Struggle in Russia

Chapter 58 The Obedient Grand Duke Constantine (Part 1)

Viscount Prozolov is actually not as calm as he appears. Only those who are familiar with him know that only when he is most nervous will he do some meaningless things to divert attention - such as peeling apples.

This is actually the same reason that some people shake their legs unconsciously when they are nervous. The difference is that Viscount Prozolov's personality is much higher, and his inscrutable demeanor makes people confused about his details. .

In a sense, Viscount Prozolov is best at this kind of tricks. He will create huge psychological pressure through cloudy means and confusing moves, forcing the opponent to mess up, and then he can Fish in troubled waters or come to a fisherman's profit.

The same trick was used against Alexei, because he knew very well that Grand Duke Constantine's cards were not as big as he imagined. If the Grand Duke was really so powerful, why would he travel all the way to Moldavia? Staying in St. Petersburg is closer to the throne, isn't it!

Viscount Prozolov knew very well what the problem with Grand Duke Constantine was, and it was unrealistic to expect to win by force and suppress Alexei. After all, Nicholas I was very satisfied with Alexei's work. Even if Count Vladimir was sent as a shit stick, it was just to prevent problems before they happened, not to say that he was going to deal with Alexei. Let's do it.

So if Alexei didn't make any mistakes and just acted as his governor honestly, then Grand Duke Constantine could only stare blankly, there was nothing he could do.

That's why Viscount Prozolov came. He intentionally visited Li Xiao generously, and deliberately indulged Golitsyn and Melikov to mess with each other. In fact, he threw out Golitsyn and Melikov. The husband's two insignificant abandoned sons made Alexei and Li Xiao think that Grand Duke Constantine and Count Vladimir joined forces.

And the combination of the pro-son and the wild-son must be extremely oppressive. He believes that neither Li Xiao nor Alexei can remain calm when they hear the news. They must do something to prevent it from happening. The best way to come is nothing more than to strike first and deal with Earl Vladimir. After all, this earl is a soft persimmon in every respect, at least farther than Constantine.

As long as Li Xiao and Alexei take action against Count Vladimir, Viscount Prozolov's plan will be more than half realized, because no matter what method is used, it is impossible to be perfect, and there will always be traces, and As long as these traces are caught, Alexei and Li Xiao's fox tails will be caught.

In this way, Grand Duke Constantine is tantamount to grabbing their pigtails. At that time, when we talk about cooperation, we will let them ask for a price.

I have to say that Viscount Prozolov is really powerful. He already has insight into people's hearts. His methods can make you fall for it without knowing it, and it is very difficult to guard against!

While Viscount Prozolov was waiting,

Grand Duke Constantine finally arrived in Chisinau. This time the little fat man came very quickly. He changed his previous grand style of horses and chariots, and ran for thousands of kilometers in a light car, and entered Chisinau without a sound. .

"Is there any news from Viscount Prozolov?"

As soon as he arrived at the posthouse, Grand Duke Constantine had no time to wash away the dust, so he attracted the subordinates who had entered Chisinau earlier to inquire about the situation.

"Your Excellency the Viscount sent a message a week ago saying that everything is going well, I believe there will be good news soon!"

Grand Duke Constantine was very satisfied with this, and felt that the hard work of this trip was worth it. This time, he wanted to run thousands of miles and use a sudden attack to win, just like Napoleon before the Battle of the Three Emperors with the fastest speed Dazzlingly build up the advantage.

The whole plan was proposed by Viscount Prozolov, and after a series of improvements and supplements, it was approved by Grand Duke Constantine. The fat man was furious.

It is the nature of human beings to hold the high and step down with the red top and white, especially those in the officialdom. In recent years, as the position of the crown prince Alexander has become more stable, a large number of people who have shown favor to the little fat man have begun to change their families, and even a group of little fat people have become self-sufficient. Those who thought he was kind also abandoned him.

The little fat man's eyes were reddened by the betrayal. He vowed to make these villains pay the price. Naturally, he paid more and more attention to Wallachia and Alexei. He knew that only by annexing Wallachia would he Only with the capital to make a comeback can we continue to challenge Alexander.

"Reply to the Viscount and tell him that I have arrived in Chisinau, I hope he will bring me good news as soon as possible!"

Grand Duke Constantine does not intend to make public activities immediately. He must stand up at the most appropriate time to achieve the best results and put the greatest pressure on Alexei. As for the most appropriate time, the little fat man himself does not know. Unclear, he is not an expert in conspiracies, and he is completely at the mercy of Viscount Prozolov in this regard.

In fact, from his reply just now, it can be seen that the little fat man is a little impatient, but he knows that there is only one chance, and if he misses it, he will really be finished, so he is patient for the time being.

Of course, he wasn't stupid and didn't do anything. On the one hand, he had to secretly contact the available nobles and bureaucrats in Moldavia, and on the other hand, he had to report to his old father like a good son.

He wrote a lot of letters along the way, almost detailing everything he saw and heard along the way, because he knew that his old father actually liked to hear about these things, especially the dynamics of the officialdom along the way. In this regard, he used a lot of pen and ink, and really put a lot of thought into it.

Of course, it’s not enough just to act as the eyes and ears of the old father. Grand Duke Constantine knows that any imperial envoy can do these things, even better than him, and his greatest advantage is that he can deal with them without fear. What you see and hear along the way publishes "high opinions".

Viscount Prozolov ordered him to add these insights, with the purpose of showing Nicholas I the ability to govern the country. If Grand Duke Constantine behaved enough and even better than Crown Prince Alexander, some points could be saved.

To be honest, Grand Duke Constantine was very depressed to write these things, because he was not allowed to write those Viscount Prozolov that he wanted to write, such as sarcasm and sarcasm, such as innovation proposals, on the contrary, he had to promote Russian traditions a lot , published some profound cognition and support for tradition, these things really made him bald!

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