexei's hand, and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, I know it all!"

When Alexei and Li Xiao made their final decision, they didn't know that Viscount Prozolov was actually paying close attention to their every move. Apple, seeing his focused demeanor, those who didn't know thought he was holding a golden apple!

"Your Excellency met my lovely brother?"

Viscount Prozolov's words were without a trace of fireworks, as if he was asking about an ordinary and trivial matter, but his subordinates knew that this matter was not unusual at all.

"Yes, the governor first went to the garrison headquarters, then went directly to the gendarmerie headquarters, and stayed for two hours."

Viscount Prozolov didn't even raise his head, his eyes were fixed on the slowly falling apple peel in his hand, this carefulness made his subordinates a little speechless, because no one could understand the viscount's brain circuit What is it like.

"Some people are in a hurry!" Viscount Prozolov said calmly, without any waves, "It seems that our plan is going well!"

The subordinate standing opposite Viscount Prozolov didn't even dare to lift his head, he just lowered his head and replied: "It looks so, everything is going well!"

Viscount Prozolov suddenly raised his head, and suddenly laughed: "Really? It sounds like you are a little slack!"

The poor subordinates were taken aback. Only the old man who had been with the viscount for a long time knew how terrible his temperament was. The viscount hated slack and his plans not being seriously implemented. were sunk in the Neva River. And he really didn't want to be the next one, so he quickly replied:

"Please rest assured, I will do my best and will not let you down!"

Viscount Prozolov just smiled slightly, his attention returned to the apple, he lowered his head again and said slowly: "That's good..."

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