Struggle in Russia

Chapter 85: Smart People Do Smart Things

The turning point was not because Saladov suddenly didn’t want so much money, nor was it that Count Vladimir suddenly got the million rubles, but it came from a trivial incident, just when Count Vladimir and Arka While Ji was scratching his head, his adjutant suddenly came to report:

"Your Excellency, the Governor's Mansion has already approved the cost of repairing and building new barracks and training grounds, and the daily expenses for this quarter are also approved in one pass. Should the funds be allocated immediately?"

Although the city defense army has only a few thousand people, the salary is actually quite high. When Leonid was the commander of the city defense army, he felt that the barracks and training facilities were too old, so he applied for a sum of money from Alexei. He was planning to repair the existing barracks and build a new training ground to meet his request. At that time, he asked for 500,000 rubles, but Alexei did not agree immediately. After all, Wallachia needed a lot of money, 500,000 Although not particularly many, he was still a little reluctant to vote for the city defense army.

So this matter was delayed until Leonid left and Count Vladimir took office. There was no conclusion on this matter. Who would have thought that the pawn money would be allocated suddenly. One hundred and fifty thousand is not too little.

If you add the salary of the city defense army this quarter and the daily expenses of life, it would be as much as one million rubles if you add one yuan, seven thousand and eighty-eight, which makes Count Vladimir and Arkady feel sleepy. The feel of the pillow.

"Your Excellency, do you see the money?"

Count Vladimir had actually noticed the figure of one million rubles without Arkady's reminder. Doesn't this just fit his needs?

However, although Count Vladimir was very moved, he was not completely overwhelmed, because the money was public funds, and public funds were not so active. Of course, embezzlement of public funds is the norm in Russia, but it is almost an unwritten secret that officials in other places or other troops embezzle public funds, and everyone tacitly understands it.

But it is different in Wallachia, where the risk of embezzling public funds is too great. Once Alexei finds out, even a big man with a background like Count Vladimir may not be able to catch him.

If you take into account the bad relationship between Alexei and him, once the Governor's Mansion finds out, the other party will definitely resort to the French to kill him!

Therefore, although Count Vladimir was a little tempted, his reason told him that it was better to be cautious, otherwise he might not be able to go around.

"I will write to my friends in St. Petersburg first and ask them to help me find a way. The money cannot be moved for the time being!"

Count Vladimir restrained his greed, but Arkady reminded him: "Your Excellency,

It is a good way to go to St. Petersburg to ask for help, but you have to pay attention to the time it takes to go back and forth, and Saladov may not have the patience to wait so long! "

Count Vladimir sighed. In fact, Arkady didn't need to remind him. He also knew that going to St. Petersburg to ask for help was not a good idea, or it was just an excuse for him to persuade himself to stay rational.

And once this excuse was ruthlessly pierced by Arkady, he would only have endless irritability and impulsiveness in his heart.

What kind of impulse?

Naturally, it was the impulse to embezzle public funds. After all, the one million was right in front of him, like a naked beauty waiting for his fortune. As a normal man, how could he restrain this impulse?

It's just that Count Vladimir, a veteran of flowers, still has some skills. He once again restrained his impulse and tried hard to convince himself to stay rational: "Then what to do, this is our only way!"

Arkady looked around, and seeing no outsiders present, he leaned into Count Vladimir's ear and whispered: "Your Excellency, didn't you have a million just now? Let's pay Saladov with this money first... "

Count Vladimir stopped him immediately: "How can it be, in case the Governor's Mansion finds out..."

"The governor's office can't find out. As long as we get the evidence, Earl Speranski will not be the governor soon. Who can hold you accountable at that time?"

Count Vladimir was stunned for a moment. This reminder really moved him. He felt that Arkady was right. As long as Alexei is not the governor, who can hold him accountable for embezzling public funds?

Maybe he will be the governor by then, let alone the trivial matter of embezzlement of public funds, who would dare to say that he is not right even if Wallachia is scraped to the ground?

But he was still a little worried: "What if? After all, the Governor's Palace has been watching us..."

Arkady smiled and said, "So what? As long as you have a reasonable excuse to delay the appropriation and survive this period of time, wouldn't it be fine?"

Seeing that Count Vladimir was still unclear, Arkady told him: "The money for the renovation of the barracks and the new training ground can be allocated in no hurry. You can use the excuse that the project needs to be improved, and start with a little preliminary work that does not cost money. Just make up the numbers, the 350,000 yuan can be taken away first... As for the salary and living expenses, didn't we have a balance before, and the money will definitely last for half a month!"

Half a month?

Count Vladimir snapped his fingers and calculated. It was almost exactly the time to travel back and forth from St. Petersburg. He could use his face to find friends over there to borrow money. Once you get the money, it's all right!

Immediately, his eyes brightened, and he felt that this matter could be done. As long as he got the evidence, he could drive Alexei out of power and reap the victory. The risk was worth it!

Immediately, he slapped his hands and made up his mind: "Just do it like this, you contact Saladov immediately, say that I agree, and let him make the transaction immediately..."

Now Arkady is also happy. As long as the deal is concluded and Earl Vladimir succeeds, he, a dog-headed military strategist and private secretary, can follow the chicken and dog to ascend to heaven, and the gold he lost at that time can be earned back soon. Kind of can't wait!


Count Vladimir suddenly stopped the excited Arkady and said: "As I said before, make two preparations. If Saradov is not prepared, then take it directly. Some money can be saved or should be saved. of!"

Arkady naturally agreed, but he didn't think so in his heart. Not only did he not think that Saradov would be that stupid, but more importantly, even if Saradov was really that stupid, he would not Return that one million to Count Vladimir.

Arkady could have told this foolish master that Saladov was very smart and had to spend the money, but in fact he would steal most of it, and use the remaining half to bribe those who knew and helped. People who can definitely do it seamlessly!

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