Struggle in Russia

Chapter 138 Laugh

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Li Xiao arrived at the hotel on time to lead the two special envoys to watch the beautiful night view of Bucharest, but immediately he received a bad news - the deputy envoy was ill and could not go.

"General, are you still interested in watching the night view?"

Of course, Muraviov is not interested in natural scenery. If it wasn't for monitoring Ilya and fearing that he would make a name for himself, he wouldn't bother to go out to see the scenery.

But what Muraviyov didn't expect was that his side was ready to fight another night, but the opponent suddenly raised the exemption card. Ilya waited for Li Xiao to arrive at the hotel before notifying him that he could not go because of a cold , Now leave it to the old man.

Don't go, Li Xiao has already arrived, after all, he is a majestic grand duke, so it's not easy to release pigeons casually.

go. In fact, Muraviyov himself was exhausted enough, and this was all to support himself. He was really not happy to let him waste time by himself.

It's just that even if he didn't like it, Muraviev knew that he couldn't refuse, and even though Li Xiao was the one who made the appointment, he heard that this person had a close relationship with Alexei, so he could just avoid the annoying Ilya The ghost's eyes and ears make contact with each other.

So Muraviyov could only cheer up and replied: "Of course I have to go. My body is not like you young people who get sick with a little bit of cold! I am healthy!"

Li Xiao can only hehe, because he is not blind, idiots can see that this old general is exhausted, he is completely relying on his breath, he is really a minister of Nicholas I, everyone is dead To save face and suffer!

However, Li Xiao did not expose the other party, anyway, he was not the one who suffered, not to mention that he happened to find out the other party's background, because he had no idea what the special envoys wanted to do for two or three days.

With a strong face, Muraviyov got into Li Xiao's carriage and walked slowly along the gravel road in Bucharest. Both sides remained silent at first, and neither of them took the initiative to speak. The difference is that Li Xiao was thinking about how to find a topic, while Muraviyov was just a little tired and Li Xiao's carriage was a little strangely comfortable, sitting on it made him doze off.

When he arrived at the city center, looking at the bustling crowds and the bustling commercial market, Muraviev suddenly sighed: "Chisinau and Bucharest are completely incomparable! There is chaos there now, at this hour It's a paradise for thieves and robbers!"

Li Xiao glanced at Muraviyov slightly in surprise. He didn't expect to say such a thing, because it sounded like there was something in his words!

So he replied cautiously: "You can't say that,

After all, the background of Bucharest is not comparable to that of Chisinau. This place has always been a bridgehead, and it is normal to be more prosperous! "

Muraviyov shook his head and said: "No, although Bucharest was better than Chisinau before, the latter has been too chaotic these years and has never been stable. In 1848, Bucharest was better than Chisinau. It’s been a lot of chaos, you’ve settled down over the past few years, but Chisinau is still full of chaos, I have to say that this is a problem of ability!”

Li Xiao was slightly taken aback, a little uncertain about Muraviyov's intentions, so he tentatively said, "Really? You praised us absurdly, but many people in China think we are deviant!"

Muraviyov snorted coldly: "Fart deviant, if sticking to those broken rules can make the country better, then it's fine, but those broken rules have become more and more out of date these years, go to London and Paris to see , we have been left far behind! The rules did not fall from the sky, why must we stick to them!"

Li Xiao's eyes suddenly brightened. He probably knew about Muraviyov's political stance, but he was still a little undecided, because he didn't quite believe that Nicholas I would send a special envoy who supported reform to visit Wallachia. Why? Maybe there is such a good thing!

But Muraviyov's words are all about this, which makes it difficult for him to answer the words. If he continues to test, he will seem a bit petty, but if he doesn't continue to test, what if this guy is a cliché?

Li Xiao's mind was spinning fast, he knew that he had to make a choice as soon as possible, everything was easy to say if he made the right choice, but it would be troublesome if he made the wrong choice.

After pondering for a while, he asked straightforwardly: "General, as His Majesty's special envoy, what exactly are you here to inspect? Don't blame me for being paranoid. The main reason is that the previous special envoys came and went. It’s better, this makes us people feel uneasy!”

Muraviyov looked at Li Xiao in surprise, because he also knew what the answer he gave just now would lead to. He felt that Li Xiao's level must be a dilemma. In fact, he did it on purpose. I want to see the level of reformers in Wallachia and see if they are really that powerful.

From Muraviyov's point of view, it is very likely that Li Xiao will say that he is fooling around on this topic, and then look for another opportunity to test him. As for whether Li Xiao would honestly confide in his heart, this Muravyov was not sure. If Li Xiao did this, then he must educate this child well, and he must not be so reckless!

But the answer Li Xiao gave was even more perfect than the best answer that Muraviev estimated. It is impressive.

Now the old man feels that it is not without reason that Alexei was able to make a career in Wallachia. Even his subordinates have such a level. Where can the master go again?

Thinking of this, Muraviyov sighed in his heart: [Sure enough, talented people come out from generation to generation, and the new generation is better than the old ones! 】

He felt that he was really born in the wrong era. It would be wonderful if he could be twenty years younger and carry out reforms with young people like Alexei and Li Xiao!

But he wasn't particularly depressed, because it's better for a newcomer to beat an old one than to have no successor, right? In the past decade or so, faced with Nicholas I's totalitarian rule, and seeing those who supported the reform end up dying or have no way to serve the country, who can understand the pain in his heart?

And now a group of more energetic and capable young people have stepped forward, which is a great thing for Muraviyov. At least he doesn’t have to worry about having no successors and Russia will be plunged into darkness until it is destroyed. !

Thinking of this, Muraviyov couldn't help laughing, the boulder that had been weighing heavily on his chest loosened a lot, allowing him to breathe for a while...

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