Struggle in Russia

Chapter 137 The Weird Two People

I didn't sleep well for two consecutive nights, and I was also given a stomach full of strong alcohol. One can imagine how uncomfortable Ilya was. The experience of these two nights made him understand a little bit - he felt that Muraviyov might be uneasy and kind to him.

In Ilya's own words, this old man is really bad, and I'm afraid he coveted his beauty!

It's no wonder Ilya is thinking wildly, it's really that Muraviyov's tricks are too bad, how can he do things like this, it's just too much.

However, Muraviov himself does not think it is insidious. He feels that Russia is now in power by conservatives, and there is no room for reformers like them to survive. In the court, these old stubborn people conspired together to suppress them in different ways, isn't that shameful?

If you want to beat the enemy, you have to be stronger than the enemy. Since the enemy is so damaged, you have to lose even more, as long as you can achieve your goal, all means are available!

Muraviyov really has such a genuine temperament. You can see from his biography. Daqing was tossed half to death in a daze.

What is he relying on? Relying on this shamelessness and shamelessness, in his own words: "A person must first survive, and everything is useless if he cannot survive. It is understandable to be shameless in order to survive!"

And Ilya is now a thorn in the side of the old man. In order to protect Wallachia, he must go all out. How could it be possible for Ilya to feel better?

Such painstaking efforts are really rare. It's just that Ilya is not an idiot. Although he can't figure out the reason why he was tricked by Muraviyov, thinking that the old man is coveting his beauty, but this does not prevent him from having alarm bells in his heart. He knows that he must find a way to deal with the old man. means.

So Ilya was thinking about countermeasures throughout the day, which made him look even more gloomy, and his whole temperament was gloomy, like a dark cloud when the mountain rain was about to come.

"Well, this guy has a problem at first sight!"

It is not necessary for Alexey to remind Li Xiao to notice Ilya's strange state. Although he can't figure out why this handsome boy looks bitter and bitter, this look is indeed suspicious, and it is hard not to let people not Make other associations!

"Well, look again, look again!"

However, Li Xiao was still not in a hurry to draw conclusions, because he could vaguely feel that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between the two special envoys.

It's a model.

But Li Xiao felt that the two seemed to be on guard against each other. Although this feeling was not obvious, Ilya next to him felt like his hairs stood on end after Muraviev said something several times. On the other occasions, when Ilya focused on recording some of the situations he observed, Muraviev would pay special attention, as if he was peeping at his work notes.

Although Li Xiao failed to grasp that point, he could feel that as long as he grasped the key issue, the two special envoys would not be a problem, but it was a pity that this short day was really not enough.

"...Tomorrow's arrangement is as follows. We will go to Giurgiu to inspect the situation of the local garrison, and then stay there for a day. By the way, we will take a look at the situation of the Wallachia Danube Fleet. It just so happens that the fleet has a new warship ready to serve. The two special envoys can observe the service ceremony!"

When Alexey told the schedule for the third day, Muraviev and Ilya immediately showed two completely different expressions. The former is full of interest, while the latter is frowning.

Li Xiao immediately attracted attention, and then deliberately asked: "Colonel? Do you have any disagreement about going to Jiuerjiu for inspection?"

Ilya was taken aback for a moment, and then replied with a straight face: "Of course not. I have long wanted to see the beauty of the Danube. This arrangement is very good!"

Of course, Ilya didn't think so in his heart. He didn't have a good rest for the past two days, and then he had to rush to Giurgiu tomorrow. The husband may still be a demon, and he doubts how much energy he will have after arriving in Jiuerjiu.

In fact, during today's inspection trip, he was gritting his teeth and persevering. If it wasn't because of his personality, he would really not be able to resist. But even if he got it down, considering that Muraviyov was still ruthless, he felt that he had to make plans early.

Just taking advantage of Li Xiao's conversation, Ilya said with a smile: "Your Excellency, I have no other hobbies, but I like to visit places of interest. You should be familiar with Bucharest. Can you take me to see the scenery of Wallachia?" Woolen cloth?"

Ilya's sudden request made Li Xiao a little strange, because this request was too abrupt, not to mention that Ilya had not yet inherited his father's title, so it was a bit presumptuous for Li Xiao to be a guide in terms of identity.

In addition, in the past two days, Alexei actually led them around the city of Bucharest. In terms of seeing the scenery, they have actually seen it. And what a sight to see at night!

Anyway, no matter how you look at it, you think this request is too strange, but Li Xiao did not refuse. On the contrary, he thinks this is a good opportunity to have a personal contact with this deputy envoy to see what kind of human nature he is.

Immediately Li Xiao agreed: "Of course there is no problem, I will pick you up at the hotel at seven o'clock in the evening!"

On the other side, although Muraviyov was talking to Alexei, his ears and heart were still on Ilya's side. When he heard that Li Xiao agreed to take Ilya out for a tour, he was shocked at the bottom of his heart. .

【Is this little bastard planning to play tricks behind my back? 】

[No, I can't let this little bastard out of my sight! 】

So he immediately laughed three times and interjected: "I have also heard for a long time that the scenery of Bucharest is very different from that of our country, and I just want to find time to appreciate the exotic scenery of Wallachia. Since Your Excellency, Your Excellency, you are willing to act as a tour guide, count me in." how?"

What Muraviyov said made Li Xiao a little puzzled. He didn't understand why the old man wanted to step in. Just now Li Xiao wanted to test Ilya alone. If he added this old man, it would definitely not work. But the refusal was a bit too blunt, Li Xiao thought about it and thought that he might as well agree first, and see what tricks they are up to before talking.

"It's an honor, let's meet at the hotel at seven o'clock!"

Li Xiao agreed immediately, which made Muravyov heave a sigh of relief. Thinking that he could continue to monitor the old man Ilya, he was a little proud, so he gave Ilya a little wink, as if to say: "Your boy Don't try to avoid me!"

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