Struggle in Russia

Chapter 86 Clever but Misunderstood by Clever (Part 1)

Arkady felt that he was too smart, but he never thought that he was not the only smart person in this world, and he didn't expect that Count Vladimir had already wanted to kill him!

Count Vladimir has never been a good man, or he has always been a cruel dude. The cruel dude has never been patient, let alone kind, which also determines that he will definitely not be nostalgic and will not show affection.

For Count Vladimir, his subordinates are all tool people. It is only natural for tool people to do a good job, and there is no need to give special commendation, but if tool people mess up the errands, they must be severely punished. Only in this way can other tool people be deterred and the tool people be honest.

Now it is obvious that Arkady, the tool man, has messed up his errand, and the Saradov he selected dared to blackmail the great Count Vladimir. How did this happen? If you teach him a lesson, and other tool people will follow this bad example in the future, then the great Count Vladimir is still an ass!

So don't look at Count Vladimir who accepted Arkady's suggestion and entrusted him with this arduous mission and one million rubles. But in secret, he gave a clear instruction to the other subordinates - regardless of whether the matter is finally done or not, Arkady needs to be dealt with!

In his own words: "You must be more beautiful, as if you ran away from home or disappeared unexpectedly, do you understand?"

That is to say, when Arkady took the one million to discuss with the "assistant" sent by Count Vladimir to see how to embezzle funds reasonably, he didn't expect that these very talkative friends were actually more than one person. He was also happy, because they would get more money once Arkady died.

And what's even better is that Count Vladimir personally ordered Arkady to eradicate him. The count would never ask why Arkady died.

It can only be said that Arkady's wonderful plan made him and those lovely "assistants" overjoyed, and felt that the sum was really worth it.

Of course, it is not that simple for these evil-minded guys to get money. The most critical issue is Saladov. This man is an accidental factor, because no one knows when he will jump out and ask for money. .

After Arkady published the same missing person notice in the Bucharest Daily for three consecutive days according to Saladov's request, he finally saw Saladov's response in the Bucharest Evening News on the fourth day.

"Saradov asked us to go to the City Ballet to find Thomas Van Dijk, who will tell us how to pay and how to get the relevant evidence!"

Looking at the beaming Arkady,

Count Vladimir was feeling restless for a while. For this guy who had been sentenced to death, he hoped that the sooner he could not see it, the better, but there was no news from Saladov for several days, which made things completely unresolved. The progress made him have to face this annoying face every day, which really annoyed him to death.

What's worse is that he still can't lose his temper. What if this guy notices something and runs away after the incident?

"Very good!" Count Vladimir praised Arkady against his will, and then ordered: "Then why are you standing still, go and capture this Thomas Van Dijk immediately!"

Count Vladimir's idea is very simple, that is, if he can not pay, he will not pay. Since Thomas Van Dijk knows where the evidence is, he can just arrest people and torture him!

In fact, Arkady thought so too, he immediately agreed, and then set off with his men and rushed directly into the city ballet to catch this Van Dijk, but what made him dumbfounded was that he found this at the city ballet Thomas Van Dijk, it's not that this person is hiding, but that the city ballet does not have this person at all!

This is simply a blow to the head, how can we catch people without this person? Arkady thought it was someone lying, but after interrogating several people in a row, everyone insisted that there was no such thing as Van Dijk, and he immediately became numb.

[What the hell is wrong with this? 】

Arkady was jumping up and down anxiously, but there was nothing he could do about it, let alone Count Vladimir, his desire to kill was getting stronger and stronger, and he wished he could dig a hole for Arkady right away. It's good.

"There must be something wrong here!" Arkady bit the bullet and analyzed, "I'm afraid it was deliberately made up by Saradov. He knew that we were likely to arrest the person who helped him, so he made up it on purpose." A non-existent Thomas van Dijk and look at our reaction!"

While talking about Arkady, he felt that he was really too smart, and he said incessantly: "I'm afraid that Saladov was hiding near the city ballet troupe to observe, and he saw clearly the situation of our arrest! "

Count Vladimir was even more upset, because according to this analysis, he could only come to one conclusion—it was a stupid decision to go to the city ballet troupe to arrest people, and doing so would have no other effect except to scare the snake away. Saladov, who is now vigilant, is not only more difficult to catch, but maybe he will stop making deals with them and cooperate with Alexei instead!

According to this conclusion, then he, who made the decision to arrest people, is a complete fool and must bear full responsibility!

[Your grandma, since this method is so bad, why didn't you remind me then! 】

A person as smart as Count Vladimir would definitely not admit that he made a mistake. He would only think that Arkady did not fulfill his responsibilities and did not provide him with better advice. wrong!

Needless to say, he must hate Arkady even more. According to the general rhythm, Arkady will probably have to receive a lunch box immediately, and at the critical moment he has to rely on Saladov to pull him back. When Count Vladimir ordered Before the silence, Saladov's blackmail letter arrived.

In the letter, Saladov first ruthlessly mocked Count Vladimir and Arkady, bluntly saying how could he make such a low-level mistake, so that he would not expose himself and his friends to Count Vladimir Braid caught. In the end, Saladov warned them not to continue to play tricks, otherwise the deal between them would really be cancelled, and all the relevant evidence would be handed over to Alexei. At that time, Count Vladimir could only be honest. Being bullied by Alexei on the ground, there is no chance of turning over...

"Damn it!" Count Vladimir crumpled the letter into a ball angrily, and said angrily, "Just do as he asks, quickly!"

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